View Full Version : Restless sleeper

08-13-2007, 11:07 AM
It's time to ask for some help. :help

Punkin has gotten really restless at night, which keeps me awake. He sleeps basically on my chest right now. He usually sleeps very soundly the first couple hours. It can be anywhere from a 2-4 hour stretch. After that, though, he tosses and half wakes up every so often, 10 minutes, maybe a half hour. I usually keep him asleep by patting his back or giving him the bink. But, it really is cutting in to my sleep.
Last night, I tried laying him down on his own. He woke after about 5 minutes. I think I disrupted him by covering him with a blanket, though. He rarely sleeps on his own during the day, so I have little hope that it would work at night.

Any thoughts or suggestions for me? Anything I can try?
I'm a little limited in the ways I can sleep due to some back issues, but I will take any suggestions.

08-14-2007, 04:20 PM
Anyone have suggestions?? :help

08-14-2007, 05:37 PM
not sure about suggestions, but lots of sympathy. P is a very acrobatic sleeper. I do keep a pillow b/w us now when we cosleep, but I didn't cosleep with him as an infant so I don't know what I would have or could have done to make it better. DH still can't stand to sleep with P b/c he tosses & turns, does 180s, kicks, etc.