View Full Version : Is The Sludge in my HE Washer What I Think It Is?!!

03-17-2013, 02:49 PM
So I'm noticing that inside the rim of my HE washer, there is nasty sludge. I've found it there before and wiped it out as best as I could but noticed it again today. Is that a natural buildup of dirt etc and all HE washers get it, or is that *something* exclusive to washers that are washing cloth diapers, if you know what I mean? :sick It looks really disgusting, and if it's poo, it's kind of a horrible thought that I'm also washing dish cloths etc in there!
Have any of you noticed this?

03-17-2013, 02:53 PM
My parents have it in theirs, and they don't wash diapers. It's part of what has discouraged me from looking at an HE washer.

03-17-2013, 03:19 PM
Not all poop, not all of it, at least.

03-17-2013, 05:54 PM
Yes I've noticed it in mine. Cleaned it really good every few weeks now. I wonder the same thing.

03-17-2013, 06:20 PM
You can buy kits at the store to maintenance your HE machine. The Tide one is so strong, I felt sick the whole day after using it (really powerful bleachy smell). The other brand I tried was better but I can't recall the name.

I noticed a difference in the smell of the washer and clothing after using these.

And next washer we buy will NOT be a HE :no