View Full Version : Anyone else HSing an only child?

06-26-2006, 10:45 AM
Or know of any resources to help me with this special situation? (We prayed for another, but it hasn't happened and I'm in my 40's so...)

On one hand, some things are easier. On the other hand, there are challenges like not having a sibling to play/learn with, feeling like she has all the focus on her (I imagine that will drive her crazy in the teen years),.

DD (who will be 6 in Oct) is involved in a variety of activities and we're starting w/a HS co-op in the fall; nevertheless, we can't escape the dynamics of our family.

Anyone else?


06-26-2006, 11:25 AM
Same here - ds is 5. Some things are great - we do tons of hands-on projects (helps to eat time out of the day :mrgreen); I feel less pressure to *stick* to a curriculum because I can easily keep track of what ds is learning and how he is learning it; and I can sometimes afford to take ds to do *something special* since I don't have to pay for five other siblings. We are part of a co-op, too. And we participate in many activities and play dates. But, ds is lonely. He asks for siblings every day. It can gat soooo boring being an only child, I understand. I sometimes I get a little fed up with being ds's constant playmate :blush... Shame on me. Ds is very good at entertaining himself, but what fun is it to play pretend or go on the swings alone?

So, I totally understand where you're coming from. I know there is a book out there about hs an only, but I haven't read it.

06-26-2006, 11:37 AM
Ooo! I'm not but I know someone who wrote a book and has a website devoted to that subject!
http://donnac.com/ Her book is available on that site and is somewhere near 11 dollars I think. Someone on Amazon is selling it for like $40 used, but new is way cheaper =)

07-09-2006, 07:12 PM
We too have an only, ds age 9 (soon). We have been hs since K and he always asks for a sibling also. Maybe some month ( we just started trying). Ds is very social and he requires me to be also, I have made great friends b/c of him getting to know their kids or the activities he is in. We do a lot of activities, probably to many but... he needs friends right? Or do I just need an hour with adults? HMMM.

I have found that a few good friends that do some of the same activies has helped a great deal with his "Mommy come and play with me?" We are in a HS choir, HS gymnastics class, HS art and nature, and HS Keeper of the Faith and many of the same kids are in two or three. So he sees the same kids twice a week and they are like real friends even if they are not in our neighborhood. I know this is a lot and not every family can financially handle these extras. So far we have been doing lessons in the morning and our activities in the afternoon. This makes me plan for dinner in the a.m. so that I am not rushed to think and cook at 5:00 at night.

The other thing is that he can play by himself when he needs to, he is very creative in his play and uses his stuffed animals as siblings and friends in "school".

It can be done and as you get in some groups you will find you are not alone, not the norm... but not alone.