View Full Version : I'm starting to get selfish!

WI Mama05
06-06-2007, 12:50 PM
If she would JUST SLEEP! Even for a longer stretch than she is now I think I could handle things so much better! I'm getting so tired of having to go up the stairs every 45 minutes to put her back down. I'm getting so tired of never knowing if I'm going to get a chance to talk to my DH after he gets home from work becuase she's going to wake up AGAIN! I'm getting so tired of the 30 minute naps that require 20+ minute JUST TO GET HER TO SLEEP! I'm tired of having to sit my older DD in front of the TV just to keep her busy while I put the baby down. I'm so tired of not having any time alone in the evening to get ANYTHING done! I'm tired of having to wake up every hour at night to latch a not *quite* awake but protesting baby back on just so that she doesn't fully wake up and wake up the rest of the family which means *I* would have to wake up even more! I'm tired of not feeling like a completely-there mom.

*sigh* ok, that was my hissy-fit. Now back to my regularly scheduled life.

06-10-2007, 08:04 PM
Just wanted to give you a :hug2 I could have written your post when E was b/w 6-18 m. It was exhausting & frustrating, but it did get better eventually. Now my HN little girl is still HN, but she doesn't require as much nighttime parenting.

06-12-2007, 10:38 PM
yeah, that was azi at about 18 months! How old is yours?

If it helps, what i did with azi was - i decided #1 - he would not nurse to sleep. we could nurse at bed time, but it needed to be followed by a book, or me singing while we cuddled. #2 - when he would wake (after 45min) no nursing. he *HAD* to sleep for two hours first. he would protest, and i would cuddle him, but after just a couple of nights - the stretches were almost predictably 2-3 hours long... :phew

But, then - with him, i *knew* it was simply that he WANTED to continue going to sleep that way - it was no longer a need....you'll have to make that call w/ your little girl.. :hug2 :heart