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  1. 2.5yo throwing up since Monday - update posts 9 & 12
  2. I have a 5 1/2 and a 3 1/2 year old
  3. bunk beds
  4. Can I get some opinions on this potty training article?
  5. Being fair, not creating resentment
  6. Online parenting classes?
  7. How can it take more than 2 hours to get ready?
  8. Would you hire a newly-12 yr old.
  9. Need more ideas regarding my 6yo. and 3yo....
  10. Article on parenting an introvert and Scripts Wanted!
  11. Looking for book recommendations...
  12. Please help me pull together some reading--re: 2 kids under 2
  13. I need GCM so much in my life
  14. so you think you can go on a retreat? Long.
  15. Can anyone think of a better way to (not) fight this battle?
  16. n/m
  17. Not sure how to respond to this comment?
  18. Was this one to just let go?
  19. Talk to me about 5
  20. What's a good book for a first time mom?
  21. When did your kids stop taking baths together?
  22. When your child is afraid you'll die
  23. meeting the extroverts needs with out draining the life out of the introverts
  24. Navigating the preteen waters...
  25. Finding a grief/play therapist for LE
  26. share your evening routine
  27. I just survived an hour long tantrum
  28. Lying 4 y/o
  29. How much do you "help?"
  30. if you had to take a 1 yo, 2 yo, 3 yo, and 7 yo with you to the chiro...
  31. My obstacles to spending more time with my kids. . .
  32. I have a mommy-guilt confession...
  33. Talk to me about siblings of a large age span sharing a room.
  34. This is around the time of year
  35. so, what kind of "foodie" foods
  36. Sunday School Trouble-what is the gentle option?
  37. Sitting in church
  38. Where do you draw the line in who your kids hang out with?
  39. Naming body parts
  40. 'Normal development' questions
  41. SAHM Blues...
  42. Ap as the children grow older?
  43. Canadian Video from 1963 on 'baby toting'
  44. 102 fever - best approach?
  45. Those with chronic pain or other issues-parenting from bed
  46. Please help me convert.....
  47. Summer time? How late should they sleep in?
  48. So tired of the smell of pee!
  49. Character training/devotions
  50. He says he 'faked' his eye exam...
  51. This sleeping pattern isn't working anymore
  52. Teaching "obey your parents"
  53. Friend to a hurting friend
  54. It's been a bit of a rough morning, until
  55. Moby wrap?
  56. Have you heard of this guy?
  57. Portable-ish play equipment
  58. Indoor/wet weather activities for toddlers
  59. Chores by age?
  60. Ugh! What to do when they want different things?
  61. Feeling dolls?
  62. Watch this.... no matter how bad your day has been, this will make it better!
  63. It really is all worth it!
  64. Need a little help
  65. Siblings sharing a room? Advice?
  66. Baths together?
  67. Quiet time activities?
  68. a "one stop shop" for introducing newbies...
  69. Struggling... Are there Buddy Groups?
  70. Brainstorm your dream church nursery with me!
  71. What do you think...
  72. Very troubled by this sibling issue..... need some pointers
  73. Acknowledging good behavior
  74. birthday wish lists
  75. 3 year old tantrums and how to best approach it
  76. Science of amber/hazelwood, etc. Discuss.
  77. switched the beds mama is weaning....
  78. Fave AP Book?
  79. How do you spend daily individual time with your children?
  80. How to bring up early intervention?
  81. Kid attached to blanket - encourage/discourage
  82. Do you cook special meals for your kids
  83. *Update in OP* In-Laws just want my daughter to love them
  84. toddler asking for icecream..
  85. Amber teething necklaces
  86. Are you 'lucky' to stay home?
  87. Coat Suggestions for VA Winters?
  88. Scheduling life - is this too much?
  89. Would you use a reward system for this?
  90. How do you savor the time?
  91. Baby's daily pattern and visitors throwing it off-vent
  92. Need tips on preparing young kids for twins' arrival
  93. Hold me
  94. Is this mean?
  95. I may need to print this blog post out
  96. Allowance and younger siblings
  97. Need ideas for big muscle movment. Please help me.
  98. Desperately need help with rhythm!!!
  99. Awesome Webinar!!! (recording)
  100. "Why Are We Afraid to Admit the Difficulty of Attachment Parenting?"
  101. Shyness to the point of rudeness
  102. What is the Boys and Girls club?
  103. These moments
  104. How to Approach Chores
  105. How my children makeme a better person
  106. Talk me through our getting-out-the-door routine
  107. Brag on GCM
  108. Helping them to let go of things
  109. Sizing help?!
  110. Church Nursery Routine?
  111. Thinking of starting an AP group
  112. Car seat troubles
  113. i know this is a stage but HELP!!!
  114. Introvert moms with lots of kids. . .
  115. Do your kids use puzzles?
  116. PA car seat laws
  117. When a child doesn't like you disciplining her sibling. . .
  118. Growth Spurt = clumsy??
  119. Some laughs, some truth, some encouragement...
  120. Breastfeeding 1yo biting!
  121. love languages: gifts vs the gimmes
  122. "Trust yourself/your instinct" advice to moms - is it flawed?
  123. I am the worst tooth fairy ever
  124. Siblings being mean.
  125. Need some advice with my 7 year old
  126. Received two very different parenting compliments
  127. Any other moms with kids who are super in tune with every ache and pain?
  128. returning to work
  129. So we hired a teenage babysitter for the first time ever last night
  130. So proud of my 2 olders!
  131. s/o "Trusted Adult" for your child(ren) for sensitive topics
  132. please tell me that one day....
  133. How do you feel about kids in your bedroom?
  134. should I be concerned? (giant 5month baby)
  135. mind blowing...
  136. Parenting the Persistent Child
  137. how long do you carry them around and snuggle/cuddle in public?
  138. im getting desperate (vent)
  139. self-soothing "history?"
  140. how to avoid sexy
  141. How to defeat the shoe monster?
  142. Tea and Sympathy, Please
  143. Did you (are you) tell your kids about the CT shooting?
  144. Is Passive Agression a learned or inborn response?
  145. Question about 3-yr-old's behavior...
  146. Honoring your Introverted children- light bulb moment!
  147. How do we raise children to WANT to have a relationship with us when they grow up?
  148. For Christmas, my 14yo daughter gave...
  149. Spin: help for "feeling" mamas to handle dc's crying/tears
  150. for mom's who are seperated or divorced...
  151. Would you still do Disney if ....
  152. Book recs for first time mom?
  153. in celebration of baby-sitters
  154. Sickness and kid's activities?
  155. Children do better with multiple caregivers?
  156. Need a script for....
  157. Tips for Dealing with Bad Attitudes?
  158. My Master Arguer
  159. Three against one.... the odds are against me... #14 Monday update
  160. Siblings vying for attention...
  161. how do I publish a children's book?
  162. How often do your kids take baths?
  163. In my worst moments
  164. Teaching Self-Government
  165. How to care for Extroverted children?
  166. Can you rewrite the memories of children who have been mildly traumatized?
  167. 'Medidemic'?
  168. TV and Video Game time
  169. "Wait until they're ready" - my new parenting byline!
  170. Speaking Scripture over our children
  171. Do you find AP/GP parenting easier or harder?
  172. Bedroom vs. Playroom
  173. Bunk, lofts, and trundles! Oh my!
  174. Late night Bonding
  175. What would you have done?
  176. High needs/sensitive to change/perfectionism/everything has to be the 'set way'
  177. How to treat sick kids (fear of catching illness vs child's feelings)
  178. Parenting the spirited, gifted, highly emotional and of course always right child
  179. Parenting a Boy and his <privates>
  180. Re-assigning chores
  181. Cherished and precious
  182. I didn't think...
  183. Examples of permissive parenting?
  184. How to stop a preschooler from sticking dirty hands in the mouth
  185. Moms of large families...
  186. How can you tell if baby is genuinely high-needs or if you turned baby that way?
  187. Older kids staying up later than the younger ones
  188. Bad dreams?
  189. high needs toddler
  190. the constant "i need you to play with me"
  191. when a boy is always ready to attack & bible study group
  192. restricting access to certain toys for better usage & higher interest
  193. What do you think of this approach to food?
  194. Lovely Article Shared by Former GCM-er
  195. ATTN: South Carolina GCM peeps
  196. Feeling resentful/burnout today (RANT)
  197. Teaching the Bible to toddlers?
  198. short boy haircuts
  199. Infant safety/sleep with active toddler in the house?
  200. Toilet - Letting him decide when he's ready? HOW LONG???
  201. n/m!
  202. Choosing on their own to toilet - What age? - Fixed poll!
  203. Utterly honest confession...difficult to talk about...Joyless Homekeeping/Motherhood
  204. Play places for older kids?
  205. Best books for TTC/Pregnancy/Labour/Newborn baby
  206. Must-read parenting, child-rearing books
  207. Responding to your children with anger/frustration.....
  208. Raising resilient children
  209. How would you respond?
  210. Kid of the Day?
  211. "Parenting By Connection" - have you heard of it?
  212. Bad dreams
  213. tornado warnings and hiding out with a toddler
  214. Keeping the balance...
  215. Were all your kids about the same about napping as babies?
  216. Frustrated With Others
  217. Grieving w/ kids
  218. What fruit have you noticed from AP?
  219. Tell me about 4+ years between children...
  220. depression in 4 yr old - i need to talk to a mama in the know
  221. teach me how to teach& help a 6-month-old go to sleep
  222. Book recommendation on raising BOYS
  223. What would you teach your son when being hit & bullied?
  224. enjoying/nurturing #1 before #2 arrives
  225. Ages and stages
  226. Equilibrium and disequilibruim....
  227. Having Babies (In opposite world)
  228. How to be a gentle Mama Bear?
  229. O My! I have 2 children...
  230. How would you schedule your day...
  231. being a mean mother
  232. AP maxxed out?
  233. Toddler - oral sensitivity OR silent reflux?
  234. Am I too "encouraging" (or something)?
  235. what if? *sensitive
  236. SAHMhood and temperament...
  237. "I feel like I want to kill everybody..."
  238. My parenting goal for the week..May13....
  239. Close babies-letting the younger down to play
  240. Crushes
  241. Close to AP burn-out, support needed
  242. Transition Difficulty & Number of Children
  243. What is your favorite age, least favorite age?
  244. Modesty/Tick Checks/Dirt
  245. Book suggestions...
  246. AP and Baby Showers
  247. Do you have a favorite internal word that focuses or sums up your parenting?
  248. How do I keep them from changing outfits 3 times a day?
  249. My 7 year old son.....and his disequalibrium...
  250. Toddler sleep issues or mine?