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Let's Talk (Chit Chat that Doesn't Fit Elsewhere) *Public* A public forum.

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Old 04-28-2010, 01:36 PM   #1
master maker of stickies
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 654
GCM_Sticky has disabled reputation
Default About Posting in the Let's Talk Forum

About the Let's Talk Forum

Let's Talk is for "Chit Chat that Doesn't Fit in Other Forums," so if a thread topic would fit in another forum it should be posted there. It's good to keep in mind that Let's Talk is a public forum, meaning it's searchable by Google (and other search engines), and that everyone on the Internet can read it.

Please also remember the following posting guideline:

8. Start threads in the proper forum. For example, posts about breastfeeding go in the Breastfeeding forum, posts about food prep go in the Cookbook forum, posts about your toddler go in the Little Explorers forum, etc. Which forum is the best fit can be subjective, so do the best you can, and an admin or mod will move it if we feel that it might fit better in another forum.
Most members look for new posts by clicking the New Posts link in the navbar above the board which means they will see your post no matter what forum it's in. Also, members who have the information you need will probably check the forum your post is supposed to be in.

Since there are already a high number of posts in Let's Talk, please avoid posting here for more traffic and do your best to post it in the proper forum where it will stand out more. Also, please avoid posting here with links asking people to go to other posts to increase traffic.

In some emergency situations we understand the need to get information out fast. In those cases we will move your thread after the emergency passes.

Thank you, and if you have any questions, please contact an admin or a moderator.

Where do I Post my Thread?
A short list of some forums and common topics that fit in them.

Questions about the Message Board
- questions about tickers
- questions about reputation
- questions about how the message board works

Polls, Games, and Jokes (a forum for members with 10+ posts)
- funny stories and anecdotes
- poll type questions

Joyous Homekeeping (a public forum)
- any discussion about your living space

In the News (a forum for members with 10+ posts) (go here to join In the News).
- news stories

Cradled in Our Wombs (a forum for members with 10+ posts) (go here to join Cradled in Our Wombs)
- pregnancy
- childbirth
- birth announcements
- baby names

The Cookbook (a public forum)
- recipes
- cooking and food preparation questions
- "what's for supper"
- cooking tools and appliances

Technical Corner (a public forum)
- electronics
- computers
- websites such as Facebook
- cameras
- blogs
- phones and plans

Natural Health & Nutrition (a public forum)
- questions about organic foods
- any health question
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Posting Rules
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You may not post replies
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You may not edit your posts

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An alternative-minded, evangelical Christian community supporting attachment parenting and natural living.

Do not post content elsewhere.

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Soli Deo Gloria
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