View Full Version : Tell me all about wool

11-14-2009, 08:52 AM
Does it always need to be lanolized? How do I lanolize it? Do I ever need to re-lanolize? How do I tell if it needs to be lanolized? How often do I need to wash it? How do I wash it? How do I dry it? What if it's felted? Is felted/not felted better/not better/not matter?

I am full of questions. :giggle

11-14-2009, 09:49 AM
You wash it when it gets stinky which depends on how much you use it. I washed my wool when I was using it about once a month and I did it all at once to get it over with. Once I washed and lined dried it I lanolized it...everytime I washed it. Everytime I used it I would just let it air dry (unless poop got on it)

Felting can be helpful as long as it doesn't interfere w/the sizing of the piece. Some people hate it, some love it.

11-15-2009, 03:18 PM
I wash with a lanolin rich wool wash, so that takes care of both at once. I have a spray lanolin that I use between washes if it just needs a little freshening. And mine hardly ever get washed. :blush It's something I just nneed to try and make a schedule for because I don't think about it.

11-15-2009, 07:07 PM
I wash with a lanolin rich wool wash too. Wash when they either stink or get something on them.

Felted vs unfelted have different purposes. I prefer unfelted because the reason I use wool is the increased breathability for baby's skin. Felted kind of loses that. However, I have used felted wool for nighttime usage because it also has increased absorbency.