View Full Version : Resources for AP twins?

03-01-2012, 03:25 PM

I just found out that I am pregnant with twins and am a little shell-shocked at the moment. Does anyone know of any AP books/websites that are specifically twin-focused? I have a 2 yo at home and right now my biggest concern is how to do this without giving up on my parenting values!


03-01-2012, 03:31 PM
Congratulations! :heart LLL sells a book called Mothering Multiples (http://store.llli.org/public/profile/205)

03-01-2012, 03:54 PM
Congrats! And opt-in to 'Cradled' for even more suggestions. ;)

03-01-2012, 04:27 PM

I'm still feeling the shell-shocked part, and I'm 24 weeks along with twins (and I have a 21 month old). "Having Twins" by...Elizabeth Noble, I think, is pretty good, too. There's a Yahoo group called AP Multiples, I think. I just joined a couple days ago.

You might also take a look at the twin Brewer diet recommendations. It's not specifically AP, but I'm trying to follow it, looking at the success rate of having good birth weight, full term twins, and how that will affect breastfeeding success.

03-01-2012, 04:35 PM
The author of "Mothering Multiples" has a website too - http://www.karengromada.com/. There are several moms of twins on the board here too. Mine are 16. :)

03-01-2012, 07:40 PM
Congrats!!! My twins are turning 9 this month. My best advice is, think outside the box. Instead of using a co-sleeper we built a "cosleeper" that we could put a standard twin mattress in, it gave us enough space to co-sleep with them. That's just one example, I found I did lots of looking at what worked well to AP a singleton and then looked outside the box to figure out how to adapt the idea for 2 babies.

03-01-2012, 08:20 PM
:congrats :hug