View Full Version : WWYD?

12-21-2007, 01:00 AM
ds 28mo wakes at least 5 x a night.
Whether I give him nursies or not. (we co-sleep)
I'm trying to nightwean him in the hope that he stops waking so much but it isn't going well. He screams in my arms for up to 45min. Then he eventually falls back to sleep.
This has been going on for 4 nights (but the 5 x wakings has been going on much longer)

My problem is that I cannot cope with 5x wakings and the screaming.
I can cope with 2x waking maximum.

This is really affecting my relationship with DS. I'm growing increasingly resentful, I feel used and even abused.
I'm beginning to realise that what I thought was PPD may have actually been extreme sleep deprivation (he was up 14 x a night at his worst and also went thru a stage of only sleeping if I was sitting up holding him) and that life might have been much better if I had just been able to sleep a bit more.
I now have a newborn (who wakes only once maybe twice a night!!) and 3 weeks on the same 'PPD' is returning with me wishing I was dead and dreading the next day/night (I am on ADs and having counselling).

How can I balance my needs and DS' needs?

DS is clearly sleep deprived but most days he won't nap and won't go to sleep before 10pm.

12-21-2007, 07:42 AM
Is he sensitive to any foods? Because that 14x night waking just isn't normal. Mine are sensitive to dairy (both of them), chocolate (both of them), almonds (my second), apples (my second) and red dye (mostly the first one).

Do I occasionally indulge? Yes, but I know I'm in for about a week of rough sleeping. FWIW, I sleep with my 28 month old too. I dont' think she wakes 5x because I am mostly asleep, but maybe she does. I think towards morning, she dozes and nurses pretty frequently, say between 5:30 and 7 am. But I am SO GOOD at sleeping during these days.

I have/had PPD too, and it could have been from sleep deprivation. I will say that around 27-28 months, I magically start feeling better. I was on ADs still am, but I still feel better than before, despite the still nursing a thousand times.

I dont' know, I made the decision to ride it out , but that's my decision and I had to be OK with it. I don't truly "wake up" it's kind of a twilight sleep, and then sound sleep, and twilight and then sound and so on. I function with it.

I'd look into some sensitivities in his diet if I were you. :heart

12-27-2007, 11:24 AM
I have no idea, but didn't want to read w/o responding.

:hugheart :pray4 :heart