View Full Version : Anyone else not like Fuzzi Bunz?

07-16-2011, 06:17 PM
I'm so disappointed in Fuzzi Bunz. I ADORED my Fuzzi Bunz with ds1, but not long after that, they switched over to their new style, and I've never liked them. I've just had constant bad luck. I bought a small FB when ds2 was first born, and constantly had leaking and weird fitting. I decided to give it another chance and order some mediums a few months ago. One, I only washed three times and the elastic in both legs is GONE. The other still has elastic, but no matter how I fit it, the leg holes sag and he just pees right out the legs. The one-size Fuzzi Bunz fit properly, but even when I stuff it well, he soaks through parts of the diaper.

So am I the only one? I have a big stash of large FB from ds1 that I'm looking forward to ds2 fitting into, but this newer style is just awful for us.

07-16-2011, 07:49 PM
We have the same issues! I sold all but one of our FBs. I have a OS one left that I am going to try to save until our new baby comes so I can try it on a little baby. I don't know if I'll be able to keep myself from selling it for that long though!

07-16-2011, 07:54 PM
I've had issues with my newer ones. :yes2. You can replace the elastic but we shouldn't need to! And, with all synthetics, after a few years I just canteen get them clean. I've switched to 100% prefolds.

07-16-2011, 07:55 PM
They did switch their manufacturing to China awhile back...

I never 'got' FBs. They're just pocket diapers.
Posted via Mobile Device

07-16-2011, 08:04 PM
Yep. I got them for Hawk, and loved them. But when I got them out of storage - in a drawer in my bedroom - for Chickadee the elastic on all of them was shot. I called and complained, and they replaced them with seconds. The elastic on those didn't last either, and I just gave up. That batch also just never worked as well - lots of problems with wicking.

07-16-2011, 08:07 PM
Sad! They aren't my favorite because the mediums just seem huge... but I LOVED my smalls and haven't had any elastic issues. But mine are the ones sold through Target on-line... only available in a few colors. Maybe they are older?

07-16-2011, 08:09 PM
:nails I hope the ones I have in storage are still ok.

07-16-2011, 08:15 PM
I like the one size Fuzzi Bunz, but I'm not a fan of any of the other versions of FB.

07-16-2011, 08:30 PM
I've only ever used the OS but I like them. I've been using them for just over a year and I think they've held up pretty well. Not sure if they'll make it through more than one more child, but we've worn them hard. 14 diapers worn almost exclusively for quite a while just get worn.

Honestly though I am liking my cotton fitteds (the GMD cotton prefolds just sown in a fitted shape! I luuuurv them!) and home made wool covers. I am working on knitting more covers and slowly purchasing more of the fitteds so I can primarily use those and save the FB for...I don't know, really. :shrug Plus my first stayed little for a long time and I don't think the FB would have fit at all before 4 or 5 months (started using them at 6 months and they were pretty big and poofy then, though the waist and legs fit very well) so I just wouldn't plan on using them on a little baby anyway.

07-16-2011, 09:08 PM
The fleece in the few I have pilled immediately and have felt rough ever since. They're now the last resort night backup diaper.

07-16-2011, 10:01 PM
The fleece in the few I have pilled immediately and have felt rough ever since. They're now the last resort night backup diaper.

Is that what pilling is? :doh I only have one, bought brand new to try when I first started 5 months ago. I haven't liked it since it left a rash on DD2 :snooty. It is A LAST resort, always with a prefold between the diaper and her skin.

07-16-2011, 11:37 PM
I had almost all old style and I loved them, I got a new medium to supplement my old petites, imo petites fit better even with a toddler who isn't really skinny. I didn't like smalls until about 5 mths. Oh, I had large too & they were fine. I used to stuff with 2 inserts or 2 prefolds though because DS did big wees.

07-17-2011, 12:17 AM
Considering the great reviews they get I was certianly underwhelmed by them.

We had leak issues and after a few washes the snaps wouldn't work properly, making them pretty useless.

07-17-2011, 05:21 AM
I used them about 5 years ago and always had lots of leaks, and then one of the snaps fell off one of them making it unusable. I went back to flats/prefolds.

07-17-2011, 05:38 AM
Wow, I am glad I haven't bought any new ones! I'm using the way old style ones with pointy tabs and they still work beautifully. I've had to replace the elastic in a couple of them, and one of the snaps fell off one, but overall they are my favorites out of what I have.

07-18-2011, 04:40 AM
Considering the great reviews they get I was certianly underwhelmed by them.

We had leak issues and after a few washes the snaps wouldn't work properly, making them pretty useless.

What she said. We got some for free, but I rarely use them. To me they're worse quality than the cheapo Coolababy diapers I got on eBay. And they're about to go the same direction as those Coolababies...sold on craigslist.

E n J's Mom
07-18-2011, 05:28 AM
Wow, I am glad I haven't bought any new ones! I'm using the way old style ones with pointy tabs and they still work beautifully. I've had to replace the elastic in a couple of them, and one of the snaps fell off one, but overall they are my favorites out of what I have.

Me too. I got most of mine used on craigslist. DS has been in mediums from about 10 months on, and is now 27 months, still in mediums. So they have seen a lot of use, both by me and previously. I have a couple that need new elastic, but mostly they are great.

07-18-2011, 07:30 AM
I don't know the difference between new and old FB, but I do have a few and I don't like them very well. I use them as a last resort when I'm out of all my favorites.