View Full Version : Stash on two continents? *Anybody use Envibum covers? #5*

03-18-2011, 12:17 AM
Since the cloth diaper forum is hoppin' right now I thought I'd throw this question out there...

Does it make any sense to change my cd routine for the 7 weeks we're in the States this summer?

I use pockets normally (10 med. FuzziBunz and 15 BumGenius) and we all like them just fine. But! They take up a ton of luggage space between the covers and all the inserts. I'm planning on using disposables on the plane, but don't want to use them for the entire trip. Would it make sense to order a stack of prefolds and a few covers and have them waiting for us? Cost is somewhat a factor, but with luggage space being at a premium it might be worth it... :think

03-18-2011, 02:55 AM
Whose house are you staying at? I found it way too frustrating to CD when staying for an extended period at other people's houses so I just get someone to pick up a mega pack of sposies at Costco before I come. We are on the go so much when we are home that CDs were a big hassle.

I hate having CDs take up valuable luggage space that could be filled up with essentials from home when we return back overseas.

If you are determined to CD, I'd order the covers & prefolds. :)

03-18-2011, 03:07 AM
See, I love being able to ask a question and there being mommas who know exactly what I'm talking about. My life seems so much more normal :phew

We split our time between my parents and DH parents' homes. Both are supportive of cd-ing so that isn't an issue.

I just have enough crunchy guilt over flying halfway around the world every year that I don't know if I could also handle 7 weeks of disposable dipes! :jawdrop

And we already have an America carseat/Rwanda carseat, so we're practically on our way to stocking two households! :giggle

03-18-2011, 03:37 AM
We have carseats in both places too. :giggle

We stay with my parents & there are usually 12 of us there all at the same time. Trying to CD with that many people & a dad who is kind of laundry obsessed is a recipe for disaster!

7 weeks is a drop in the bucket considering how many years you will likely CD for. :hug

03-18-2011, 12:45 PM
Soooo - if I were to actually buy some prefolds and covers I'm wondering specifically about the Envibum mom4mom cover. I'm been slightly obsessed with the Envibum line since discovering them a year ago, but can't afford the AIOs. Has anybody tried the covers? It looks like I could get away with only purchasing two...I think... :think