View Full Version : Home Preschooling

07-15-2006, 09:25 PM
I am trying to set up a binder, chore chart and routine poster for ds and I need some assistance.

First of all, what should a home preschooling binder contain? I want to get in the habit of keeping records. How do I get started? What do the records look like? What needs to be on them? My state doesn't have a lot of requirements, but they do want to know how many hours were spent at homeschooling - I am not sure if they want to know what the hours were devoted to, though. Maybe.

What does a chore chart for a three year old look like?

Which magazine can I get that will help me find pictures of brushing teeth, going to sleep, napping, eating, etc. so tha I can make him a routine chart?

Can anyone help me?

07-16-2006, 06:26 PM
<<they do want to know how many hours were spent at homeschooling - I am not sure if they want to know what the hours were devoted to, though. >>

Are you just wanting to get started now so you get the hang of it before first grade? Surely your state doesn't require such records at this age, do they??

The records you have to keep will depend a lot on the state you're in. My state allows me to use an umbrella school and the umbrella school's rules supercede the state's regulations. All I need to do is fill in a form twice a year saying how many days we did school, and then assign grades to subjects that I pick. At the beginning of the year, they want to know what we're using for curriculum.

But some states require complicated portfolios and they set up appointments with officials to look through your records.

07-16-2006, 08:13 PM
Yes, exactly, I am trying to get started now so that I will be in the habit before I get there. ;) It will take me that long. :giggle

Dana Joy
07-16-2006, 08:15 PM
is this what you had in mind picturewise- its what we use for non readers around here.

07-16-2006, 10:25 PM
Yes kind of. I looked around and found this one too.


I was thinking of cutting the pics of these types of things out of a magazine, laminating them and then using velcro or magnets to put them onto poster board. Then ds can use it similarly to the Melissa and Doug one. But I am not sure if I have time to do all of that, so I may end up ordering something.

Thank you for your help, Dana! :)

07-19-2006, 05:46 PM
OT, but I bought that Melissa & Doug one at Marshalls a year ago for $7.99! Glad to see I got a good deal! Check around at Ross/Marshalls/TJMaxx, they usually have some M & D stuff there for cheap!

07-19-2006, 08:08 PM
Thanks for this info, I will check them out in the future. I did end up finding it in a store nearby and ds loves it! Yay! :heart

07-20-2006, 06:34 AM
Thank you, Candle and Dana! That do2learn site rocks.