View Full Version : G-Diapers

09-02-2007, 09:36 PM
Anyone heard of / used these???

http://www.g diapers.com/gdiapers101

09-02-2007, 09:50 PM
I haven't heard good things....


09-02-2007, 09:54 PM
oh thanks...i missed that other thread.

09-02-2007, 11:13 PM
They sound like the worst of both worlds to me. I wonder what they would do to a septic system? And those new low flush toilets you have to have to have your new home up to code...I can barely get them to flush the toilet paper!

09-03-2007, 09:35 AM
Some DiaperSwappers moms use them as a cover with a trifolded prefold and LOVE them. Apparently, they are very trim and fit well. They are not a savings at all over sposies if you are using the flusable liners exclusively though. I might get a couple for being out and about though.