- "Mommy Buzzards are...
- looking for a poem
- Transistioning from Home/Unschooling to School-Building Schooling. . .
- Took action today!
- It's a miracle!
- Homeschooling success
- A decision (update on my post on temp. board)...
- Eye problems? Dyslexia?
- It is so great to have this forum back
- Independent learning
- Calvert
- Roll-Call: Relaxed/Unschool
- looking for ideas for preschool at home
- Our Science lesson for the day!
- Trying to decide - Sonlight vs. FIAR
- what are you using (learning materials-wise)?
- Who has pre-high school students?
- Anyone have high school students?
- Anyone doing anything special for Passover week with school?
- Quote in kindergarten graduation invite -- appropriate or not?
- Any other "school-at-home" homeschoolers?
- Homeschool decision...
- Teachers Hate Us!
- Re: Science base arrived today
- Fun website for pre-reading kids
- Playing Catch up...
- I am ashamed...
- Homemade Alphabet Manipulatives Game
- Eclectic misfits check in here ...
- Edhelper
- why are you unschooling?
- What about socialization?
- Anyone have a copy of the list for using KONOS and WTM together??
- For amblesideonline users...
- un/homeschooling internationally without a library?
- Math-U-See
- How do you get started?
- NC Homeschoolers??? Please read...
- What is your most ESSENTIAL homeschool tool...
- Math for kindergarteners? Arg. . . .
- Phonics for 5 yo?
- How to answer...."I don't get this homeschool thing?"
- Comparing methods
- HSing more than one
- Unschooling is working already!
- This is school, right?
- Book-It
- Help me to choose a math curriculum
- Talk me down. Tell me no! Apply the 5 steps!
- Humor
- teaching drawing book?
- Math Tip Greater than less than
- Is Elijah Co out of business?
- What is your homeschool's name?
- I feel dumb asking.....
- Heather (NC)
- the 'aha' moment just didn't come.....
- How can I determine my DD's learning style?
- Looking for a NON christian hs curriculum
- Spelling help???
- What do you do with toddler siblings?
- arrgh, I have no idea....
- Story of the World???
- Thomas Jefferson?
- Anybody here use the Weaver Curriculum?
- computer game recommendations
- I want to HS my 5 y/o.
- Need advice. . . history
- Update about deciding to Homeschool Angela...
- The curious child
- How would you react?
- Waldorf Education
- Chapter books to read aloud to 6yo boy
- Need info on teaching 7 yr. old German
- music for the music-less
- Just got my new Sonlight catalog...I am drooling!
- Reading Alone
- Anyone with High Schoolers would you mind recounting your years
- The last off comment from my mother
- Ok...placed my order!
- First Real Homeschool Trip
- go easy on me...anyone go through charter school?
- when did you start foreign language?
- Curriculum decision revisited...
- Sonlight K Book List?
- Anyone read A to Z Mysteries?
- Pros & Cons of Kindergarten
- Anyone use Reason for Spelling?
- History again
- For those of you who just can't decide..here's a babystep
- Just ordered my curriculum!
- Free Gardening Kit
- Learning at Home by Ann Ward
- Chapter books
- My Fathers World?
- winter blues, preschool
- Where to buy for a 4 year old
- A ? for the self-titled "Sonlight losers"...
- I was feeling so down
- rod and staff
- Montessori
- i think i hate my local bookstore (vent)
- Cute post on teaching english...
- Foreign Language for Preschoolers
- Dawdling
- Ambleside? Christine and others?
- Making math meaningful
- Foreign lang. ?
- more than 1 foreign lang?
- Apparently, semantics can mean everything
- "Pocketful of Pinecones" by Karen Andreola
- Developmentally appropriate for a fourth grader
- Very sad to what 6 yr old dd just told me today (ADVICE PLEASE)
- Japanese
- It came!
- Okay, here is my curriculum order so far
- Homeschooling all 4 children today.here's a peek into my home (updated)
- Central Illinois APACHE convention
- BJU Homesat?
- Program for getting free computers for education (open to homeschoolers too)
- Kdg. round-up and public school curriculum mapping
- Anyone know a good website that teaches the cycle of clams?
- I just got a bunch of computer software from Target....
- I'm taking a Time Out!! Ever had one of those days??
- All right...help me out here.
- Tell me about your curriculm
- Hmmmmm
- Let's dream, shall we?
- Fruit of the Spirit study?
- Our first review is tonight!
- Do you go to homeschool conventions?
- What kind of curriculum/method?
- Anyone use Alpha Omega?
- naysayers, how do you handle them?
- Really disappointed with Sonlight...
- How do you use your public library in homeschooling?
- clay and sally clarkson
- When did you...
- All right...My Father's World it is!
- Question for Leslie...
- Is homeschooling the *focus* of your day?
- Websites that review homeschool curriculum?
- Making Math Meaningful curriculum? Other suggestions?
- nature walks possible?
- When does your school year run?
- Ambleside users -- I need some help!
- Rainbow Resource VENT
- Charlotte Mason book suggestions
- Cute
- (spin-off) When do you *start* your school year?
- Confused and frustrated...
- Illinois Homeschoolers???
- Could you please give me some advice?
- Sewing Machine Fun
- What was that website???
- I don't like reading aloud
- Word to the Wise!!
- daily routine for hsing, aka, how to keep my sanity and not be Supermom
- Statics and Reasons Why Homeschool
- Unschooling and standardized tests
- Argh! I need help from you all!
- Favorite read alouds
- Foreign Language Curriculum / Materials ????
- Christian "duty" to homeschool--a question
- New here and excited to start with HSing
- What to do next year in re to K?
- Muzzy?
- Old earth/young earth
- writing letters
- FIAR question
- reporting
- Need beginner's bible suggestion
- ENOCH convention in Jersey..anyone going?
- Looking for a catalog or website...
- Excited about these timeline figures!!!
- Has anyone used/seen the Little Hands to Heaven book?
- Slow and steady question
- Does this seem pretty typical for a beginning reader/writer?
- Confession time...
- What do you think about ...
- Beginning the school year in July
- I just got the coolest idea!
- Montessori Resource
- grammar for 3rd grade level?
- Help with teaching "same/different"
- 100 Easy Lessons reading Program?
- At what age would you start to worry about this?
- Pro-Homeschooling arguments?
- Anyone use..
- FIAR Info?
- Sonlight Curriculum--some questions
- At what age did you discover your child's learning style?
- Phonics Pathways - mommyTay??/others
- Homeschool mom silliness...
- I got a compliment on the "S" issue!
- Home School Enrichment magazine....grrrr
- Do you 'do' videos?
- Bible Study Resource
- Re: Who is coming Arlington, TX conf
- A few questions (for anyone)...
- Unschooling with CM and the Moores
- Do you have a list of goals for your child(ren)?
- Our latest project: Wild Foods
- Children's Art Contest
- how do I start?
- A.O opnions, please.
- Re: CM Rebellion
- Science vent!
- Dad involvement?
- "can't possibly give child what she needs"
- Hi Homeschoolers!
- Prairie Primer?
- Does anyone out there Homeschool their Preschooler?
- Let's revisit curriculum just one more time...
- So excited!!!
- I don't think I'm cut out for homeschooling...
- Gifted Toddler- need ideas
- Anybody homeschool some of their kids and send some to school?
- Its not that hard!!!
- Has anyone used Weaver?
- Books on homeschooling
- Learning a second language
- Bible history curriculum
- Tell me what I need lol.
- Oh, I'm going nuts and researching homeschooling!
- wow link
- To all the CM mamas
- That's it!
- the ever-dreaded "Gaps"
- give me ideas
- Handbook of Nature Study
- Need standardized test resources - for those who test, please :)
- math ? - 7 year old (very long-background info)
- CM readings online in PDF?
- styles of homeschooling
- Help me make up my mind...
- MOTH and Charlotte MAson
- My unschooling preschooler wants to learn sign language...
- Just a little rave for
- still need a CM list for "early years" -- opinions please
- Scholastic Warehouse Book Sale - 50% off cover price going on during May
- Unschoolers
- Kindermuzik............
- Civil War
- I've got it!
- Has anyone used these?
- Multiplication finally clicked!
- red flag???
- Classical Homeschoolers? Questions.