View Full Version : Interviewing doctors

09-24-2005, 10:30 PM
I need some advice. We moved in January when my son was 13 months old. I have not found a doctor for him here yet. He has seen one doc a couple times, but we will not be going back. He has seen doctors from where we moved from a few times since we moved, mostly b/c we were there when he was sick.

Now I'm pregnant again and ds is approaching 2. I know we really should have a doctor that we have some sort of relationship with in case we need to go. I think I want to find a family practice doc so we can all just go to the same person. I've asked around but I haven't gotten a really good feeling on any of the doctors that were suggested.

I think I will try to interview some docs but I don't really know what to ask. Does anyone have any advice, suggestions, experience to share?

09-25-2005, 09:12 AM
I think it depends on what qualities you are looking for in a physician... our main requirement is that the pediatrician did not require routine vaccination to keep Dd as a patient. Where we live, this wasn't easy to find. I printed-out the list of health care providers who are covered by our insurance and started calling each one, asking the receptionist for the physician's policy on vax. It took about 15 calls before I found one who would take us! For other issues, like getting support for AP issues, like "extended breast-feeding", I think it may just be a matter of trial and error. You might try posting a request for a physician recommendation in the city you live in and see if you get any replies from other mommies in your area. You could also attend your local La Leche League (or call representatives) to get recommendations on physicians.

09-25-2005, 09:19 AM
We don't have a local LLL, but that is a good idea. I guess I didn't realize that not following the recomended vac schedual could be a problem. That may help me narrow it down.