View Full Version : ready to admit i need help! so tired...

11-29-2007, 08:16 AM
so, E goes about 1.5 to 2 hours between nursing at night. she is 5 months old. she was sleeping 6-8 hours between 2 and 3 months of age. at that point she and i were in a room together with her in a pack-n-play. then we went back home and she still slept this long in her crib, with me in same room. then my husband came home (he was cross-training this summer, so that is why i was at my parents for the summer) and E started this 1.5 - 2 hour thing. i kept thinking it would end (every once in a while she would go 3-4 hours - but that hasn't happened in over a month). well, then she was back in p-n-p as we packed up our house. and then she got her 1st two teeth, and then we moved, and then we put her back in crib. and then she quit falling asleep easily in crib - so she has been in our bed for the last few weeks - and now getting two more teeth. we don't do CIO and i also put her to nurse fairly quickly so as not to disturb the other people sleeping in the room (dh and quite often dd1 as well). any suggestions? ideas to help me get some more sleep? :pray4 thanks for any help!

11-29-2007, 09:38 AM
No advice - I'm having nearly the exact same problem. DS used to sleep great, napped in his crib during the day, slept long stretchs at a time at night in our room, then stopped all that. No more naps in the crib, hardly any naps period, waking every 1-2 hours all night most nights, and so on and so forth. I'm exhausted. I thought it was just a stage but that was months ago. I used to be a huge co-sleeping advocate but now I find myself doubting daily whether letting him sleep with us and nursing him to back to sleep in the middle of the night and all that stuff really was a good idea, when everyone I know IRL has babies that sleep great. I hope someone has some good advice.

11-30-2007, 07:48 AM
I can't help but you both sound like you need hugs. :hug2 :hug2

ellies mom
12-12-2007, 07:09 PM
My DD didn't sleep more than 2 hours straight until she was over a year old. What I did was to put her down in her crib for the first stretch and then bring her into bed with us for the rest of the night. It was the only way I survived.

WI Mama05
12-13-2007, 07:21 PM
I've been through that stage....twice :shifty. Actually, we're *just* getting out of it at 21 mos :O.

Only advice I have - go to bed with her as early as possible, sleep as late with her as possible. Get help with the housework if possible. Take friends and family (if trusted) up on offers help with the kids if possible so you can get extra rest. This too shall pass. There isn't any golden cure for nightwaking, especially with teething, growth spurts, developmental milestones...... :hug2. Just try to keep yourself well nourished, hydrated, rested and healthy.....

You can try things like the No Cry Sleep Solution by Pantley. I've heard that some people have success with it. :shrug :hug2 :pray4

Oh, and with my second.... :cup has been my lifesaver! :shifty Just started drinking it with her (and I think around 6 months too! :O).