View Full Version : What to teach my 2yo???

09-11-2006, 08:52 PM
Okay, so I certainly don't consider myself a "homeschooler", but thought you ladies would be the PERFECT ones to ask this question:
My dd is 2 1/2 this month. I'm a SAHM and she does things with me all day - help with chores, etc. We certainly play and read A LOT!! She visually knows her ABC's, her numbers, colors, and shapes - just as we've colored and played together over the last year, she just learned - nothing scheduled, it just happened with repetition :shrug

Anyways, since she's my first I really have NO IDEA what she should even know or be able to grasp at this age... Can anyone help me out with this or refer some websites? Thanks!

09-12-2006, 08:32 AM
I think that you will find that if you just keep exposing her to new experiencs, you will be just fine. Go to the zoo, take walks, whatever. Learning at that age is so natural and organic that I would be afaid to even look for a list that might become a stumbling block to all the great things she will learn 'just because'.

09-12-2006, 07:31 PM
I agree with Elizabeth. Kids have their own inborn time-tables, and if you're pushing her to learn numbers when she's geared to learn colors, you'll be fighting against nature. Just by living with you and taking part in life, she'll learn what she needs when she needs to learn it. It sounds like what you're already doing is perfect.

If you really want to do something proactive, you might read Endangered Minds by Jane Healy. It explains how a child's mind is wired and why natural dialog with a caring adult is more ideal for young children's learning than so-called "educational" gimmicks, TV and games. I wrote a review of the book here (http://www.amblesideonline.org/ReviewHealy.html). That book might help you to have a better grasp of how children learn and what you can do to facilitate that.