View Full Version : CM Habit Formation?

08-28-2006, 07:36 PM
What can you all tell me about habit formation? I have not read the CM Volume 1 yet, which I guess I need to do.
But I already know that we need some major, major work in this area!
What does this look like in your family?

08-28-2006, 08:22 PM
This was one of the single most influential concepts I have gotten from CM. Habit formation is an AMAZING thing! Not everyone likes the concept b/c to some it seems too structured, defined and perhaps even insincere. I don't see it that way at all. I would do well to form better habits myself! :grin

In our home: we are expected to say please and thankyou, we are expected to always help the one's we hurt in the way of making sure they are OK and that we have apologized for whatever it was we may have done to hurt them, we are expected to include others in our play unless their are special circumstances that have already been discussed. So we are in the habit of showing manners, compassion and empathy (which can only be modeled and acted out, not necessarily felt). We are in the habit of being inclusive rather than exclusive.

We say our prayers before we eat (every time) and at bedtime and when someone is hurt or traveling, etc. We are in the habit of praying.

My son is reminded to open doors for others and to always let "girls go first" in whatever activity may be going on. He is working on the habit of chivalry.

When I walk through a door I ALWAYS look behind me to see if there is someone I can hold it for. When there is an opportunity to help someone I usually do.
I am in the habit of being helpful and courteous.

When it comes to school time, we keep lessons short, but expect full, focused attention and best work. We quit working when our work starts to get sloppy, or we start to look around the room and fidgit (ok some fidgiting is allowed :mrgreen). We are forming the habit of attention.

We stress the Truth a lot in our home, because we want to be in the habit of Truthfulness.

These are some examples that I have of good habits. I could give you examples of bad ones too ;) :rolleyes :blush.
I'm sure that many of these habits you may also be developing in your home but perhaps you didn't think of them as habits.
I look forward to what others have to say.

08-28-2006, 08:45 PM
subbing :popcorn

08-28-2006, 08:54 PM
I LOVE CM! I can ditto everything in Kara's post! And that makes me feel good. Except the door thing. We haven't come that far yet.


The Tickle Momster
08-28-2006, 09:16 PM
This post is a huge encouragement to me. Thank you! :heart I'd love to read other's ideas and more of yours Kara.