View Full Version : need help for a friend, moms with special needs please read!!

10-05-2006, 10:02 AM
I have dear friend who is feeling led to homeschool her kids particularly her 2nd grade daughter who is very bright and a voracious reader but also the brunt of much teasing at school. My friend has severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and right now struggles to even get laundry done and dinner cooked so is feeling very conflicted about whether she can take on homeschooling. Is there anyone here who has similar obstacles? I don't feel qualified to advise her as I don't have the same problems. I am sure she "gets" that it doesn't have to be "school at home" but I need some curriculum suggestions that are very self-paced or have videos or something like that. Please help me help her!! Her daughter is very excited to homeschool and I am so excited for them. :tu

10-05-2006, 10:40 AM
A friend of mine uses the Abeka DVD program. I don't know much about it, but my friend has serious health issues (heart problems) and she wanted to be sure that if something came up, her daughter could continue schooling.

Also, Switched on Schoolhouse by Alpha Omega is a computer based program that I think the students can
do themselves.


10-05-2006, 11:00 AM
If God calls her, He will enable her. I remind myself of this every day! Could she hire some help with the housework to enable her to focus her energies on the more important job of educating her children? And incorporate home management skills into her schooling? My goal for my last preg. was that my boys be able to do the laundry with only verbal reminders by the time the baby came. And then ds's diability worsened so that we ended up hiring full time help *(my parents paying; we can't do it ourselves)
:pray your friend finds a workable solution for her family.

10-05-2006, 01:23 PM
From what I understand Robinson Curriculum is a self taught type thing.

10-05-2006, 01:45 PM
I began homeschooling Liam (who we now know has autism) while I had a toddler dd, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue and other health issues. It's not easy, but it's very doable. Her routine is going to need to include lots of down time alternating with sporadic "up" time. Reading can be done while laying on the couch, table work doesn't need to be micromanaged or she can get a little table for her dd to sit next to the couch, games can be played sitting at the table, etc. Her dd can play in the yard while she sits in a chair or lays in a lounger. I'd recommend finding a local homeschooling group for her own support and for social and possibly classroom outlets that her dd won't get without siblings (I"m assuming this is an only child based only on what you posted :) )

10-05-2006, 04:41 PM
I suffer from pain in my right side, due to ovarian cysts. They get so bad I can hardly walk some days. So yeah, homeschooling is doable no matter what your issues are. :tu When it's really bad, the kids help getting whatever we need, I read to them a lot more, lotsa bonding time.

There's a K-12 program, but I don't know if that's a charter school or if that's a home based online program? (somebody out there know?)

You could check out homeschoolreviews.com to find out of any others that's planned out fairly easily.

God bless your friend for choosing to obey Him in spite of her issues! :hug :hug

10-05-2006, 05:34 PM
I have a friend who runs a store and has no time to do one-on-one with her kids for school. She bought each of her kids a laptop and Switched on Schoolhouse DVD's and they LOVE it! She programs in when she wants to do school, and the program sets up a schedule, and the kids can do it all without her.

10-05-2006, 09:51 PM
Bless you ladies!! I'm excited about Switched on Schoolhouse, I told her about it. She was looking at one that was 1400 dollars :jawdrop!! SOS is way more reasonable. Unfortunately her daughter is only in second grade but I have a feeling she could handle some of the third grade level stuff. She also has another son who is older that she would love to pull out of school just because the school schedule is soooo draining and if she is homeschooling one, she would hate to be getting up at 6 am and spending an hour in the car for pick up after school. I know she can do it, I feel so confident I know it is a leading from God for me to be encouraging for her. She actually always wanted to homeschool but just couldn't handle it with her issues. I'm sure God is going to guide her through this. Thanks, ladies and anymore suggestions are appreciated. I will pass them on. :heart :heart