View Full Version : nursing and co-sleeping becoming a bit of a burden :(

08-04-2007, 11:05 AM
Julia wants to nurse all night long. The position I have to lay in to sleep is pretty uncomfy for me to be in all night. I'm not getting good sleep. I do occasionally flip her over to her tummy right beside me sot hat i can sleep in a comfy position, but it doesn't take long before she wants to n urse again. It's just a comfot thing... It is making it so that it's hard to be intimate with my hubby, I always feel her needing me.

I dont know what you can do about it, maybe some btdt's, what did you do, etc?

08-04-2007, 11:13 AM
Well, have you tried putting a crib in your room and having her sleep in there? It could be that the proximity to your breast is what's causing her to wake frequently for comfort nursing. It's worth a shot - several of my AP friends ran into this with their babies about this age and moving them to a crib in the same room helped a lot.

08-04-2007, 01:05 PM
Erich started doing that at 5 months. After 2 months of it, I moved him to his own bed and he started sleeping through the night.

I agree w/ Katigre, maybe you could try putting a crib in your room and have her sleeping w/ you.

08-04-2007, 01:13 PM
Oh my, do I remember that feeling! When DD #2 was 6 months old, I decided that we HAD to get a crib to push up against our bed. I looked in the pennysaver and found a cheap one and honestly remember the feeling of "We HAVE to get that crib up TONIGHT before I can sleep another night!!!" It didn't solve all our problems with sleep, but it helped a lot. We took one side off the crib and pushed up tight up against the bed. My kids always seemed to like having their own space in bed and I liked having more space and being able to sleep next to DH while still having the closeness and convenience of co-sleeping. DS won't even go to sleep in our bed...he crawls over into his crib before he will sleep.

Good luck! There IS a light at the end of the tunnel!!!

08-04-2007, 01:13 PM
awwwww, I've actually been wanting to do this, but thought I was a bad mama for watning some space. I'm so relieved. NOw I just need a crib. :giggle

08-06-2007, 04:35 AM
awwwww, I've actually been wanting to do this, but thought I was a bad mama for watning some space. I'm so relieved. NOw I just need a crib.

You have 4 kids under 6. If you have to adjust some of your thinking regarding AP in order to take care of everyone and be centered, please do. That's not to say that the amount and ages of kids means compromising the core of how you believe babies/toddlers/children need nurture, but that specific arrangements need not be set in stone.

There are some high need kids that NEED high frequency night nursing and contact. And some who seem to crave it, but actually do better with some mother-imposed structure and limits.