View Full Version : Community Service ideas - kindergarten

08-26-2007, 07:59 PM
In what ways could my dd participate/serve in our community? Well, really, our family too. Anyone know about Girl Scouts? Or any other programs?

What are some of your families doing?


08-26-2007, 08:12 PM
I found it tough to find structured volunteer opportunities for under 16yos, but Alex is now working with dogs two days a week.

Maybe you could look into a local Roots and Shoots group? There are groups all over, and they do community service/environmental type stuff.

Campfire might be another scouting option, besides Girl Scouts.

Good luck!

08-26-2007, 08:23 PM
I have all boys, but we do scouts. My church also sponsors a lot of mission-oriented stuff. We have called the missions director and found activities that way before.
I have a book called, "The BIG Book of service projects" and it's a Christian book-I'll go look-the publisher is Gospel Light Publications. It's written kinda for small groups of kids, but a lot of the ideas are very adaptable.

08-26-2007, 09:13 PM
What kind of community service are you looking for?

I know nursing homes would love a visitor your DD's age if you took her to visit and spread some cheer. :) Check with your church to see if there are any shut-ins that you could fix meals for, with DD's help, and deliver them together.

If you're looking for a community activity, check with your local chamber of commerce to see if there are any services looking for volunteers.

We've helped with Special Olympics (we took a shift monitoring the halls at their hotel to make sure the visiting team members didn't get disoriented or lost during the night.) You can also do set-up, serving refreshments for the athletes, etc. There's bound to be something your DD could help you do if she came along with you.

There's also a local organization that gives away school supplies and clothing to families once a year, and we were planning on helping with sorting clothes and supplies before the event, but weren't able to this year.

You can check with Toys for Tots and Salvation Army Thanksgiving food box distribution, they always need volunteers to pack boxes and organize things...

Arbor day foundation usually gives out trees in the spring... you and DD might be able to count trees pre-event, or stack papers, etc.

Most communities have community festivals or events that need volunteers in different areas.

Any activity that you might participate in as a family would probably have behind the scenes volunteers. Naturally your 5 year old isn't going to be mature enough, nor would you want her to be doing some of these things during the actual event, so behind the scenes/before the event volunteering might be your best bet. (although if she's your helper, you might find some acceptable things she could do on the big day.)

The Tickle Momster
08-27-2007, 07:18 AM
We did a neighborhood towel drive for the Women & Children's shelter.

Check with your local nursing home. A friend of mine took her kids and some art projects and set up in the common room. The residents were just excited to see some young children. The staff was so thrilled that she came they did the clean up!

You could also have her "adopt a grandparent" at the Nursing home. She could draw pictures, make cookies (help) etc and deliver them.

08-27-2007, 07:25 AM
A really practical way a kindergardener can actually help is by taking a grocery sack and walking around the neighborhood picking up trash. I know that's not "Service Project" impressive, but it is a real, tangible way to help in her community without an adult creating the opportunity.

Mama Bird
08-27-2007, 07:40 AM
At DD's school, there are many, many ways that the kiddos can earn community service hours. DD always earns time for recycling. She is in charge at home of bagging the recyclables (we have a bin for each type) and loading them into the back of the van. She and her brother take turns throwing them into the collection container we have at the grocery store. I second the nursing home idea. In our small town, different groups take a month and have a birthday party one day that month for all the residents who have birthdays that month. What about helping out in an animal shelter or at the vet's office? My sister practically lived at the vet's office during her school years. Maybe the library could use her help with something, straightening shelves, sorting books from DVDs, etc. Another opportunity around here is to help at the Food panty/clothes closet. Keeping things organized, sorting cans of veggies, etc.

08-27-2007, 07:13 PM
What wonderful suggestions!!! I will be looking into all of these options. I especially love the idea of being able to help out in a nursing home as I am looking for opportunities throughout the year, outside of Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Thanks so much!

WI Mama05
08-27-2007, 07:17 PM
A friend of mine has 4 children - almost 2 yrs to 4th grade - and are planning on having a lemonaide stand at an upcoming community celebration to donate for children's cancer research :heart.

tempus vernum
08-28-2007, 04:38 AM
Another idea is http://www.pajamaprogram.org/ Basically it talks about all the children without pajamas. Our state (WI) has a huge goal and an idea was have every child bring a pair of pajamas that would fit them to make it "real" to them.

08-28-2007, 09:05 AM
We've been volunteering at an assisted-living facility for the elderly for almost three years now, and Dexter loves it. He calls all the residents "Auntie" (Auntie Ida, Auntie Rebecca) and they absolutely, positively adore him. I can't think of a more win-win service situation for a 5yo. He does little "acts of service" for the ladies when we visit - empties their trash, tidies their shelves, etc. In return, they fawn all over him. :giggle

We also pick up trash/recycleables in our neighborhood. Dexter is also responsible for the recycleables in our household, and he gets to decide where we donate the proceeds. Right now he's saving money for a 5K walk we're doing for Children's Hospital in October.

Sweet Life
08-28-2007, 03:22 PM
My 5YO DS volunteers in the church nursery with me. It's a perfect fit bc he has a very sweet spirit and loves babies.

We also take part in one-time community service events such as food drives and fundraisers. Last week we did a 5k run (walk, bike, smell the roses, lol) as a family for SIDS.