View Full Version : Do you 'do' videos?

04-30-2005, 06:27 PM
I am thinking with the new baby coming, I may want to have a few on hand. Up until this winter, we were completely TV free, but I started getting one video a week from the library. They are always some sort of nature video, and Lydia soaks up the information like a sponge (she can tell you what an "ovapositor" is. :lol ). But, I am worried about getting her hooked on watching videos. On one hand, I tell myself, she really enjoys them, and *is* learning from them (I refuse to get cartoon videos, it's always some sort of live action science/nature thing). And it's not forever. On the other hand, I don't want it to become a crutch, and have her pestering me all day to watch another one. And I hate seeing her in the zombie trance when she's watching.

If you *don't* do tv/videos, do you have any good suggestions on things I can do to occupy her for a little while, if I need to get a little break? She was a very, very high needs baby, and we had lots of trouble w/ nursing in the first month or so, so I am pretty worried that the new baby will also be very high needs, and frankly, I'm getting nervous thinking about it!! I think maybe if I'm at the end of my rope, I could pop in a video and get 30 minutes of peace.

04-30-2005, 07:59 PM
A 30-minute video to buy some peace won't turn her into a TV addict, and if it buys you 30 minutes of peace, it's worth it! If it was me, I'd do it. Or rather, when it was me, I did do it! So long as you don't let it escalate and if you keep a handle on it and can stop at any time, I think it can be a life saver.

05-01-2005, 08:18 PM
Videos are far easier to control than broadcast TV, IMHO. :tu OTOH, I've been known to wimp out and let them watch videos all day. :rolleyes It may be more a factor of your personality than your child's - that is, do you think you can set a specific limit and stick to it? I don't think a half hour every day is going to be a problem, but my problem is I'll let them "stretch" their video time when I've got a project going. :blush But even there, if I crack down again and limit them to so much time per day there's usually fussing for a day or two and we're back to normal. And I'd have an easier time limiting the kids if hubby didn't get them videos at the library so often - he'll let them all get two hour movies that're due in three days, so it's let them veg out in front of the TV or someone doesn't get to watch their video. :eek But that wouldn't be an issue if there's one child getting one video - it's when you've got five of them all getting them. ;)

I think some of my kids learn a lot from educational videos. So long as we limit their time in front of the tube, I think they're a great resource :)


05-02-2005, 04:03 AM
OTOH, I've been known to wimp out and let them watch videos all day. :rolleyes It may be more a factor of your personality than your child's - that is, do you think you can set a specific limit and stick to it? I don't think a half hour every day is going to be a problem, but my problem is I'll let them "stretch" their video time when I've got a project going.

That's what I'm afraid of. Mostly though, I just see myself napping on the couch while she watches a video. All the ones I've gotten for her are 30-45 minutes, so if I limit myself to 2 a day, I guess it wouldn't be the end of the world. ;) I've also placed a big order with Chinaberry and another w/ Rainbow Resource, so we have lots of good books coming as well. I'm going to put them away for until after the baby comes and take one out every now and then when we're at our wit's end. We normally go to the library for story hour once a week and get lots of books then, but I'm afraid I won't want to do that right away, so it'll be good to have some new books to be able to pull out when I need them.

05-02-2005, 04:53 AM
:) Our kids don't watch any regular TV at home, but watch a video every couple of weeks. (They are not TV-free. They watch a bit at my parents' place occasionally when we are there or my parents are looking after them.) To be politically incorrect and frank, I think TV in the form of a well-chosen video makes an excellent silent babysitter. A few minutes alone time with dh or a diversion on a particularly cranky day is a great reason to use a video. This silent babysitter, I think, is a much better option than just letting kids watch TV as a regular part of their day. Our kids probably watch, on average, one movie every week and a half or two or so. Often these are Veggie Tales, but sometimes a longer movie like The Princess Bride or something they got from the church library. They are by NO means TV addicts. There is no regular begging for TV and if they ever ask to watch a movie, my saying, "Well, you just watched one last week." is a silencing answer. ;)

05-02-2005, 07:19 AM

05-02-2005, 06:12 PM
I just thought of one really important thing that I think has contributed to our children's not getting hooked on TV whatsoever. Our TV is in our basement Rec Room. No one really goes down there at all during the day, so the television is not a regular fixture in our home. The toys are in other areas of our home. As well, the kids don't see us flipping on the TV ever (because we only watch it 1-2 hours a week after they are in bed), which I think also sends a message that the TV is an occasional treat, like going out for ice cream. No one thinks to ask for it on a regular basis. :)

05-03-2005, 04:20 AM
We do videos but very limited and the boys will go days/weeks without watching any when the weather is nice. During the winter Sunday night was movie night and we would watch one movie/video that the family chose together. That stoped now that it is still light until their bedtime and they like to run and play outside.

05-03-2005, 06:56 AM
We do videos but very limited and the boys will go days/weeks without watching any when the weather is nice. During the winter Sunday night was movie night and we would watch one movie/video that the family chose together.

That's exactly what we do, a family video on Sunday evening, and not much beyond that.

05-08-2005, 05:44 PM
Well now our DVD/VCR player broke so we don't do any videos. That's one way to make sure we don't watch any TV. :lol (We can't get anything where we live unless we have cable or a dish. (I guess we could get a couple of channels if we get our antenea fixed or buy some rabbit ears for the TV.)

05-08-2005, 07:55 PM
Nope. We got rid of our TVs (and VCRs) over 3 years ago and have NOT missed them since.

If you *don't* do tv/videos, do you have any good suggestions on things I can do to occupy her for a little while, if I need to get a little break?

We have Your Story Hour Bible Story tapes, we have tons of art supplies (aka paper, pencils, crayons, etc), we have lots of little snacks the kids can get (carrots, raisins, nuts, etc) and we have lots and lots of books to read to them.

05-08-2005, 08:09 PM
Of course I'm the odd ball ;) but we don't have limits on the kids tv watching, never really did. We don't see it being a problem, they much rather do other stuff than watch tv.

I did feel like you do, though, when I was pregnant with my third. I was super sick - sever nausea, regular migraines, kidney problems, etc. - and no help with my older two. The tv was on pretty much all day until dh came home (I tried reading, playing on the couch as much as I could). I felt horrible about that, b/c they'd rather have been doing other stuff, as would I :lol But that was the best I could do at that time, and we all made it through okay...just tell yourself this too shall pass :)