View Full Version : Wool Diaper Covers?

03-08-2011, 09:52 PM
So I am researching cloth diapers at the moment, we currently use Pampers and they are ya know, nasty and chemically and not biodegradable (so guilty!), trying to figure out what products to buy. I'd like to just buy one system and go with it, or a combination of similar systems, since we are not made of money.
I really feel a little dorky because my Mom cloth diapered and with 6 younger siblings I have a lot of experience. She used prefolks, the cheap kind found locally, and the little vinyl/plastic/? pants. Also cheap and found locally! My problem is i am over analyzing everything and my brain is numb from reading about different ways to cloth diaper and there are so many brands and what if I don't buy the absolute BEST one????? ack!

One concept I had honestly never heard of are wool covers. Sounds so scratchy and hot and leaky actually. Does anybody here use wool? Does it leak? I like to change as soon as the baby goes, no sitting in messes no matter how small, but still, is wool waterproof? I think the wool covers are so cute but don't want to spend the money if they leak.

03-08-2011, 11:40 PM
I have a couple wool covers and they did well when they fit DS (it's been a while). You just have to be careful about which detergent you use...I think. This post is mostly a bump because I know there are people who know more about this than I do. Like I said it's been a while since I had a baby a who fit the wool covers so I could use a reminder myself.

03-09-2011, 04:17 AM
Wool is fabulous (although I would be lying if I didn't tell you that it does require a bit of work). The grade of wool that is used is very high quality-fine and not scratchy at all.
It's cooler than disposables too. We live in a place with a similar climate to S Cal and have looong hot summers. I've only ever had trouble with heat rashes on ds on the odd occasion we've used disposables.
My favourite are the felted/interlock ones. There are various reviews around for the different brands and it's a bit of a matter of reading around so that you know the pluses and minuses of the brands and trying out a few options so that you can work out what works for your baby.

03-09-2011, 05:48 AM
When we were cloth diapering, I tried both knit wool and fabric wool. The wool fabric leaked, the knit covers did not... at all. The key is washing them gently, you don't want to strip the fibres, and treating them regularly with lanolin (which can be tricky). The lanolin softens the wool, too. It's amazing stuff. If you're only familiar with scratchy wool, then you've only worn wool that wasn't washed properly.

You'll want multiple wool covers (I had three going at any one time). When you do a change, don't put the same one back on. Rotate and let them air. While this might seem like you're just letting a bit of pee dry on the wool and then putting something dirty back on (which is sort of true, but really the wool hardly absorbs anything at all if you change regularly, the lanolin repels moisture to some degree), one of the biggest reasons wool is used for diaper covers is for it's anti-microbial (self-cleaning) properties.

03-09-2011, 05:55 AM
We love wool and prefolds. It is the only thing that doesn't give my DD rashes. High quality wool is not itchy at all, especially if it's lanolinized. I like the different types of different things. Wool interlock is nice and stretchy and good for changing a wiggly toddler quickly. Knit longies are so cozy and comfy and crocheted soakers are super thick and bulletproof for nighttime. Wool requires special care, as long as you follow the special care it will last forever. Velcro and PUL are convenient but they wear out much faster.

The best sources of wool stuff are usually WAHM's and Etsy/Hyena cart rather than CDing stores.

03-09-2011, 07:44 AM
Have you been to Natural Baby? The owner will explain *everything* you need to know about CDing and/or they have free classes & meetings. They just got some wool covers in yesterday (Made locally, not mass-produced or made in China or anything,) which happened to be the first day I convinced DH to go in. He wanted to buy them ALL. :giggle And he was skeptical about wool too. They are very, very soft, not scratchy at all. They have economy packages of cloth diapers too, that come with everything you need.

I've never actually used wool, this will be the first time, and I'm kind of nervous. but I hear that it's *the* way to go. :shrug I've used AIO's before, and they were OK, and fitteds with covers, and they were OK. Heck, even the prefolds weren't that bad. The only thing that made it horrible was not having ENOUGH diapers and being PP & having to wash them constantly & running out all the time.

03-09-2011, 12:51 PM
Wool is good, but requires a bit more care. Fleece is good too, and is CHEAP at Walmart, etc.
I, personally just loved pul covers.

03-10-2011, 07:37 PM
When we were cloth diapering, I tried both knit wool and fabric wool. The wool fabric leaked, the knit covers did not... at all. The key is washing them gently, you don't want to strip the fibres, and treating them regularly with lanolin (which can be tricky). The lanolin softens the wool, too. It's amazing stuff. If you're only familiar with scratchy wool, then you've only worn wool that wasn't washed properly.

You'll want multiple wool covers (I had three going at any one time). When you do a change, don't put the same one back on. Rotate and let them air. While this might seem like you're just letting a bit of pee dry on the wool and then putting something dirty back on (which is sort of true, but really the wool hardly absorbs anything at all if you change regularly, the lanolin repels moisture to some degree), one of the biggest reasons wool is used for diaper covers is for it's anti-microbial (self-cleaning) properties.

Interesting, so if you don't mind naming names, which brands leaked? Or were you making your own? (can one purchase wool fabric?)
I like the idea of a really warm and cozy nighttime option that would not leak because we co sleep and I think my husband will FREAK OUT if our bed gets peed LOL We have a mattress protector so nothing would be ruined but he would be not happy

---------- Post added at 09:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 PM ----------

Have you been to Natural Baby? The owner will explain *everything* you need to know about CDing and/or they have free classes & meetings. They just got some wool covers in yesterday (Made locally, not mass-produced or made in China or anything,) which happened to be the first day I convinced DH to go in. He wanted to buy them ALL. :giggle And he was skeptical about wool too. They are very, very soft, not scratchy at all. They have economy packages of cloth diapers too, that come with everything you need.

I've never actually used wool, this will be the first time, and I'm kind of nervous. but I hear that it's *the* way to go. :shrug I've used AIO's before, and they were OK, and fitteds with covers, and they were OK. Heck, even the prefolds weren't that bad. The only thing that made it horrible was not having ENOUGH diapers and being PP & having to wash them constantly & running out all the time.

Oh yes, I was there two months before they opened! The newspaper had some little blurb about a new natural baby store downtown and I was driving around in circles looking for it :lol
I saw some knit wool covers there last week, kind of looked like the little panty covers small girls wear? See, here is what I have trouble believing, they had HOLES in them! seriously, the ones I saw had really big gaps in the knit. How does the wetness not escape?

---------- Post added at 09:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 PM ----------

When we were cloth diapering, I tried both knit wool and fabric wool. The wool fabric leaked, the knit covers did not... at all. The key is washing them gently, you don't want to strip the fibres, and treating them regularly with lanolin (which can be tricky). The lanolin softens the wool, too. It's amazing stuff. If you're only familiar with scratchy wool, then you've only worn wool that wasn't washed properly.

You'll want multiple wool covers (I had three going at any one time). When you do a change, don't put the same one back on. Rotate and let them air. While this might seem like you're just letting a bit of pee dry on the wool and then putting something dirty back on (which is sort of true, but really the wool hardly absorbs anything at all if you change regularly, the lanolin repels moisture to some degree), one of the biggest reasons wool is used for diaper covers is for it's anti-microbial (self-cleaning) properties.

This actually sounds familiar; I go to a lot of Highland Games and have been cheerfully informed by many a kilted dude that "I've been wearing THIS kilt for five years and it's NEVER been washed"

03-10-2011, 07:40 PM
I have a closet full of new and gently used wool covers I can't seem to GIVE away. PM me if you want to try them for cheap. :smile

03-10-2011, 07:40 PM
Wool is good, but requires a bit more care. Fleece is good too, and is CHEAP at Walmart, etc.
I, personally just loved pul covers.

I see people using fleece but that stuff makes my skin crawl, sadly. DS received a few fleecy footies and everytime he wore them I broke out!

My Mom used nylon pants on all 8 of her kids and never had a problem with leaks or rashes etc. I can't figure out why everybody switched to all the new fangled stuff except it sure is fun

03-10-2011, 08:12 PM
:popcorn I'm intrigued by wool, but we're living in PUL for now

03-11-2011, 07:43 AM

I'm new to wool and want to see what others say too...

03-11-2011, 08:45 AM
I LOVE WOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm going to have to come back later when DS is sleeping and not trying to erase what I'm typing :)

03-16-2011, 05:57 AM
My biggest cloth diaper advice to a newbie is to not commit to one diapering system. Buy a few different types (even just one diaper of a couple) and try them out, see what you love.

When I did the mind numbing cloth diapering research (and I did it *very* thoroughly), I firmly decided which system I'd love and which I'd hate. Funny thing, fast forward a bit, and the system that I loudly declared I'd never use was my main stash. And the system I was convinced would be my love, was the one that I hated. :giggle

And not to mention, my favourite system has changed over time -- different systems work better on different kids, and sometimes even at different times in their life.

So research away. :yes But before you commit and purchase an entire stash of one type of diaper, try a few different types out.

Now on to your main question, the wool question. I've gone through the phases of wool. I do love wool. And there have been periods in my cloth diapering career that I've used almost 100% wool. It's breathable, it's easy to take care of, it's fabulous.

There have been other times in my cloth diapering career that I've used 0% wool by choice. PUL all the way.

I've been in love with wool and I've been "eh" with it.

Again, back to the trial and error thing. :yes Try it out, see if it works for you and your baby and your family. :heart

03-16-2011, 08:00 AM
we love wool! It's very soft, not scratchy at all. It is really easy to care for. It just needs to be lanolized once a month or so. I haven't had any leaking issues. I can usually tell when dd is wet because I can feel the warmth from the outside of the cover. with ds I used mainly pocket diapers, but this time around I'm really liking prefolds with wool & think I will stick with that. I think the wool & prefolds are more breathable, and will last longer.

03-16-2011, 08:15 AM
Ok, I'm back too!

We loved the prefolds (and flats!) with wool covers when DS was young, and we weren't fabulous at ECing yet.

Wool is easy, despite what you might think. Like the other ladies said, you just air it out between wears, and the antimicrobial properties of wool make it totally stink-free once it's dry. You will need some lanolin-enriched wool wash. I know that cloth diapering research is overwhelming, but after a while, you will know what you want.

I agree with getting a few different kinds of diapers. We are now using snapping fitteds without covers.

The BEST THING about wool, I think, is LONGIES!!!!! With other cloth diapers, they are so big and bulky and lots of clothes won't fit over them. When you use prefolds/flats/fitteds, and wool pants, you don't need an extra cover! They are amazing. I would recommend SustainableBabyish interlock (I don't really like my knitted longies...they get soooo pilly!). I got mine off of diaperswappers for a fraction of the price. Andt hey are stinkin cute!

Good luck with your cloth diapering adventure :)

03-16-2011, 06:14 PM
LOVE LOVE LOVE wool covers! they are not only breathable (unlike PUL) but they are naturally antibacterial, especially when lanolized (which you do have to do to them when they start to wick moisture through to where you can feel it outside the cover).

There is more upfront cost and routine care associated with using wool covers, but I believe it's the best for baby's bottoms, and the least smelly/most clean choice for covers. PUL covers got really icky with my daughter. I HATED that pee on PUL smell! Yuck! When you have a peed wool cover, you just hang it up to dry, and it naturally cleans itself and rids itself of the pee odor. Pretty cool :)

03-17-2011, 07:56 PM
Several of you have asked me about my wool covers. I am going to copy and paste a link, or repost it here, if necessary; but this computer is not cooperating. BBL when I can get to my desktop. :smile

03-17-2011, 08:47 PM

03-18-2011, 08:23 PM
hmmm hmm hmm, some good stuff, thank you ladies for all the input :D

we have started a test run of sorts LOL I was at my good friends house today showing her the bumgenius and flip diapers I bought to try out and decided to just put one at him! he was sooooooo cute sitting on the couch in his big fluffy diaper.......and then came that wonderful squirting sound. Yup, he pooped. And I tried to pull the leg open to check and SEE and some leaked out! yikes. hope that was just a fluke.

he went to bed 3 hours ago in a bumgenius. Now I wonder if we will be waking up in a puddle :nails

This weekend I hope to carve out a little time to find and order something wool for night use at least.

03-20-2011, 06:36 PM
Here's what I've got. Gently used are $10, and most look as good as the new. New are $20. Add $5 per order for postage. PM me for questions or more info.


Newborn size: Longies are used; pink is new.


Size medium, 6-12 mo. Striped is used; denim w/ sun is new


Size large, 12-24 mo. Pink&brown is used, purple stripes is new.


Size toddler, 24 mo.-2T new Color is dark purple, same as the purple in purple stripes above.