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  1. "Mommy Buzzards are...
  2. looking for a poem
  3. Transistioning from Home/Unschooling to School-Building Schooling. . .
  4. Took action today!
  5. It's a miracle!
  6. Homeschooling success
  7. A decision (update on my post on temp. board)...
  8. Eye problems? Dyslexia?
  9. It is so great to have this forum back
  10. Independent learning
  11. Calvert
  12. Roll-Call: Relaxed/Unschool
  13. looking for ideas for preschool at home
  14. Our Science lesson for the day!
  15. Trying to decide - Sonlight vs. FIAR
  16. what are you using (learning materials-wise)?
  17. Who has pre-high school students?
  18. Anyone have high school students?
  19. Anyone doing anything special for Passover week with school?
  20. Quote in kindergarten graduation invite -- appropriate or not?
  21. Any other "school-at-home" homeschoolers?
  22. Homeschool decision...
  23. Teachers Hate Us!
  24. Re: Science base arrived today
  25. Fun website for pre-reading kids
  26. Playing Catch up...
  27. I am ashamed...
  28. Homemade Alphabet Manipulatives Game
  29. Eclectic misfits check in here ...
  30. Edhelper
  31. why are you unschooling?
  32. What about socialization?
  33. Anyone have a copy of the list for using KONOS and WTM together??
  34. For amblesideonline users...
  35. un/homeschooling internationally without a library?
  36. Math-U-See
  37. How do you get started?
  38. NC Homeschoolers??? Please read...
  39. What is your most ESSENTIAL homeschool tool...
  40. Math for kindergarteners? Arg. . . .
  41. Phonics for 5 yo?
  42. How to answer...."I don't get this homeschool thing?"
  43. Comparing methods
  44. HSing more than one
  45. Unschooling is working already!
  46. This is school, right?
  47. Book-It
  48. Help me to choose a math curriculum
  49. Talk me down. Tell me no! Apply the 5 steps!
  50. Humor
  51. teaching drawing book?
  52. Math Tip Greater than less than
  53. Is Elijah Co out of business?
  54. What is your homeschool's name?
  55. I feel dumb asking.....
  56. Heather (NC)
  57. the 'aha' moment just didn't come.....
  58. How can I determine my DD's learning style?
  59. Looking for a NON christian hs curriculum
  60. Spelling help???
  61. What do you do with toddler siblings?
  62. B4FIAR or FIAR?
  63. arrgh, I have no idea....
  64. Story of the World???
  65. Thomas Jefferson?
  66. Anybody here use the Weaver Curriculum?
  67. computer game recommendations
  68. I want to HS my 5 y/o.
  69. Need advice. . . history
  70. Update about deciding to Homeschool Angela...
  71. The curious child
  72. How would you react?
  73. Waldorf Education
  74. Chapter books to read aloud to 6yo boy
  75. Need info on teaching 7 yr. old German
  76. music for the music-less
  77. Just got my new Sonlight catalog...I am drooling!
  78. Reading Alone
  79. Anyone with High Schoolers would you mind recounting your years
  80. The last off comment from my mother
  81. Ok...placed my order!
  82. First Real Homeschool Trip
  83. go easy on me...anyone go through charter school?
  84. when did you start foreign language?
  85. Curriculum decision revisited...
  86. Sonlight K Book List?
  87. Anyone read A to Z Mysteries?
  88. Pros & Cons of Kindergarten
  89. Anyone use Reason for Spelling?
  90. History again
  91. For those of you who just can't decide..here's a babystep
  92. Just ordered my curriculum!
  93. Free Gardening Kit
  94. Learning at Home by Ann Ward
  95. Chapter books
  96. My Fathers World?
  97. winter blues, preschool
  98. Where to buy for a 4 year old
  99. A ? for the self-titled "Sonlight losers"...
  100. I was feeling so down
  101. rod and staff
  102. Montessori
  103. i think i hate my local bookstore (vent)
  104. Cute post on teaching english...
  105. Foreign Language for Preschoolers
  106. Dawdling
  107. Ambleside? Christine and others?
  108. Making math meaningful
  109. Foreign lang. ?
  110. more than 1 foreign lang?
  111. Apparently, semantics can mean everything
  112. "Pocketful of Pinecones" by Karen Andreola
  113. Developmentally appropriate for a fourth grader
  114. Very sad to what 6 yr old dd just told me today (ADVICE PLEASE)
  115. Japanese
  116. It came!
  117. Okay, here is my curriculum order so far
  118. Homeschooling all 4 children today.here's a peek into my home (updated)
  119. Central Illinois APACHE convention
  120. BJU Homesat?
  121. Program for getting free computers for education (open to homeschoolers too)
  122. Kdg. round-up and public school curriculum mapping
  123. Anyone know a good website that teaches the cycle of clams?
  124. I just got a bunch of computer software from Target....
  125. I'm taking a Time Out!! Ever had one of those days??
  126. All right...help me out here.
  127. Tell me about your curriculm
  128. Hmmmmm
  129. Let's dream, shall we?
  130. Fruit of the Spirit study?
  131. Our first review is tonight!
  132. Do you go to homeschool conventions?
  133. What kind of curriculum/method?
  134. Anyone use Alpha Omega?
  135. naysayers, how do you handle them?
  136. Really disappointed with Sonlight...
  137. How do you use your public library in homeschooling?
  138. clay and sally clarkson
  139. When did you...
  140. All right...My Father's World it is!
  141. Question for Leslie...
  142. Is homeschooling the *focus* of your day?
  143. Websites that review homeschool curriculum?
  144. Making Math Meaningful curriculum? Other suggestions?
  145. nature walks possible?
  146. When does your school year run?
  147. Ambleside users -- I need some help!
  148. Rainbow Resource VENT
  149. Charlotte Mason book suggestions
  150. Cute
  151. (spin-off) When do you *start* your school year?
  152. Confused and frustrated...
  153. Illinois Homeschoolers???
  154. Could you please give me some advice?
  155. Sewing Machine Fun
  156. What was that website???
  157. I don't like reading aloud
  158. Word to the Wise!!
  159. daily routine for hsing, aka, how to keep my sanity and not be Supermom
  160. Statics and Reasons Why Homeschool
  161. Unschooling and standardized tests
  162. Argh! I need help from you all!
  163. Favorite read alouds
  164. Foreign Language Curriculum / Materials ????
  165. Christian "duty" to homeschool--a question
  166. New here and excited to start with HSing
  167. What to do next year in re to K?
  168. Muzzy?
  169. Old earth/young earth
  170. writing letters
  171. FIAR question
  172. reporting
  173. Need beginner's bible suggestion
  174. ENOCH convention in Jersey..anyone going?
  175. Looking for a catalog or website...
  176. Excited about these timeline figures!!!
  177. Has anyone used/seen the Little Hands to Heaven book?
  178. Slow and steady question
  179. Does this seem pretty typical for a beginning reader/writer?
  180. Confession time...
  181. What do you think about ...
  182. Beginning the school year in July
  183. I just got the coolest idea!
  184. Montessori Resource
  185. grammar for 3rd grade level?
  186. Help with teaching "same/different"
  187. 100 Easy Lessons reading Program?
  188. At what age would you start to worry about this?
  189. Pro-Homeschooling arguments?
  190. Anyone use..
  191. FIAR Info?
  192. Sonlight Curriculum--some questions
  193. At what age did you discover your child's learning style?
  194. Phonics Pathways - mommyTay??/others
  195. Homeschool mom silliness...
  196. I got a compliment on the "S" issue!
  197. Home School Enrichment magazine....grrrr
  198. Do you 'do' videos?
  199. Bible Study Resource
  200. Re: Who is coming Arlington, TX conf
  201. A few questions (for anyone)...
  202. Unschooling with CM and the Moores
  203. Do you have a list of goals for your child(ren)?
  204. Our latest project: Wild Foods
  205. Children's Art Contest
  206. how do I start?
  207. A.O opnions, please.
  208. Re: CM Rebellion
  209. Science vent!
  210. Dad involvement?
  211. "can't possibly give child what she needs"
  212. Hi Homeschoolers!
  213. Prairie Primer?
  214. Does anyone out there Homeschool their Preschooler?
  215. Let's revisit curriculum just one more time...
  216. So excited!!!
  217. I don't think I'm cut out for homeschooling...
  218. Gifted Toddler- need ideas
  219. Anybody homeschool some of their kids and send some to school?
  220. Its not that hard!!!
  221. Has anyone used Weaver?
  222. Books on homeschooling
  223. Learning a second language
  224. Bible history curriculum
  225. Tell me what I need lol.
  226. Oh, I'm going nuts and researching homeschooling!
  227. wow link
  228. To all the CM mamas
  229. That's it!
  230. the ever-dreaded "Gaps"
  231. give me ideas
  232. Handbook of Nature Study
  233. Need standardized test resources - for those who test, please :)
  234. math ? - 7 year old (very long-background info)
  235. CM readings online in PDF?
  236. styles of homeschooling
  237. Help me make up my mind...
  238. MOTH and Charlotte MAson
  239. My unschooling preschooler wants to learn sign language...
  240. Just a little rave for
  241. still need a CM list for "early years" -- opinions please
  242. Scholastic Warehouse Book Sale - 50% off cover price going on during May
  243. Unschoolers
  244. Kindermuzik............
  245. Civil War
  246. I've got it!
  247. Has anyone used these?
  248. Multiplication finally clicked!
  249. red flag???
  250. Classical Homeschoolers? Questions.