View Full Version : 2,5 in her bed

09-24-2009, 05:07 AM
My 2,5 yo starts the night in her bed, but 2 hours later heads into our bed. It's getting to the stage where I would like her to stay in her bed. She moves more and I just want more space. Any ideas?
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09-24-2009, 05:46 AM
Where is her bed? Is it in a separate room, or in your room? Can you move the bed, or at least the mattress, so that it is right next to your bed and you can hold hands or rub her back if she wakes up?

09-24-2009, 07:46 AM
When we wanted my son to stay in his bed we just started taking him back to his own bed & one of us would lie down with him until he went back to sleep. He started staying in his own bed.

09-24-2009, 08:07 AM
We moved Ellie into her own room around her second birthday. We got her a full size bed, new bedding, and made a huge deal about it. :lol She helped us shop for a mattress and bedding and was excited to sleep there. We started taking her back to her own bed when she woke up, and one of us would lay down with her again till she went back to sleep. She nightweaned around the same time, and DH often spent most of the night in her bed. She sleeps there all night most nights now, without either of us. :tu If it hadn't gone so well, we would have let her come back to our bed until she was ready.

09-25-2009, 04:17 AM
She shares a room with the 5 yo. Right now, i wait until she is asleep and put her back in her bed. It seems I'm on the right track.
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