View Full Version : HSing with a one year old

03-07-2006, 03:20 PM
I'm frustrated. This is our first year homeschooling. It's going great...except my one year old DS makes it difficult! Whenever he is awake (which is most of the time) it is so hard. He wants to be in my lap and then is grabbing everything. I can't seem to make him happy with toys, food or anything...he wants to be in the action of school. He's been only sleeping for 45 minutes twice a day...the first nap I usually have to get myself dressed, eat, chores, etc. Then the second nap we attempt school. If he does wake up, I can sometimes put him in front of a video for 1/2 hour, but I really hate to do that. I feel like there can't be any answers, but if anybody has any wisdom please pass it on! I love HSing, but I feel like I seriously wiz through it in fear that he'll wake up so most of the time I skip fun things, etc. My daughter loves it, but I feel like she's really missing out. Help!

03-07-2006, 03:33 PM
Somewhere online there is a short article called "The Baby IS the Lesson" here it is:

I think of it often as my frustration level skyrockets. lol

My 16 mos old dd is a whirlwind and insists on being involved at every step of our school. Markers and an old workbook help her stay quiet for a few minutes at a time. The walls suffer, but Mr Clean Magic eraser usually works to get her art off my walls.

If you are *right there* you can give baby a lump of playdoh...

I try to do a lot when she is asleep and my 2nd grader does a lot of his work upstairs away from the noise. My kindergartener might not learn as much as he would without her here, but he has a lot of fun with her, and learns some patience, too.

03-07-2006, 03:46 PM
Honestly, looking at the ages of your children, I would not be spending any more than the 45 minute nap on schoolwork each day. :)

We have a one year old as well. Actually, he's almost 15 months. He's starting to walk. He loves to climb. He is absolutely into everything. I re-did my schedule to put more active & independent activities in-between sit-down/reading activities. (So, we'll read a book, the girls will do a math worksheet (so I have a few minutes to crawl around with DS while helping a little with the girls), then we read another book. We might then spend a few minutes on spanish review (certainly can be done while holding DS). We have 20 minutes of "drill" (outside/big play activity), and so on. I try to move around a bit in the house. For instance, our Bible reading is in the living room. Our second reading is generally in the playroom reading corner. Also, DH gets home early on Friday, so I scheduled a little more sit down time to do phonics references pages, new math lessons, etc.

So what curriculum are you using?

righteous mama
03-07-2006, 04:14 PM
LAURIE!!!! :hug (I've been wondering about you!)

Beth is going to be two on the 20th...she likes to climb on to the table and literally be in the middle of school. It's distracting to say the least. We're fortunate that she sleeps afternoons for about three hours...but, that is also the time Mary likes to play with her cousins...so, we try to get done in the morning. I've done the video thing...or Nick Jr. (she loves Dora). My goal is to use this time, though, to give her things to work on. For her birthday we're going to buy her some preschool toys from "My Father's World" and they will stay in the school bucket. She can only play with them during school time.

Maybe putting him in his highchair in the middle of the action with some paper and washable crayons will help. Do a combination. There is nothing wrong with utilizing a video. Do that, then have him color, make some play doh that he can mush up (and eat a bit), things he can do in his high chair, spread out a colorful blanket for him to play on with some education toys...or just toys he gets to play with only at school time.

And you could always sling him. Throw him on your back in a sling and teach away. Good weight training for you...and hopefully it would keep him quiet for a bit.

03-08-2006, 06:24 PM
Thank you all for the encouragement and ideas. I will try them. I LOVED the article "The Baby IS the Lesson"...thank you!

Marcella, thanks for the warm greeting and :hug! Hope all is well with you guys! Whatever happend to CHEAP??? Miss you!

03-11-2006, 03:00 PM
Laurie, I just wanted to encourage you. :) We started K for our oldest when #2 was 1 and I was pregnant with #3. The first year wasn't that bad, but the following year, with a 2 year old and a newborn, was rough. I have finally learned (here on year 3) that I need to occupy the little ones first, fill up their love tanks, and expect to be interrupted a lot. As they have gotten older, it has gotten MUCH easier. You will be amazed with what you are able to accomplish this time next year. And my son is learning to work with distractions and help his sisters when he can. Everyone's suggestions are great; just hold on and remember that everything that seems to be difficult now will change in about two weeks. Blessings!

righteous mama
03-11-2006, 05:43 PM
CHEAP is still there...just haven't done anything. I just sent out an email. I'm hoping we can get some Spring activities planned.