View Full Version : Caleb is moving to his own bed

06-21-2007, 03:42 PM
How do you do it? Caleb has been sleeping with us sinse he was a month old. We live in a one bedroom apartment so there hasn't been much of an option before. But now we're moving and he's gonna have a new bedroom and we're going to be moving him in there when we move. I've talked it through with a lot of people who personally know caleb, and they all agree that it would be best to do it all at once (move to the new house and move him into the new bed) and that waiting until he's used to the new house to start is just going to prolong his upset.

Right now he falls asleep in the livingroom floor on his little couch/bed thing while watching movies. Then we move him into the bedroom into the side-carred crib. Usually by morning he has scootched over to our bed and has confiscated my pillow. But yesterday i got him his own pillow in preperation for moving to his own room and he stayed in the sidecar all night long (just moving his foot over to my side of the bed during the night. Hopefully this will continue.

I'm hoping this will go well. i can see the signs that point that it will do well (he already falls asleep on his own, he is already being side-carre dnow) but then i know its caleb and he has his own ideas and doesn't like being told whats gong to happen.

*sigh* So i have the NCSS for toddlers and preschoolers. I've read through it twice and continue to do so. I would just like input.

My plan is that i don't want him in my bed in the new house. I am willing to stay with him in his room everynight when he goes to sleep. I am willing to go in there and be with him when he wakes at night (even hubby says he will take turns in there, which is pretty big) HUbby did say that he will miss him. :happytears so i was thinking that i would tell caleb that he can come and be in bed with us only when its light outside. I do enjoy him in the mornings, i would just like to have my nights alone with hubby.

I would like suggestions from other mommies who have been through this. I think he's gong to be excited about having his own room with all of his favorite toys. I plan on letting him keep his special stuffed animals in bed with him (which we don't allow now) which i think he will be happy about. I'm getting this light toy (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=002&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&viewitem=&item=120132443645&rd=1&rd=1) that i'm gonna teach him to turn on by himself, and i'm going to keep the room pretty well light with either a night light or a string of christmas lights (blue so its not too bright) I'm also getting wall stickers for him to personalize his own special room :heart I think he's gonna love his room, i just don't know if he'll sleep there. More specifically, i don't know if he's gonna wake up in the middle of the night and be afraid.

I'm sorry my thoughts are so scattered i'm still trying to figure out how it will work. Thanks for listening to my long and rambly post. Any advise (or hugs) for me?


06-21-2007, 03:47 PM
(((((Sam))))) Abbott just moved to his own room last weekend, so I don't really feel like we've made it all the way through the process just yet. It helped him for us to talk about how he was welcome to come to our room if he woke up in the middle of the night and felt scared - is that an option for you? How big is his bed? A friend of mine moved her kids by sleeping with them in the new room for the first week or so, then transitioning to staying until they fell asleep and going to her own room, so that might be another option.

06-21-2007, 04:03 PM
Yeah i was planning on being with him when he went to sleep. Sleeping int he bed with him is not out of the question (its a twin size bed, but i think we would be able to fit in there comfortably) Sleeping with him is not part of "the plan" but i would consider it.

I dont' want him to crawl back into our bed in the middle of the night. I think (with caleb's thinking) that he would decide that he just woke up as soon as we put him down for bed and he'd come back to the bedroom.

in the NCSS book it talks about putting a bell or baby moniter in his room and to let him know its OK to call me if he needs me. but the logical part of my mind says "3yr old + bell = BAD" So maybe telling him that its OK to come and get me if he needs me would be better. And if we keep it well lit with night lights it won't be so scary for him to come and get me..

06-21-2007, 04:05 PM
I understand. Abbott has a mattress on our floor, so that's where he goes when he wanders into our room in the middle of the night. I think it would work just as well to tell him that it's okay to come find you if he wakes up and needs you and then take him and resettle him in his own room. :)

And the night lights have definitely helped him a lot. :yes