View Full Version : Getting diapers soft?

01-03-2012, 07:28 PM
Hi, all! I'm new to GCM and new to cloth diapering. Very excited about both projects. :)

I have a question about how to keep prefolds soft. Mine sometimes start to feel a little scratchy and I worry that might be irritating for the bambino. Are there ways to keep prefold diapers soft as they get a little worn?

I have a front loader, use Ecos detergent or soap nuts, occasionally add vinegar to the rinse cycle. And go back and forth between using the sanitary cycle and a regular cold cycle, always with pre-rinses and extra rinses at the end. Then I sun dry about half the time and dry in the drier the other half. When the sun makes them crispy I do soften them in the drier but the actual fabric can still feel kind of scratchy. Maybe it's how I'm washing them?

Thanks for the feedback!

01-03-2012, 08:14 PM
Do they feel softer the times you add vinegar? That's the only thing I can think of. :hmm Do you have hard water?

01-29-2012, 09:21 AM
As my diapers aged, they were just not as soft as they used to be. Vinegar helped a little. Once in a while, I'd use a touch of seventh generation fabric softener just on the prefolds. It didn't deem to affect the absorbency at all, but it really helped.

01-30-2012, 06:24 AM
Try using dryer balls. They will not only soften your diapers, they'll help them dry faster, so you'll be using less energy for your dryer!

The sun totally makes prefolds crispy and uncomfortable- when you throw them in the dryer after line-drying, make sure they're still a little wet, or you're throwing a wet towel in with the load. The steam in the dryer is what will soften them up after hanging in the sun.

01-31-2012, 10:06 PM
I read once that the Ecocover fabric softener can really help with that. BUT, I haven't tested that out myself. But google it just to double check.

01-31-2012, 10:08 PM
I've bought diapers that were softend with ecover fabric softener, and they are HEAVENLY soft!! I've been meaning to get some, but I can't get it locally. :(