View Full Version : Bittersweet Milestone

01-24-2008, 11:57 AM
I promise this belongs here! lol I just had to post this as encouragement to other mothers wanting their toddlers to sleep on their own. DS started going to sleep with DH rocking him (instead of nursing to sleep) about 6 months ago. I still got up with him at night to nurse, and he was still only sleeping about 4 hours at a time. Then about 2 months ago he weaned completely (and it was totally his decision, but my milk was just about gone, so that probably helped to encourage things!) He was still getting up about 2-3 times every night, and was either rocked to sleep or went back to bed with us. (We've done a mix of co-sleeping, crib-sleeping since he was a couple months old). Then the past week or so he asked to be put in bed instead of rock (this was such a surprise to me!) but wanted us to stay in his room with him, and after about 15 minutes he asked to rock.

Well... for 4 days now he's gone to sleep, in his bed. About half the time we've been in there with him (naps and bedtimes) but the other half of the time after rocking for a minute, and me or DH sitting in there for a few minutes, he's gone to sleep all by himself. And for the past week he's only woken up once at night! I have to say I was ready for this in many ways because the new little one will be here in a month or two, and I really wanted him to be going to sleep on his own, but it was never pushed. We never even actively tried to help him do this (okay, there was one week right after DH started putting DS to bed, but he clearly wasn't ready so we left it alone and hadn't tried since). This is so bittersweet though, because it means he's growing up. This is how weaning was with me too, and how so many milestones with both my kids have been-walking, talking, eating solids, etc... And it's a little sad to me that he's no longer a baby who needs his mama to help him go to sleep. But how beautiful it is that he's done this on his own, in his time. This experience has really reinforced to me something I've strived to in my mothering, but don't always get right. If we give our children enough love, encouragement, and time, they will do things when they're ready. This has just been such a beautiful experience for us. There hasn't been one tear (okay, on his part, I did my share of crying :O ), and he feels so proud of himself. He walks around saying "Me boy. Me sleep" Meaning that he's a big boy and sleeps in his bed. Oh-it's just been such a pleasant experience. I just wanted to share with others of you who might be struggling with this right now.

01-31-2008, 06:32 PM
The great thing about nursing into toddlehood is that you tend to have fewer regrets when they finally wean...sometimes you are ecstatic!
Now when it is the last one, I don't know how I will be... :(