View Full Version : toddler diapers/covers

10-09-2011, 03:38 PM
I am so, so so out of the loop. I stopped using cloth about 6 years ago and want to start again with my new toddler (ironically about the same time i switched to sposies with my first :doh)

he's about 25lbs and my last baby so i dont want to invest TOO much money on diapers to start up. I half about half a dozen fitteds coming, an AIO, a pocket diaper.

I need to know what the good covers are for a bigger baby first off. I don't even remember what we used before :bag

Would you go with prefolds and snappis or with more fitted diapers. prefolds would be cheaper, but since i don't need a lot of diapers like i would with a newborn buying used fitteds wouldn't be a problem :think

10-09-2011, 03:44 PM
We're still using prefolds at 2.5 and don't plan on stopping. For covers, Thirsties and Rumparoos.
Posted via Mobile Device

10-09-2011, 03:57 PM
I think prefolds because at that age they can wriggle out of the fitteds pretty easily (at least mine can).

10-09-2011, 04:00 PM
My favorites are fitted pockets because they were eaiserto put on a moving toddler. The snaps seemed better then velcro at keeping the diapers on him.

10-09-2011, 05:22 PM
I LOVE my blueberry cover it still fits my 45 lb 4 y/o with room left over it is a onesize also but set at the smallest size it covers princess almost all the way to her chest and even over lapping velcro tabs it is almost to big around for her and she is 10+ lbs now

10-23-2011, 12:42 PM
We primarily use Econobums covers over trifolded prefolds for our 28(ish) lb toddler. They're fairly cheap, and have been pretty much bulletproof for us.