View Full Version : What have I done?

01-12-2011, 09:08 PM
I CDed my middle child when she was around 6 months old and used BumGenius 2.0 seconds. I finally (:blush) went to look through them to swap them and the elastic is messed up. If I pull on them, there is a small ripping sound and they look like they have to elastic around the legs. Oh man. What a waste. I feel horrible. :(:blush What happened? What should I do with them?

01-12-2011, 09:11 PM
my bG 2.0s are the same way. I had them stored in the attic, got them out after about a year, and they were completely useless. I contacted Cotton Babies and they told me to buy some waterproofing spray. :-/

01-12-2011, 09:44 PM
I think bumgenius are notorious for that. I've had the elastic replaced in mine (3 dollars per diaper) and some of them need it replaced yet again. You can find people who will do it for you or you can google how to fix it, I know I saw tutes online but I am not on friendly terms with my seam ripper.

01-13-2011, 01:10 AM
That happened to my diapers from a different company, after going unused for a couple of years.

01-13-2011, 01:45 AM
My bGs had a very short life & I'm glad that I got them as seconds on clearance. :-/

01-13-2011, 12:44 PM
If you're on a CD message board like diaperswappers, some handy mamas love to get a deal on diapers with shot elastic. You're not going to get back close to what you paid for them, but you'll get something, and it makes you feel much better than throwing them in the trash will. :D