View Full Version : I'm already being ask about preschool and my son is two

09-07-2006, 06:14 PM
:scratch :scratch

My mom (who I have told we are going to homeschool) started talking today about how she thinks it would be great for David to go to preschool two days next year, and started talking about socialization and learning letters. I told her that we already discuss letters and he'll pick it up as we go, and he has little friends in our playgroup/playdates. Apparently she didn't think I was serious about homeschooling. I didn't expect to start getting asked about preschool when my son is 2.... how peculiar. I bet my in laws are going to start soon because my nephew is David's age and is already in part time "nursery school."

09-07-2006, 06:28 PM
:nak sounds like it is time to break out some :beandip2

For lots of people, preschool is just 'what we do'. They can't imagine another way to do things.

The Tickle Momster
09-07-2006, 09:03 PM
:hug2 You are not alone. My mom did this too. She even went so far as to offer to pay for preschool. I asked her to pay for Kindermusik instead. She paid for 2 months and then stopped. :banghead DD1 would have started kindergarten this week. I haven't heard from my mom yet, but I'm so glad we made the decision to homeschool. Definitely pass the bean dip if you need to.

09-07-2006, 10:47 PM
Ya, I'm getting this as well. Dd1 is going to be 3 in Nov. and many of the kids in my MOMs club have been going to either pre-school or parent-participation preschool 2-3 days per week. And my family is wondering how ever will she be 'socialized'- and 'but she is so social- why would you want to take that away from her?" from my mother. :mad

09-08-2006, 03:54 AM
Oh no :hugheart it's a nuisance isn't it? I'm getting it - from everyone EXCEPT my mum though, who works in education. :giggle

I had my health visitor come and do Jenna's two year development check and she was horrified that I didn't consider nursery school necessary; I refrained from going into our homeschool plans as I figured I'd given her enough to worry about with my resistance to giving the MMR and the fact that I was so keen to put Jenna's brilliant sleep habits down to co-sleeping whenever she wanted / never leaving her to cry! ;) She was genuinely surprised that I didn't see any benefit in pre-school for us, she asked about the socialisation issue and I just told her politely that Jenna has a lot of contact with adults and children of all ages and is a very confident, sociable child whose circle I did NOT wish to restrict to only babies her own age. :mrgreen

She wrote something in my notes. Possibly, "Mother appears bloody minded and generally anti-establishment." ;)

WHAT can a nursery offer a toddler that a full time stay at home parent with a ready supply of (free) activities and groups, and the facilities for messy play, can't?

09-08-2006, 06:35 AM
In regards to the social skills: "Dh and I are satisfied with his social skills, and he gets plenty of opportunity to play with other children. :beandip2 "

If she presses the issue: " :scratch We're not exactly sure which social skills he's going to learn from other 2 year olds that he cannot learn from his father and me. :beandip2 "

If she continues: "Thank you for your concern, but dh and I have made our decision. I'm done discussing it."

09-08-2006, 07:43 AM
I've had it suggested for my 2yo also, from people at church that know we homeschool!

Wholly Mama
09-08-2006, 10:12 AM
Isn't it silly, how people think that fun and learning can only be done outside the home?

09-08-2006, 11:18 AM
In regards to the social skills: "Dh and I are satisfied with his social skills, and he gets plenty of opportunity to play with other children. :beandip2 "

If she presses the issue: " :scratch We're not exactly sure which social skills he's going to learn from other 2 year olds that he cannot learn from his father and me. :beandip2 "

If she continues: "Thank you for your concern, but dh and I have made our decision. I'm done discussing it."

Although I am not sure about others, I am relatively sure she won't push me.... she has some friends who homeschool their older kids. I'm not sure what went through her head when she brought it up. Maybe it was a momentary lapse. I just didn't think I'd start hearing about it so early, so I'll have to get my answers ready.

09-08-2006, 02:34 PM
Wow, that is wild. :eek

Ds is nearly 5 and just starting preschool, but I cannot fathom sending my 2 yo (well, she turns two in 3 weeks ;)) anywhere. Yikes!

09-13-2006, 11:20 AM
I get all kinds of comments from my mom. She seems to have 0 confidence in me in regards to educating my children... Maybe because she was a preschool teacher and director for years?? I don't know... My parents are not real thrilled that I've decided to homeschool. Things I've heard from mom:
"I don't know how you'll do it with four kids.."
"I'm afraid you're not stretching him enough."
"It would be good for him to be in a class full of kids his own age."
"How is he going to get the attention he needs for where he's at when you have other kids that are at different levels?"
and my favorite that both my parents have said:
"Well, he'll have to go to school eventually..."

These are all just so silly to me! WHY would you think public school is the answer to any of those questions??? I don't understand it..
I know I'm really going to hear about it when he's "not keeping up with his peers". I'll be doing that on purpose as the school systems are putting WAY too much pressure on kids during the first few years of school right now!

09-13-2006, 12:09 PM
Isn't it crazy? I'm still trying to figure out why everyone thinks preschool is so great.

09-13-2006, 01:33 PM
My great aunt went so far as to SIGN MY SON UP FOR HEADSTART !!! No kidding. He was three and I get this phone call saying he missed the first day of "school". My aunt had said "headstart is starting their program on (date) and you should take Ben.". I had no clue she signed him up. Infuriated me.

This is what I said to all those who asked about preschool at such young ridiculous ages "Are you kidding me ? He's two (enter age here). We've got plenty of time. The legal schooling age in our state is (age). WE , the parents have tons of time to think things over."

My older two kids went to a private preschool , two and a half hours , three mornings a week. Only because I was desperate for some down time with the baby and I basically had zero help in those early years.
Ben attended when he was five. Becca was four.