View Full Version : What would goals for K be?

08-09-2006, 09:17 AM
I made a list of reasons I want to hs.
1. to give M the best education possible
2. I feel called by God
3. DH and I should be his primary influence, not peers
4. I like being around him
5. no fund raisers
6. flexibility

I was thinking of what goals would be for kindergarten, maybe
1. that M be able to count and write numbers 0-100
2. write upper and lower case letters
3. know the calendar
4. know time, hour and half hour
5. know basic money
6. reading

Do you have anything to add to this goal list?

I'm thinking that my long term goals for my children are that they love the Lord and know Jesus as their personal savior and be well educated and know how to find any inforamation they need.

What are your long term goals?

08-09-2006, 12:17 PM
I was thinking of what goals would be for kindergarten, maybe
1. that M be able to count and write numbers 0-100
2. read upper and lower case letters
3. know the calendar
4. know time, hour and half hour
5. know basic money
6. reading
7. start learning to write letters, if shows interest
8. get in with local homeschooling groups or just friends with kids for playdates... "socializing" started early

I changed your list to my thoughts. ;)

08-09-2006, 12:27 PM
Here's a kindy typical course of study (http://www.worldbook.com/wb/Students?curriculum/kindergarten). :-)

08-09-2006, 12:33 PM
I think that a kindergartener can do well with Saxon Math One (rather than using kindergarten curriculum), if you choose to go structured for math.

Introduce maps and globes and give him time to explore them and ask you questions.

Read a little bit about American history. This year you can use the smaller elections in November as a unit study.

08-09-2006, 12:35 PM
Here are my goals for Kindy:

keeping a rhythm and routine to each day
spend lots of time in nature every day
enjoy the holidays and festivals of the year
celebrate the seasons
create beautiful stories to enrich and teach on her level
create some puppets for use for story time
learn finger knitting
bake some creative things like gingerbread men for stories we are doing
bake bread each week
take dd to places like the zoo and the market to learn social skills
continue to do watercolor painting and beeswax crayon drawings each week
provide beautiful and nutritious homemade snacks and meals

Long term goals for kindy or for life?
To model for my children a way of loving life, order, nature, God, family, and others, so that someday they will easily walk in that way themselves. To watch and study the development of their bodies, soul, spirits, and minds to know when they are ready for concepts to be introduced and to always work on meeting them at that level of development.

08-09-2006, 01:14 PM
When I am deciding on curriculum and a year's goals I always find out both a. what the local schools require of their students and b. what the state mandates are.

Now, I'm a pretty crunchy mamma and keep in mind that the reason I also figure in the above 2 items is just in case something happened to me (like I die suddenly or for some unforseen reason we are not able to homeschool anymore). I want to make sure that my kids would not be totally lost if we (or just hubby) had to send them to the Christian school at our church. I don't always agree 100% with the standards that the school system has, but I would really be bummed if all of the kids entering 1st grade are readers and my kids had to go there and were totally lost. So I don't use the state guidlines as "hard and fast" rules, but I do take it into consideration. On some things my kids are ahead of where they are "supposed to be" and some things we haven't done yet.

Our local Christian school teaches reading the second part of the kinder. year. I have a son that will be in k the year after this coming and he is always trying to read and spell already, completely on his own...so I think he'll lead himself into that one early. I generally like to stay pretty student directed until around 3rd grade... then start getting a little more "academic".


08-10-2006, 10:48 AM
thanks Jenni, that helped.