View Full Version : When he's the only one not bed-sharing...

Firebird Rising
09-28-2009, 09:39 AM
So, there is JUST not enough room in our king bed for all of us and when baby comes, there most definitely won't be any room.

Cameron transitioned to a toddler bed in July and has been sleeping well there most nights. He asks pretty consistently to sleep in the big bed but isn't upset when I tell him no.

Elijah is night-weaned but still wakes up a few times a night to look for me and snuggle up next to me. He's 17 months. I'd REALLY like to have him sleeping in Cameron's toddler bed but I don't think it'll be enough for him to have Cameron, even though the toddler bed is at the foot of our bed. He'll only be 19-20 months when baby comes so I'm not sure he'll have transitioned by then.

This morning, Cameron climbed into our bed at 3am and wouldn't leave. It's really hard on DH when he does this b/c DH is pushed to the very edge and it hurts his shoulder to sleep on his side, which is all he can do when there's ANOTHER one in there.

But I don't really have a good reason why Cameron shouldn't be in our bed except that NO ONE sleeps well, including him.

What would you tell him?

10-01-2009, 11:08 PM
That's a tough spot. :think

I have not been there, the 4 of us snuggle up in our king. One side is dh and ds and the other side is dd and I. There is about a 2-3foot gap in between us most nights. :giggle Ds pushes dh to the very edge and I sleep against the other edge to protect dd from ds's flying legs. :giggle

10-02-2009, 04:59 AM
your guys are pretty little yet. honestly, I'd help your dh find a different place to sleep, where his shoulder won't hurt. with a new baby coming, I'd also encourage C to sleep in the other bed with your dh when he feels a need for comfort...:think maybe even transition E to sleeping with dad instead too.

10-02-2009, 05:03 AM
I'd get rid of the toddler bed all together & get a twin or double that an adult can sleep comfortably in. We've found with the more kids we have, a divide a conquer routine where the adults sometimes sleep in different beds each with their own set of kids helps everyone to get a better nights sleep.

Firebird Rising
10-02-2009, 07:13 AM
We have a tiny 2 bedroom apartment and the other room is STUFFED with things. We could barely fit the toddler bed in and snug it up to ours.

I really need DH in bed with me. He helps with Elijah when I have to work early (4:30am) and the times I randomly wake up in the middle of the night to eat a bowl of cereal.

My husband is 285 lbs and I am not a small person either. He can't sleep while hot and Cameron tends to snuggle to the point of smothering.

Our real goal is to put them in a bed together at the foot of our bed. Before that happens, though, I'm sure that Elijah will end up on DH's side for a while as well.

I'm not really looking for different configurations, just trying to figure out what to say and how to explain it. Some nights, he seems frustrated, some he doesn't.

AND the biggest issue faced while he's in his own bed is he CAN'T FIGURE OUT HIS BLANKETS! It drives me crazy but last night I tucked them in differently and he didn't wake me up ONCE.

jen D.

10-05-2009, 07:42 PM
We were in a similiar situation awhile back - we moved DD#1 awhile ago because even though we have a king size bed there were many nights we weren't sleeping - it was horrible. Now she sleeps for the most part in her room and in the wee hours of the morning we still deal with our little night time ninja.

I think the best thing that we've found is to make it her/his idea to sleep somewhere else. Whenever she walks to her room and decides she's going to sleep there its usually for a good 8 hours...when she decides she wants to go into our room and we move her its a back and forth constantly thing...

Since you have a tiny place and stuff you should try to make it all in one room. Perhaps having both boys sleep in one bed together (twins are small for us but not for little kids they could easily share that!) and you could get some cool fort like stuff or tents to make it more fun...

Make it his idea to sleep somewhere else;) See if that works!