View Full Version : Trying to decide what to do with ds4 next year.

Dana Joy
06-11-2009, 07:18 PM
Unless I am led in a different direction, ds, who will be 5 in Sept and therefore eligible for ps K here in Ca, will be continuing at an extremely unstructured preschool in the Fall. Then the plan is to send him to a progressive ps magnet for K when he is 6.

Soooo... should I supplement with one of the ps homeschool options this upcoming year? If I use a charter or a VA - I technically will be able to tap into those resources for him, other people I know have done it while using the same preschool I will be using. It only meets 9-12. BUT is that doing too much- 9-12 at preschool and then some sort of homeschooling? Is it unethical, knowing that he will do k again at the ps?

06-11-2009, 07:21 PM
I don't think it is unethical. If it wouldn't be too demanding, it might be fun. It all depends. I tend to think that 9-12 is plenty, though

Dana Joy
06-11-2009, 07:30 PM
See my dream world philosophy would be that he would "find" the academics on his own just through exposure and that way he would "own" them. That is why I choose the preschool I did. BUT since the only progressive school I can afford is the free ps one, and they are held to ps standards, I worry about the fact that he does not know how to hold a pencil, can only count to 12, and only knows a handful of letters. My gut says relax and it will come through exposure.... BUT I have friends who are doing the charter homeschool thing in addition to preschool for their almost 5 year old boys, and they are getting me all excited about all the "things" you get, art supplies, money for PE activities stuff like that.

Dana Joy
06-12-2009, 09:02 AM

06-12-2009, 09:18 AM
well, how 'restricted' would you be by the virtual school? I admit, the money for PE activities might almost be worth the oversight. How much oversight can you stand?