View Full Version : Spanish for grade school?

03-25-2007, 07:14 AM
Does anyone have any recommendations for a (relatively cheap :)) Spanish program for grade schoolers?

Mama Calidad
03-26-2007, 08:12 AM
Native speakers? The only two that I know of are from Rod & Staff and ACE. We've used R&S. It's too school-at-home for our tastes. ACE has such horrible customer service that I gave up before I could figure out what level I should order for DD1. We're doing our own thing with regular books in Spanish.

For non-native speakers, I've gotten several recommendations for La Clase Divertida. http://www.funclase.com/

03-26-2007, 04:40 PM
Thanks! I'll go check that out! Yes- we are definitely in the non-native speaker category! :smile