View Full Version : The Psychopathic School

07-23-2009, 05:39 AM
Here is a link to this speech online: http://www.theroadtoemmaus.org/RdLb/21PbAr/Ed/GattoPsyPathSchl.htm

One thing that sticks out to me is that he wrote it in 1990 when I was still 10 years old ... I wish this stuff was talked about more back then! I think by bringing education back into a natural rhythm with the rest of our life, rather than compartmentalizing it, it will be a lot more relevant than the way my public schooling went. Anyone have thoughts on this speech? :popcorn

07-23-2009, 11:22 AM
I have so many thoughts that I cannot isolate any to have a real discussion about it. :giggle I have the book that's taken from, and I cannot recommend it enough. It was instrumental in solidifying my plans to homeschool. :heart