View Full Version : Siblings sharing beds

09-17-2009, 06:03 PM
I'm really just thinking ahead here. I think Caden would love to share a bed with Jon, when he's old enough to do so. Practically, when though? I'm guessing we'll be after 18 months when we night wean Jon, but is that too soon? How do you keep them from keeping each other awake? Do they go to bed at the same time? What about when someone is sick?

Any takers to help me plan ahead?

In part we'll need to decide whether or not we give Caden our queen so that we can add Jon to it or whether we'll hold onto our bed, after tax season.

09-17-2009, 06:09 PM
My oldest two (who currently have a "sleepover" every single night on the floor of ds2's room) first slept in the same bed when my oldest was four and my middle son was two. They went to bed at the same time.

My youngest is over 3.5 and still isn't able to sleep with them because he can't settle.

09-17-2009, 06:14 PM

09-17-2009, 08:24 PM
If I remember right, Noah and Leo started sleeping in the same bed right around Leo's 1st birthday. At that age with Leo, I just did separate ends with them and as Leo got a little older they would be side to side.

Since then they pretty much go back and forth between their bed and mine, depending on where they fall asleep. Most nights, if they wake up, they end up in bed with me and Greyer, but about half the time they both start out snuggled up together in their room.

I always thought it would encourage bonding. I haven't seen that yet, but I'm hoping!!! :giggle

Naked Camper
09-17-2009, 08:37 PM
Malachi and Corban share a bed. Well, Cor comes to my bed in the middle of the night. We put them together when Cor was 15 months. Sooner than I would have liked, but we has to make room for Asher in our bed.

Malachi goes to sleep in his bed and Corban still is held to sleep out in the living room and we transfer him to bed once Chi is sleeping.

09-17-2009, 08:51 PM
Cutie Pie has been sleeping with a sibling (it rotates :giggle) since she was about a year. I usually nursed her down and then put her to bed. Since Shrimp has been born, the bigger kids take it upon themselves to take her to bed with them. I just ignore the giggling, and she'll come find me if she can't go to sleep without me. :)

09-17-2009, 08:54 PM
My girls started sharing a double bed when DD2 was a little less than 2 and DD1 was 3.5. They do go to bed together, and I'm in there until they go to sleep, since the younger one still likes to nurse to sleep. I'd probably still need to be in there, though, to keep the bedtime antics to a minimum. If DD2wakes in the night wanting to bf, I will either bring her into our bed, or I will crawl into bed with them. Both ways, it's pretty easy for all of us to get back to sleep.

If only one is sick, one of the girls will sleep with us (usually the sick one, so she can be cared for more easily), and one will sleep in her own bed. When they're both sick, as happened earlier this week, they both sleep together just like normal. It's both easier and harder that way. It's easier in that they're both in one place and can be parented together. It's harder when a toddler that's both sick and extremely tired just can't hold her emotions in any longer and wakes up her similarly sick and extremely tired sister who then also can't hold her emotions in, and mommy just ends up crying along with them both. :shifty

09-17-2009, 09:32 PM
Ds2 used to sleep with ds1 when he first transitioned out of our bed at 2 yo; later on they would sometimes sleep together, sometimes apart. Ds3 has always preferred to sleep alone (unless it's with me :) ). Currently, ds1 and ds2 take turns sleeping with dd1. Eventually they'll have to move back to their own beds when dd2 is old enough to move out of our room and in with her sister.

Everyone currently does *have* their own bed, even if they aren't sleeping in it, so if they're sick, or just needing space that night, they can go sleep alone. We also have a futon in our room that is available if someone needs it, and they all know that they are always welcome to grab their sleeping bag and put it on the floor of our room if they want.