View Full Version : Infant potty-training?

06-20-2005, 08:16 AM
Yesterday at church a mom who has just had her 4th and I got to talking and she is doing something called infant-potty training. Anyone ever heard of this? First it sounded great to me but then we started chatting. I asked her if she did AP and she said an emphatic, "NO!" She in fact said she has had to change some because the potty-training involves a lot of slinging and she isn't into that! Then she proceeded to ask me if I had ever heard of Babywise- I played dumb and said, "Yes- isn't that the one where you have to let them cry?" She said, "Well a little but it is important to let them cry so you can distuingish between their cries." She then told me that her 6 week old started having temper tantrums when they let them cry!! :banghead She said this like it was a good thing - so they could get a handle on the tantrums and since he was just angry they went ahead and let him scream. I said, "One of mine cried a lot at that age and I just nursed like crazy- I think it is called colic." She then went on about how she gives copies of BW to everyone she knows because her kids are such great sleepers. Again playing dumb I said (and this is true)- "Oh well by 7-8 weeks both of mine slept for 9 hours straight- " She asked me if I nursed during that and/or let them cry. I told her that no- I just cue feed all day and they apparently had enough to eat so they slept well. She told me that was not the norm- I said I must be blessed then- Whatever- Anyway now I am rambling. Just get sick of people thinking if you don't do CIO that you can't have sleep. And since she is on her 4th people seem to listen to her so much more. Maybe I didn't do the right thing? What do you all think? There was another new mom in there so I was trying to not be too confrontational but also let her know there is another way.

06-20-2005, 09:17 AM
Infant Potty Training comes from the Pearls I believe :banghead

There is a beautiful and AP related practed called Elimination Communication where a mom learns her baby's cues and then *pees* or *poops* him accordingly and they go without diapers.

But IPT is not about learning their cues :( I believe they take them regularly and then punish them if they go at other times so that they only go when taken. :shifty :sick2 It's totally about mom control and another way to *prove* that babies are *smarter* than people give them credit for (which I do believe) but that this *smart* is used to manipulate (which makes me :cry)

06-20-2005, 09:54 AM
I heard of someone doing non-punitive IPT (not Pearls), and basically what it entailed was that she kept 5 month old baby just laying on a diaper for a couple of days and monitored when he peed and pooped. Once she knew this, she started putting him on the toilet every 15 minutes during the day and praised him when he went, and could tell by his facial expressions when he didn't have to go. My understanding is that there is a small window of time in which to do it (like between 5 and 9 months); if you do it sooner or later it won't work.

This is just something that would not work for us. :/

Mother of Sons
06-20-2005, 10:00 AM
My understanding is that there is a small window of time in which to do it (like between 5 and 9 months); if you do it sooner or later it won't work.

That's not true. Many people start at birth (and should) The other cultures that practice this start at birth. We started at 2 months. I didn't do the laying on the diaper thing, I just payed attention. People think that babies not only can't control it, they think they can't feel it either and that is simply not true. My son always "told" me when he needed to go. It's not about training, it's about responding. The same way they tell us they are hungry and we feed them.

06-20-2005, 10:14 AM
I have not read most of this discussion, but wanted to comment on the idea that IPT itself comes from the Pearls.

The Pearls do promote IPT, but there is a book written by Laurie ... Bouke (?? I'll have to look it up) about IPT, and I really enjoyed it. She has testimonials in the book, and there is a section with a testimonial by the Pearls, but her book itself is really good and is not punitive or anything icky. It's very positive and gentle.

06-20-2005, 01:39 PM

06-20-2005, 03:53 PM
yeah I dont really get how people can be anti AP and use IPT... I guess I view EC/IPT? NIH all as very into your babies cues- then how can you let them cry or spank them too? I dont get it at all... Im always shocked to learn Ezzos and Pearls use this....

yes, Laurie Bouke wrote a book on it, also Ingrid Bauer wrote "Diaper Free" very cool books both of them :)

06-21-2005, 03:54 AM
Elimination Communication (http://www.gentlechristianmothers.com/mb/index.php?board=16.0)

Hmmm. . . I'm surprised that this mama likes Ezzo so much and also Infant Potty Training. The two usually don't go together--the Pearl mamas I've know have been more into IPT than the Ezzo moms I've known.

06-22-2005, 03:16 PM
OH no- Crystal was right- IPT in this case came from the Pearls. I was talking with a friend who knows this person and she said, "They gave me some really wierd book about switching your child"- I asked if it was TTUAC and she said, "Yes.
How sad-