View Full Version : GroVias and multiple systems ?

05-22-2011, 11:12 AM
Dh and I went to the cloth diaper store friday! YAY!! Initially, DH said do whatever you want, just show me how to use and now he's decided to have an opinion (I've been waiting for the opinion to show up - I know better than to think Mr. Engineer wouldn't have one). We looked at Flips, GroVias and Bum Genius (all OS).

So we really like GroVia OS hybirds for every day use and either disposable gv liners or flips with liners for friends/family/out of town trips. How many covers, doublers and boosters do we need? I want to wash every 2 or 3 days. General rule would be 36 diapers so how does that translate into GVs? I was thinking 36+ doublers, 12 covers and 6 boosters. Are snaps or velcro better? Pros/cons of each.

The lady at the cloth store said most people like to have 2 or more systems which seemed a little odd. I would understand more if we were doing fitteds and we could change systems based on baby's size/shape at each stage. Is there any reason for this or is it personal preferences?

05-22-2011, 01:43 PM
:think We have a couple of systems, for a couple of reasons that sort of just developed over time. We started out with Motherease organic cotton one-size diapers, ME Airflow covers, a bunch of BG 2.0, and some prefolds. Baby Weds was born, and some new realities came to us:

Reality check #1: When Weds was born, the ME OS were way too big. We went with the prefolds (and had to buy more) just so a diaper would fit her. So, ME OS went into a drawer for later, lots more PFs were bought (which I decided I really liked anyway) and we tried the BGs.

Reality check #2: Weds broke out when we used synthetic fibers on her, for clothing or diapers. We tried the BGs a LOT, and she always broke out in a pimply rash. Away went the BG's, except for the occasions that we would use them as covers over a prefold.

Reality check #3: Diapers can be addictive! Little by little, I started picking up different diapers and covers- a BSWW here, a wool cover there. Some fitteds, a different type of AIO pocket (still fail), some hemp inserts, some Tiny Tush dipes...

Now with Pugs, we really don't have a system necessarily. I prefer prefolds, just because I've done prefolds 108,000,000 times by now, so my hands know the whole fold-fold-snappi-done routine cold, and so that's my typical diaper change. DH doesn't like doing prefolds- he doesn't typically do diapers (he sees the kids awake for about two hours on the weekdays, and I frankly prefer to do the diapers, just because) so he doesn't really have the folding/snappi knack down yet, so he grabs the fitteds and AIOs (which Pugs has no issue with). The ME OS diapers have been used until shredded with Weds as night diapers, starting around 9 mos old, and while I don't see Pugs actually using them much, that's fine, as he usually wakes up dry anyway.

So, it sort of morphs and changes, sometimes, I think. I do know mamas who have used one system (like all Kissaluvs AIOs) the whole time, and they're happy, but with people with multiple types, there's usually just a form-fitting scenario going on.

05-22-2011, 01:55 PM
i just use BG OS pockets. i also have some old FB XL that i use at night on a toddler that has already bl'ed during the day. for a newborn i use NB prefolds and covers until the BG pockets fit. it has worked well for 3 dc so far :) so no, i don't think there is anything wrong with just 1 system.

05-22-2011, 03:11 PM
We have a variety of diapers mostly because I've been curious about them and picked up different diapers as we've gone along. We have a lot of pockets, but my current favorites are fitteds because they fit DS the best. Part of me wants to switch back to prefolds and fitteds because they're natural fibers.

05-22-2011, 04:31 PM
I might be weird, but we started with multiple systems and then phased out everything but our Flips. We just liked them SO much better than anything else.

We've got 12 covers and 48 inserts, which I know is overkill but many times I've been glad because my mom and MIL like to keep some covers at their houses, with packages of the disposable inserts just in case.

Two Little Birds
05-22-2011, 06:34 PM
We exclusively use GroVias. We have 13 covers, 27 snap-ins and 12 boosters. I wash every 3-4 days.

We were able to use them as soon as his cord fell off. He was 8lb 4oz and 20.5" at birth.

bbl with more.

05-22-2011, 07:11 PM
I started out with one system, started collecting dipes :-) and now am moving back to only one system. The biggest advantage to one system is that it's easier for DH to figure out. The whole "no THIS insert goes with THIS diaper" confuses him, and he tends to stick DD in a disposable if he can't look at what's there and readily figure out what to do. :-) I think some people like to start out with multiple systems, figure out what they want, and then sell off what they don't like. I didn't do this and was fine; the only reason I had to change is because my DD started getting horrible rashes with the synthetic fibers after about 12-14 months of using them. :scratch I have all cotton diapers now and we're much happier and rash free!

I love GroVia! I just haven't been able to afford to switch to it exclusively yet. :-) We have 4 shells and 6 soakers (no doublers). I also have 1 Flip with organic insert, 2 Thirsties covers, and 12 prefolds. I do wash every 2-3 days. When my daughter started cloth at 2 months and until she was 12 months I had only 16 pocket diapers and managed decently. :-)

As far as snaps vs. velcro. I have two shells of each. The type of hook & loop on the GroVias are nice in that they don't destroy the diapers like the velcro on other brands. However, the velcro dipes seem to be a bit smaller. The snap diapers I have feel bigger to me, and I honestly think they could fit a bigger baby. In general, snaps last longer and are more difficult for your baby to remove :giggle, so I prefer them.

06-03-2011, 08:33 PM
I have tried so many diapers I am afraid to admit.

I like having them on hand to let others borrow to try the different types, but I think I should just sell, sell, sell.

I like osocozys. I like pre-folds and Thirsites covers. I like Sandy's by Motherease with wool. I like FuzziBunz and Bum Genius sized diapers. I do NOT like one-sized diapers.

I like having multiple systems, but I'd go with pre-folds and Thirsties covers and wool covers IF I were forced to have only one kind.

Hubby would go with osocozy/BG AIOs if he had to pick one kind. Easier for Daddy. :)