View Full Version : Getting ready to send. *LONG*

03-06-2006, 11:39 PM
I'm getting ready to send an email off to our pastor, the pastor in charge of the LIFEgroups, and the individual teachers of the three ezzo classes. It's very long. I know our pastor well, he will read the whole thing, and will appreciate having the information at his fingertips. (IOW, he will NOT respond well to "i have some concerns, read this website.")

I know this is long, but if you have comments, I'm open.
(PS borrowed heavily from the letters posted in the sticky. thanks to the authors.)

Dear Pastor xxx,

Looking to become more involved in church life, Randy and I were looking through the list of Lifegroups a few days ago and were shocked to find that First Assembly teaches the Gary Ezzo “Let the Children Come” series (also known as Babywise, Preparation for Parenting, Growing Kids Gods Way, Preparation for the Toddler Years, Reaching the Heart of Your Teen, etc.)

I don’t know if you’re aware of the controversy surrounding Mr. Ezzo and his materials, but Randy and I firmly believe that they have no place being taught in the church. Further, we were somewhat surprised to find these materials being taught because they are such a contradiction to the love, grace, and acceptance that you have worked so hard to foster within the church. You teach about compassion and showing Christ’s love to others during your sermons, and I know that you consider integrity to be a personal ideal we should all be striving for. So we’re a little confused as to why you encourage (or at least allow) these materials to be promoted. We will outline our concerns below.

First, we have concerns about Gary Ezzo himself. He has been under church discipline multiple times, and is currently excommunicated from an evangelical church in California, which he attended before moving to the east coast. He has been caught in habitual lies about a wide variety of things, including inventing degrees he did not earn. All of these things have occurred since his parenting ministry began.

Many prominent evangelical Christians have publically stated concerns about Mr. Ezzo and his materials, including Dr. James Dobson, Dr. John McArthur, Dr. Philip Ryken and Tedd Tripp.

In addition, Gary Ezzo has no medical background whatsoever yet he dipenses medical advice, such as how often parents should feed their newborns. Growing Families International, his company, has claimed that Anne Marie Ezzo has a pediatric nursing background, but no coursework or degrees have ever been cited.

Second, we have concerns over Mr. Ezzo’s presentation of Scripture, which we believe to be twisted and inaccurate. The most troubling to us is the Ezzos’ repeated citations of Matthew 27:46 – “…My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” – to support their teachings that parents should refuse to attend to their crying infants. To quote Focus on the Family on this issue, “We see no way to make such an application of this verse without completely disregarding its original context and purpose.” It seems as though a better model for how to respond to a child’s cries could be based on the numerous passages throughout the Bible that tell us how tenderly God hears our cries and responds to us at our place of need.

Also, the Ezzos seem to imply a Divine status to teachings that clearly are not Biblically supported. For example, though the Bible doesn’t give a specific outline for what to do with a baby all day, their infant care book is subtitled “God’s Order for your Baby’s Day.” And though many of the suggestions in their toddler program (such as how to behave at a buffet dinner) are certainly reasonable, there is absolutely no Biblical basis for suggesting that they are Christian standards or “God’s Way.”

Many of the mandates in the materials are, in fact, directly opposed to what I believe – and what you have taught – is “God’s Way.” For example, I can’t imagine God shutting me in my room, shunning me, when experiencing emotions that are frightening, such as fear, upset, or even rage. In fact, we have been told that He is a comfortor, that He never leaves us, and that He is our Strong Tower. If I am a representative of God to my children, how could I treat them any differently than how Christ would treat me?

Third, there is the matter of the materials themselves, which we know have led to well-meaning parents bringing their children to harm. All of Mr. Ezzo’s books, especially but not limited to Babywise, are full of medical misinformation and lack a sound basis in what we know about how God created breastfeeding, infant sleep patterns, and general child development. We are especially concerned because Mr. Ezzo presents his own opinions as facts, while ignoring established medical facts.

The suggested feeding schedule in Ezzo’s Babywise program has been known to cause Failure to Thrive in infants. Numerous news reports and individual testimonies have shown the medical problems intelligent and devoted families have encountered because of using Babywise. In a response to the rise in popularity of the Babywise methods, the American Association of Pediatrics has publicly warned against parent-designed feeding schedules.

One of the disturbing elements of “Growing Kids God’s Way” is the Ezzos’ description of “First Time Obedience,” which says that a child must obey the first time they are told to do something. If they don’t, they are sinning. And if the parent repeats the request, they are also sinning. We can’t seem to find in our Bibles where it mentions that repeating a request is a sin. In fact, Scripture shows God giving commands that are questioned or challenged, and then God repeats Himself. Surely God was not sinning when He repeated His command to Moses, for example.

These are just a few examples of a few of the elements to the programs that are quite disturbing to our family. Overall, the Ezzo programs do not seem to our family to be “God’s Way.” We certainly understand that many wonderful parents follow the Ezzo programs, and our intention here is not to insult those parents. It is rather to make sure that you are aware of some of the concerns and problems that surround the materials and their author.

I know that Randy and I have not been the most faithful churchgoers since our son Wally was dedicated in 2004. However, over the past few months, we have felt God tugging at our hearts to return to regular church attendance, and we have been eager to find ways to become more involved in a church.

Unfortunately, we now feel that we must begin looking for a new church home. First Assembly has been a very special place for our family, and you have personally meant a great deal to us over the years, so this decision is causing us some degree of heartache. But if the methods and ideals taught by Gary Ezzo are the standard for raising children at First Assembly, we do not feel that there is a place for our family within the congregation.

We will conclude this letter by letting you know that we firmly believe that our job as parents should involve two main ideals – helping our children grow into healthy, strong, and independent Christian adults and modeling Christ-like behavior to them. We do not believe that the Gary Ezzo programs will help to accomplish either one of those goals. Christ said that what we do for the least of these, we do for him. My son is “the least of these” and I cannot imagine treating him as poorly as the Ezzo materials encourage.

Thank you for taking the time to read our (greatly abbreviated) concerns. We both sincerely hope that you will reconsider offering these classes through the LifeGroups. There are many, many alternative programs available. We would be happy to help you research the alternatives.

Please feel free to call us should you wish to discuss this issue further. xxxxxxx. We can be quite difficult to reach by phone, though, so email might be a better choice.

Grace and peace,
Randy and Sarah Reid

Additional information may be found at www.ezzo.info

03-07-2006, 05:43 PM
I think your letter looks great! I will be praying that it will be well received.



Beyond Blessed
03-07-2006, 05:50 PM
Sarah that is very well written! :tu I didn't find myself saying, "yada, yada, yada" at any point - so in my opinion even thought it's long - it's very to the point with not an over abundance of emotionality or details.

03-07-2006, 05:58 PM
Your letter is very well written.

I will also pray that it received well and the program is removed!

God bless you!

03-07-2006, 06:01 PM
I think your letter is great! Personally, I would leave this paragraph out, since your attendance record isn't needed to state your point (JMO ;) )

I know that Randy and I have not been the most faithful churchgoers since our son Wally was dedicated in 2004. However, over the past few months, we have felt God tugging at our hearts to return to regular church attendance, and we have been eager to find ways to become more involved in a church.

03-09-2006, 09:00 PM
phew, Thanks for the positive feedback. We're going to send on Monday. I cut it down from four pages, if you can believe that!

I know our attendance record may not seem germane, but even though we attend a very large church, I know for a fact that our pastor knows exactly how frequently we've attended, and the first or second thing he'd say if he were to call me would be some comment about our attendance. I hoped that by acknowledging that up front, and then mentioning that we really do feel God calling us back to regular church attendance, we might avoid that issue as a discussion point if we discuss this in person or via phone.

(Plus, I think it'll score points, if that matters. Our pastor's got enough ego that he'd like to keep his flock from grazing elsewhere.)

03-09-2006, 09:43 PM
OT Sara - But E-mailed you awhile back about the fishie on your site. Nice to meet you here! :D

03-09-2006, 09:55 PM
It is really a great letter, very well written and factual, with, I think, one exception. Ezzo only invented one degree, so you'll want to take the plural out. He claimed a degree (an AA) he hadn't earned on an employment application.

Also I would change "known to cause failure to thrive" to "associated with failure to thrive". It's better not to overreach.

Lastly, you are clearly very well informed and I would consider possibly illustrating to your pastor how the Babywise book talks out of both sides of its mouth, and how some parents who have healthy role models in their family of origin may instinctively know which side of the mouth to hear, other parents who don't have these role models -- the very people who really want a strong authority figure to tell them what to do -- seem so prone to hearing the program through the other side of the mouth. Does that make sense? It might help your pastor understand why there are so many strong, conflicting stories about the Babywise program.

God bless, it's a really fine job you've done! :heart

03-10-2006, 12:05 PM
Wow thats great, tell us what his response is :grin

03-10-2006, 12:16 PM
:rockon :tu Great letter!!!

03-10-2006, 02:17 PM
What a great letter- definitely written in the spirit of grace and peace. :heart :pray that God will use this letter to open your pastor's eyes & heart.

Radosny Matka
03-12-2006, 08:08 PM
awesome keep us updated :rockon

03-15-2006, 08:26 AM
That is a wonderful letter!!! :tu Did you get a response?

03-15-2006, 08:49 AM
I think that was wonderfully written..I'm curious about the response also..

03-15-2006, 09:52 AM
What a great letter!! :amen
I would love to copy most of it, minus the personal info about you, (with your permission) if there seems to be any Ezzo teachings in our small groups.

I hope to hear about a positive response regarding this issue from your pastor.

04-18-2006, 09:24 PM
Just wanted to check back in with an update. I held off sending the letter for several weeks, then DH and I read it again to make sure we really felt it was OK, that we were supposed to send it, etc. About a week after I sent the letter (to our head pastor via his secretary, as well as to the instructors of each of the Ezzo programs taught and to the minister who they report to), I received a voicemail from our minister. He said, basically, thank you for your letter and I appreciate knowing your concerns. We've been teaching those programs for many years and you're the first people to raise any sort of concerns over the materials. I promise that I will look into the matter. I'm not personally familiar with the materials, but you're right, I don't want the church to be promoting anything that contradicts the messages from the pulpit. I hope you don't ultimately feel that you must leave, but you need to do what you feel led to do.

It was a VERY gracious voicemail. He followed up about a week later and actually reached me in person, reiterated that he was glad we'd contacted him and that he would look into it. He's been busy with Easter (which I totally understand, growing up in a minister's family). And he wanted to clarify whether I'd actually taken any of the classes. I explained that I had not - and would not. That my complaint was not with the instructors or the way the materials were presented, but with the materials themselves - with the actual words on the pages of the books, and with the authors who wrote those words.

Interesting, however, that I have received no responses from the instructors themselves, especially since the person who teaches the toddler class had been actively emailing me about how great Ezzo was for several weeks.

So anyway. Just waiting.

04-19-2006, 07:48 AM
I am really surprised that you are the first to say anything when its been taught for some years. :scratch Are there really large groups of people who have never heard of the controversy?

04-19-2006, 10:59 AM
I hope they will take to heart the valid concerns you brought up.

04-19-2006, 05:37 PM
Yes there are large numbers of people who have not heard the controversy, or if they have it has been presented as "Those crazy AP zealots..." While we attended our birth class we talked about how we had read this great book and were gonna put dd on a schedule, blah, blah, blah...The response we got from everyone was so strong, and a bit harsh, which only fueled our belief that AP people were weird. ( :O) Lots of people at our church use Babywise, and while it is not taught there, there is an underlying feeling of acceptance of it's principles. And an underlying rejection of anything AP. :cry

04-19-2006, 06:49 PM
The response we got from everyone was so strong, and a bit harsh,

That's valuable as feedback. Need to rein in the big feelings sometimes!

04-25-2006, 09:09 PM
So, interesting, the woman who teaches the toddler class stopped by over the weekend with cookies. I did not invite her in, which DH thinks was rude. But she did not call first, and didn't say anything like "do you have a minute." And I was in the middle of a rather messy and un-interruptable household task (cleaning the crab habitats).

She enclosed a car letting us know she was praying that DH and I would receive the Lord's wisdom.

04-25-2006, 09:10 PM
um, that should say "card."

04-25-2006, 10:10 PM
um, that should say "card."


I was picturing a *very* large plate of cookies that could hold a car as an enclosure.

That aside, I'd be fantasizing about returning the plate with a note that says, "The Lord's wisdom right back attcha!"