View Full Version : Should we go back to cloth?

01-08-2011, 08:02 PM
Hi Everyone,
Mr. Baby was in cloth the first 6 months of his life. We used GMD prefolds and Imse Vimse, Bummis, and Litewrap covers. I LOVED them. He grew out of them at the same time that we were running all over the world (Boston, CA, New Mexico and China in ONE week!) trying to get my husband set up for our expat assignment. Needless to say I wasn't jazzed on the idea of doing anything else, like ordering more diapers. So I picked up some sposies and didn't look back.

Mr. Baby is now 1 (on Wednesday! Wow!). We started with some part time EC as he's pretty reliable in telling me that he needs to go (he gets really fussy and makes and ahhh ahhh ahhhh noice basically for pee and grunts and farts for poo :giggle). We're pretty good at catching and he even woke up with a dry diaper this morning (after I put him on the potty at 2 a.m. because he was SO restless).

I've noticed that the minute I put the diaper on him, he wriggles. It's more than average toddler wriggling. It's like a "get this thing off of me" wriggle. He wails sometimes and I've noticed that when he actually pees in the diaper (if we're unable to catch), he'll cry and cry and cry until we take it off. Sometimes he'll cry when it's dry and I'll just take it off for the heck of it and Boom, instant happy. He loves his nakey-booty time and I'm thinking that the disposables are really irritating his skin. He has dry patches elsewhere so I know he has sensitive skin to start off with.

Do you think we should go back to cloth? Anyone gone back after a hiatus? What were your reasons? Just trying to brainstorm here.


01-08-2011, 11:46 PM

01-08-2011, 11:52 PM
I took a few breaks from cloth. Usually they were a littel reluctant to go back and feel the wet fabric, but if you're already EC, I'd think that would be less of an issue. I'd go for it. :)

With this next baby, I am thinking about doing cloth for the newborn breastfed poo, then sposies when we start food (when the poo is more mushy/sticky), then cloth again when we've weaned enough for the poo to solidify a bit.

01-09-2011, 05:15 AM
we had a break when our world was upside down and went back with success.
at one year, i think you'll be fine.
if you're catching most of it *bonus* you only need a small stash!
maybe get some training pants for around the house. we do that. in hopes our 2yo will have the desire to pull down her diaper and actually use the potty :) sigh. hopefully soon.