View Full Version : Baby Love!

01-24-2011, 08:24 PM
Lately I'ver found myself very much in love...again! Except this time, my little love is our baby girl! This tiny person has also captured my love, attention, and affection.

I love to watch my sweet baby sleep and some of my best times with baby are watching her sleep next to me. I like to observe her little noises and expressions she makes while in dreamland. Sometimes she even smiles in her sleep. Lately she's been sleeping in her crib at night, but I love it when she falls asleep later in the morning after the hubby goes to work and I bring her into bed with me and we take a nap together or just cuddle.

Play has become a fun adventure! Shes becoming so alert and active. Her personality is really blooming! Shes laughing more, smiling a lot, and even trying to talk. It's the cutest thing ever! Today she looked in the mirror and for the first time smiled at herself. The way she explores her little world is so awesome and the way she communicates is amazing too! When I'm interacting with her, she loves to touch my face and hair and smile intently at me. What special moments!

Of course there are times when I'm so completely frustrated. She can be very fussy and high-needs and sometimes I just want to scream and pull my hair out. There are times when I'll be changing her on the changing table and she poops or pees right on the table (or on me!) and I'll start mumbling and complaining and she'll look at me and give me her most charming smile! I can't help but just melt when I see her cuteness!

I never thought I could love a baby so much! When I first gave birth, I admit that the emotional 'love at first sight' experience did not occur. It took time to bond with my baby girl. But it didn't take long to realize that I went from feeling disconnected to 'falling in love'. Sometimes I wonder if having a baby ever gets 'normal', but so many times I fall in love with her all over again.

It's hard to believe that this adorable little baby is going to become a cute little girl, then a teenager, and then a young woman. Some day a young man will marry her and my home (and heart) will feel so empty with her gone. I'll look back and think about these early days when she's just a tiny infant and I know I'll look back on those days with longing.

But for now, I am so blessed to be able to call this precious little one my daughter. She is a beautiful blessing and a special reminder of the love between my husband and I that created her. But she is also a reminder of a different kind of love - the love of the Father. I'm so grateful and have learned so much in these few short months of becoming a parent. I eagerly look forward to each new adventure and milestone, but at the same time enjoy the suprises and love that awaits me each new day!

01-24-2011, 08:31 PM

01-24-2011, 08:32 PM
:heart Treasure this time! :hug My oldest is 16 1/2. :sigh I am pretty sure I just gave birth to him recently. But it seems I am wrong and years have flown by. When "they" say it goes by too quickly, "they" aren't lying! :-/

Isn't being in love with your baby the sweetest thing in the world???? :hearts

01-25-2011, 04:08 PM
HI I just read your post! My DD is close in age to your LO. She was due 10-11-10 but she decided to come early on 9-17-10 instead (just after 36 weeks!!) I can understand how you feel, I have fallen hopelessly in love with my little girl!:heart
I was SO convinced that I was going to have a baby boy and had envisioned this bald little boy that I would have...But I have a beautiful daughter with a full head of dark hair! I can't imagine loving someone more, and can't wait for all the things I'll get to experience with her and watch her experience. It is a wonderful journey!

01-25-2011, 04:12 PM
I love feeling mushy lovey dovey feelings for my baby too. I really enjoyed reading your posts. Being a mommy is great, huh?

01-25-2011, 04:36 PM

01-25-2011, 05:00 PM
Baby love is amazing and awesome :heart. I'm in the midst of it right now with my 10mo old and just loving it!