View Full Version : The deeper implications.

12-11-2006, 08:57 AM
I was just thinking about stuff. . . . .can you smell the burning? :giggle (and, for those of you who know me. . . .. RUN! HIDE!. .. .or just hit "Back")

We all can agree on the consequences of punitive parenting. A skewed idea of authority. A twisted idea of love. The restrictions and conditions put on the work done on the Cross. But. . .. the dark roots run even deeper, I think. Think about people who run the country. Any country. Think about the people who make the laws, and set up institutions. They will all bring their flavor to what they're doing. Not only are there sometimes disastrous consequences. . .. but we're actually shooting ourselves in the foot. Cutting off our noses to spite our faces. How can there be growth, when it is so cruelly cut off right at the start? How much have we missed, because of this restrictive view? How rich could our society be when children are allowed to grow as God intended? The artists. . . the poets. . . .the great thinkers. . . .the inventors. . . the great teachers. . . .

I mean, to limit God in such a way seems. . .. wasteful. Does God want us inside this little restrictive box? Act just so. .. .look just so. . . .be just so . .. .and, if, by any chance, you get this "outlandish" idea, you better squelch it. . . .it cannot be of God because God is logical, a God of order and of certain expectations.

I would love to really look at the informative years of some of the greatest thinkers and doers of our time . . and see just what was/is different. People like Einstein, whose mom wouldn't believe he was retarded .. . but just needed time. And to be 'homeschooled'. :giggle

Just rambling. . . . .. :think

12-11-2006, 09:16 AM
As to the great thinkers - many, many of our great thinkers were homeschooled. I know that there are lists of famous homeschooled people. When you read there bios its obvious that they weren't schooled at home types, fyi. Leonardo Da Vinci, Ben Franklin, (some of the founders of our country) Interesting train of thought. I'm not sure about the earlier years though?

12-11-2006, 09:21 AM
Yeah. That is part of the thought. They weren't *made* to conform to the "norm". Their mothers/fathers, instead of *making* them conform to "normal" behaviour, took the time to help these children develop in the way they were meant to develop. How many kids are spanked or otherwise beaten down because they *think* differently? How many kids don't get the support and the help they need to develop the way God may have intended?

12-11-2006, 09:46 AM
I agree. I also feel that punitive parentingleads to 'abnormal' development. How many times are kids punished for normal behavior? Toddlers not sharing, whining, not sitting still for extended periods, meltdowns, etc. They are learning to conform to whats expected, but not how to handle it. That doesn't support the 'out of the box' thinking that allows creativity to blossom.(JMO, :smile)

12-11-2006, 10:13 AM
:popcorn (My turn on the computer is up, and I want to come back to this. :-) )

12-11-2006, 11:54 AM
:yes ITA, but I think it even goes so much further. How many babies were killed in utero who were destined for greatness, but were instead thrown away? I think that the way our culture views children and it's absense of real protection for them (think of the pathetically light sentences of child molesters/abusers) or Godly nurture is the work of the enemy. I think it's his desire to thwart the God-given potential of all of us, because I totally believe this world would be so different if we did fulfill God's true plan for us.
I know for me personally, I came into adulthood with many scars from punitive parenting that have been obstacles to my success. As I am growing and healing, I am getting closer and closer to living out what I believe is God's true purspose for me, but I know some of my siblings were not able to work past it. My brother is literally a genius (IQ wise) and yet is so held back in his life, IMO because of how we were raised. He doesn't feel he "deserves" to be successfull or life out his dreams. There is so much shame and guilt that comes from punitive parenting.