View Full Version : I *know* this, but sometimes I forget.

12-17-2007, 08:22 AM
The right sleep time is so important. Getting babies & kids to bed when they are "just right tired" and not under or over tired solves so many sleep problems.

E's sleep had gotten really bad- waking up several times a night again, needing me. Then twice in the past week she fell asleep on accident at 6pm (bedtime is normally 7:30) and slept *great*. Last night I got her to bed at 6:45 (I am going to have to do some major schedule rearranging to accomodate a 6pm bedtime again) & she only woke once needing a drink of water. Then she slept "in" until after 6 this morning.

I have been struggling with her sleep at night. I have been trying everything I could think of- except moving her bedtime earlier. It wasn't obvious that she was overtired by 7:30.

Almost always when someone here talks about the sleep troubles their kid is having the first thing I suggest is moving bedtime earlier. This was definately a : :doh moment for me.

12-17-2007, 04:37 PM
:yes I had to explain this to my hubby who has kept threatening the boys with early bedtime on nights they are too ansty. I kept telling him that would be punishing ourselves since it breaks the routine. Well, last night he tried to do it, and sure enough, they ended up being awake waaaay past their bedtime. :shrug

I'm glad you got things figured out and will be getting more sleep now! :hug

12-17-2007, 05:26 PM
Wow, that's neat that it's making such a difference! :tu