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tree_hugger 10-14-2007 07:32 PM

Share your Vegetarian or Vegan Testimony Here!
I have noticed that the question, "Why are you veg?" or "Why did you decide to become veg?" is posed fairly regularly in this forum, and quite often there are only one or two replies. I think this might because we have all previously shared our stories somewhere on the board, and can't spend the time to type them out again.

I thought I'd make this sticky, so all of our stories and testimonies are here in one place, and anyone who is curious can easily find them.

So please share your story here, or feel free to cut and paste if you've already posted it somewhere else.

:heart :grouphug

tree_hugger 10-14-2007 07:38 PM

Re: Share your Vegetarian or Vegan Testimony Here!
I will come back and do mine when I am not :nak2 . :smile

hopefromgrace 10-14-2007 07:56 PM

Re: Share your Vegetarian or Vegan Testimony Here!
deleted :)

SweetMelissa 12-17-2007 07:22 PM

Re: Share your Vegetarian or Vegan Testimony Here!
Yeah, that. The more I read, the less I want to eat animals and animal products. And it's not just the treatment of the animals but also the affect that modern factory farming practices have on the environment and on our own health. We first decided to only eat meat, milk and eggs from local farms, and now are moving toward eliminating them completely. This may be a long and gradual process, but we are moving in that direction at least.

I have had some knowledge and conviction about such things for several years, but I never thought I would be able to get dh on board. Recently, my brother went vegan and started sharing info with us. I started eating vegetarian for breakfast and lunch and then whatever dh wanted for dinner. Dh started doing some reading on his own (namely, he read Dominion by Matthew Scully) and to my utter surprise and delight started talking about making some huge changes to our diet. We started on our journey in October of this year, and we have a long way to go, but I am just happy to be on our way.

Just a funny side note; when I was starting to drop meat from my diet, we were at the store, and dh said "if you ever decide to go totally vegan, I just won't know what to do." Now he is the one initiating a lot of the changes toward a vegan diet! It's amazing how God can change people's hearts and minds! I mean, having the knowledge is one thing, but it's really a matter of the heart.

SillyKiddos 03-24-2008 05:09 AM

Re: Share your Vegetarian or Vegan Testimony Here!
Hello!! :smile My name is Sallie and I'm new to this forum! I'm a new vegetarian. For the last year or so I've been saying "If I knew what animals went through, I'd become a vegetarian." Then I started researching... I watched the videos on on March 12th and I've not eaten any meat since...

I'm sick to my stomach just thinking of all the animals that have died just to feed me. In reality I can do just fine with a plant-based diet- how silly to think we were "dependant" on aminals... I was never a "big" meat eater anyway. I'm getting A LOT of flack from my family, especially asking about my childen and worried about their welfare. At this point they are still omnivores, but I won't be bringing meat into the house to feed my children unless it's precooked.... Weird, I know, but handling raw meat is too much for me... I've already transitioned to soy milk (yummy, but the color will take some time to get used to- LOL). My eggs in the fridge are from my Ex-MILs hens (they have a farm).

I'm hoping to go Vegan, but have a few obstacles at this point- cheese, milk chocolate, and eating at other peoples homes... I may go vegan at home; lacto-ovo vegetarian outside of the house... We'll see..

Anyhoo- that's me in a nutshell. Ohh and I LOVE nuts which helps- although sometimes I feel like a nut! :)


HomeyT 09-26-2008 07:00 PM

Re: Share your Vegetarian or Vegan Testimony Here!
I'm new to GCM. I am excited to see a forum on vegetarianism. For me it was a progression. First I gave up red meat for health reasons. Anyone read the China Study?? Then one day I bit into a piece of chicken and couldn't stand the taste. I had lost the taste for meat. It started off as a health concern...then I learned more about the impact our meat consumption has on the environment...and the amount of grain it takes to feed the animals so we can eat a mere pound, when there are many going hungry. Once I learned about the treatment of animals that only added to my convictions. I believe there are more ethical ways to eat meat. My husband and his family hunt. This seems more humane and healthier for you. But I just have no desire!

azlayla 01-22-2009 02:03 PM

Re: Share your Vegetarian or Vegan Testimony Here!
I would love to hear more testimonies! I'm considering a vegetarian diet but would have to compromise with DH. It's also nice to hear the concern of the treatment of animals and the impact on the environment. I do believe that God gave us animals for many reasons and food being one of them but I do agree that it has turned into a horrendous enterprise. :no2


Cat 01-22-2009 02:19 PM

Re: Share your Vegetarian or Vegan Testimony Here!
I went vegetarian when I was 13 for ethical and spiritual reasons. I just always knew in my heart that God did not want me to eat meat. At 20, when I got together with my husband he had been vegan for over a decade (he was raised vegetarian). That made it so much easier for me to be vegan. Knowing all I know, I could never not be vegan now. I have been vegan for 11 years, and I mean really vegan, my whole lifestyle, not just my diet. Yes, anyone interested please read Dominion by Matthew Scully. It is an amazing book. There is so much out there to educate you. I feel good that I am vegan because I know I am doing what I can to foster compassion in this world. It is life changing to know that every decision you make saves a fellow being in this world from suffering and death. I will be proud to raise my child as vegan, following a spiritual path.

crunchyusmcluv 03-11-2009 08:37 AM

Re: Share your Vegetarian or Vegan Testimony Here!
I decided three years ago to go off red meat becuase I found out I had high cholesteraol and my grandfather on my dads side died of a heart attack and my dad had a triple bypass about 6 years ago and has high cholesterol as well. So I stayed with chicken. I cant eat cheese or any dairy products anyway because I am lactose intolerant so this year for lent I gave up meat entirely. I had been a vegetarian before I met my husband then I started eating meat at his families house because it was out or respect to them. I didnt want to be odd when I was making a first impression. I stopped after we got married then we got pregnant and I craved it all the time. So this year I am back to vegetarian and it wold be easy to go vegan. Cause I cant eat cheese, or drink milk. I do eat some eggs but only once every two weeks. I dont really like eggs so I only eat them when we go out and there is nothing else and they serve breakfast all day ie cracker barrel. It is said even there salads have meat why cant all restarurants be vegetaria or vegan friendly.

Kalismom 08-15-2009 03:28 PM

Re: Share your Vegetarian or Vegan Testimony Here!
Hi! My name is Shannon and I have been a vegetarian since I was about 11 years old. My dad was a hunter and I thought it was so awful when he would hang up the animals in the garage. I'm really not sure what the purpose of that was, but I guess it was part of the process of getting them ready to eat. Anyway, I felt so sorry for the animals and decided to stop eating meat altogether. My mom was very supportive and prepared vegetarian options for me, for which I am very thankful!

Later, when I got older my husband and I both stopped eating animal products after reading the China Study book. My husband and I heard the author speak at a CHIP (coronary health improvement project) program and we learned so much! We don't follow it perfectly, but we are pretty consistent and love eating this way!

tessiemae 11-12-2009 08:44 PM

Re: Share your Vegetarian or Vegan Testimony Here!
I went vegetarian at age 17 and went vegan a year ago. I also cut out all sugars (including honey, maple syrup, etc.) and anything not whole-grain. My fibromyalgia is now in a deep sleep, my knees feel great, and as an unexpected bonus: my eyesight has improved. The eye doctor was pretty impressed. :)
In Christ,

Firebird Rising 11-13-2009 02:21 PM

Re: Share your Vegetarian or Vegan Testimony Here!
coming back to this and will edit my post here.

Liberated4Christ 01-14-2010 08:11 AM

Re: Share your Vegetarian or Vegan Testimony Here!
~My Familys Testimony~

March of 2009 we decided to change our eating style, when we found out one of our daughters had a gluten intolerance. I started searching online about what exactly that meant. I had already known that artificial flavors and colors attribute to many other disorders, such as hyper tension etc.. As I read page after page, hours on end, I came across something called the raw diet way of eating for optimum health. About 3 days after reading up on what eating a majority of raw foods meant to the human body. I met a lady online and found out that she only lived in the next town over. She invited us over for dinner. We had not mentioned anything to do with food yet. We arrived and she had made a big pot of chili and corn bread waiting for us. As we all sat down to eat, I noticed she was just eating a salad and I casually mentioned to her if she liked Chili. She said yes, but has been trying to stick with her RAW food diet!!!

My husband and I looked at each other and chuckled.:giggle She began to tell us all about what eating 80% raw foods has done to her family. She told us that for nearly the past year she and her family have been raw. She said that her husband was on medications for several things and suffered from (IBS) irritable bowl syndrom, Gurd, and blood preasure issues. She had a few issues herself she said and within a month of eating raw foods, they were cured!! WOW! I was amazed. I then told her about how I was just reading and studying about raw foods that past week. She was surprizingly shocked and then reached for the freezer and brought out a assortmant of raw desserts. Raw flourless brownies, Raw flourless chocolate chip cookies, and even some raw chocolate, which is an amazing super food, when eaten raw!
It was so cool!

I decided to slowly transition my family to a more natural organic whole foods diet. I took the basics first and did away with processed packaged foods that were loaded with preservatives, MSG etc. This meant for us: No more Kraft Mac & Cheese, no more Coco puffs or Fruity pepples. No more hamburger helper, frozen waffles, pancakes, TV dinners,french fries,chicken nuggets, Texas toast or frozen pizzas. No more fast food places, or fried food in general! I stopped buying canned soups, convience mixes, chili,taco,pot roast, and meatball seasoning packets. I stopped buying bisquick, Crystal Light because (Aspartame causes Migrains and cancer) No more soda or concentrated juices. We were never into Kool aid because I had a thing about how some people use Kool Aid to dye fabrics, and if Kool Aid is powerful enough to dye fabrics…what on Gods Green earth is it doing to the inside of my kids bodies??? Yikes!

Ok, so I would need to spend a bit more time in the kitchen I thought to myself, but wasn’t my kids worth it?? I went online and found out how to make my own bisquick, minie the vegtable shortning-I used coconut in stead. Cconut Oil has so many medicinal properties. Vegtable shortening is a highly prosessed Hydronated oil and wrecks haven on your colen, amoung other things.

Next came the peanut butter. This is a daily stable in our house, and so it was needed. I found at Costcos, they sell a double pack of organic healthy peanut butter that is creamy and soooooo good! It was only a buck more then the Jiff that I was use to buying too! I was not sure my son would go for it. He is the picky one, but sure enough, he welcomed the change. Then the Jelly, I was always buying the All Fruit Polanders. I decided to juice some grapes one day, and throw in some pectin and raw sugar, and make enough grape jelly to last the whole year!

Bread~ I was buying good old Wonder bread and switched to one called Natures Own. It is the only one with no high frutose corn syrup in it, or MSG. There was something else it did not have in it, but I am drawing a blank.

Next was Meats-I was use to buying frozen meatballs, bagle bites,chicken,hambugers,fish sticks, mozzerella sticks, and who knows what else.
We ate really unhealthy, and were constantly praying for good health while eating a whole lot of junk. This gave a whole new meaning for praying over our deep fried foods, while asking the Lord to have it bless, and nourish us. Were we honestly thinking that the fried fatty foods would magically convert to spinich in our gut?? :giggle
The bible says that we parish, for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6
Most of us grow up eating what we, ourselves were raised on. If it was good enough for mom and dad, Well, it will be good enough for us…But, how is our mom and dads right now? How are our parents health right now?

My dad is on 6 different medications right now and my mother is on 4.
How about our grandparents? How did they pass away, if they are no longer with us. What ever happened to dying of old age? :(

I think it would have to be our Great Grandparents that were probably eating a more "whole foods diet". Why? Maybe because they did not have all the boxed foods that they have nowadays. :shrug3

I also started juicing and doing green smoothies which are sooooooo filling! I replaced the poptarts with homemade ones for transition foods for the kids. Then I stopped making the homemade ones, due to the cream cheese and sugar in them. I then started making Vegan muffins for the kids to snack on. We gave up white sugar, which praise the Lord, it has been 8 months since I bought a 5lb bag of white poison, I mean sugar! :giggle
It was actually during a trip to Costcos that taught us what white sugar does to our bodies. There was a demonstration of a guy using the ever popular Vita-Mix blender. He was making ice cream in less then a minute. He put some raw sugar, strawberries,milk and cabbage into the blender. He said that each time we put white sugar into our bodies, our bodies react to it as if it were bleach, a poison..and started attacking it as such. :jawdrop

Then he explained how the cabbage nutralizes the sugar in general, so it will not mess with our blood sugar and that sugar in the Raw does not act as a poison to our bodies. Yes, in large quanities, it will still cause Diabietes though, and gain weight, but our bodies can identify it as a whole food and not a poison.

As far as snacks go, I still buy chips twice a month, but not the Lays,Cheetos or Doritos which are filled with MSG. This is why you can’t have just one and be done! MSG is a food enhancer, for those who do not know. It enhances the flavor of the food, so you want to overeat and indulge!! :(

For snacks, we buy organic tortilla chips in bulk at Costcos. I also buy something called Veggie Straws which everyone just loves.. except me. I have never been a chip person. But the kids seem to enjoy them and they are good to bring for the road. :)

As far as dairy goes, we still are eating eggs, but only once a week. They are from our own chickens. We only buy Raw milk, but I am slowing weaning the kids off of it, as I find that the more juice and smoothies they drink, the less milk they are asking for. This is only during the times that our Goat is not giving us raw goats milk. For myself though, I was never one for milk. I do buy Organic Vanilla Soy milk that I use in my baked goods etc..

I have lost 46 pounds this past year. I had lost more, but gained it back. My goal was 50 for 2009. I gained it back when I fell prey to eating out, and over other peoples homes who were not eating the way we eat at our house. We find it so hard to eat at other peoples homes, and I do not want to tell people that I do not want to come for fellowship or dinner. Some people we have been friends for a long time with. I do not know how to handle that one. :shrug3

This coming year my goal is again, 50lbs. This will take me back to my Pre-wedding/baby weight. I just bought some new workout dvds and weight elastics to go with them. I really love the Leslie Sansone series called "Walk Away the Pounds"

As far as protein goes, and this is the most contriversal topic among carnivores and vegatarains I am finding….Let me just say, if you educate yourself, you will come to find out that meat protein is the worst kind of protein you can eat. Meat is what is causing heart diseaes throughout America, and Despite what the main stream doctors are feeding us. (no pun intended) There is amazing amounts of real protein in so many other natural Vegan foods.

Carbs make me feel sluggish, so I try not to have them every day. Vitamins–I do take vitamins, because I always have. I do not get outside for more then a few minutes a day, and the sun is barely shining these days. I take 6000IU’s of D3 each and every day. A couple years back, you never heard of anyone taking D3. But since the sun is the only source out there..and even some main stream doctors such as Dr. Oz are hopping on the band wagon and advocating how good it is for you..It is getting a buzz! :yes

I have tested it too, I went several days without my D3, and I felt more run down.
If you have ever been sick in the summer time and went outside in the sun before. That feeling, that lifting up, pick up feeling that the sun gives you when you are out in it. That is what the D3 does for us. We get ours from The bottle says to take one 1000IU a day. If you research it, you will find that for every 25lbs you are. You can take one 1000IU though. If you are feeling sick, a adult can stomach 10 1000IU’s and heal themselves in 3 days! It is pretty amazing.
All 7 of us take them each day. I also take Super B-stress from Swanson. I have been taking it for years and want to continue.

So there you have a basic run down on what my family was eating and where we are right now.:)

Yes, some days we fail, and make bad choices. We do not buy any meats anymore, but do buy black bean burgers, a carrot veggie burger that Costco sells, and occasional salmon burgers for DH. We eat one of these burgers once a week. We also treat the kids to frozen pizzas sometimes and did a comparison, and found that the Tombstone frozen pizzas are the most natural. No MSG either! This is if the kids are really wanting something quick! :giggle

My fridge is mostly fruits and veggies. I have taken some new pictures of it to share, but am not sure how to post the pictures here? :scratch

Other things we gave up were, corn syrups, artificial flavored baking extracts,white table salt,Imitation maple pancake syrups,cheeses with food colorings in them, flourinated toothpastes, and comercial toothpastes in general, shampoos and conditioners with Sodiem Laraul Sulfate in them, anti-persprints,store bought hand soaps and lotions,air freshners,all candles, except the beeswax and Soy based ones,store bought laundry soap, bath soap detergents, mouth washes(they contain aspertame) and pretty much anything un-natural that you would place on your skin that would get into your blood stream.

I guess there ya have it! Thanks for letting me share. :heart

tessiemae 01-20-2010 12:28 PM

Re: Share your Vegetarian or Vegan Testimony Here!
Wow, liberated4christ, what an amazing post!!! Congratuations on all of
your healthy changes.

I wanted to talk some more about one thing you wrote regarding eating at other people's houses or eating with friends you've known for years. One thing I find hard is when served sit-down-style at someone's house. I try to load up my plate with veggies and not take anything I don't want to eat. Sometimes it's awkward. None of our good friends have even realized that I've been vegetarian for 25 years and vegan for almost 2 years. (Maybe I'm too much in the background ?!?? :)) Anyway, I always offer to bring a fruit platter or a big salad to anyone's house. I also can make a vegan-unsweetened chocolate cake that is really yummy (has cashews and dates and pineapple, ... all natural foods) to bring to someone's house. When we're going somewhere for dessert, I often bring a separated dish of lots of raw nuts and say that I remembered the person likes pistachios or whatever it is ...

Just thinking about what you wrote ...

in Christ,

Peacemama 01-23-2010 01:28 PM

Re: Share your Vegetarian or Vegan Testimony Here!
I was vegetarian as a teen, but then went back to old ways mostly because there were many a day in my young adulthood that we were just thankful to have anything to eat no matter what it was. Ive been vegetarian again now for over 2 years. Ive been really amazed by how much better I feel in general, and Ive made many other changes as well. My DH is not on board at all when it comes to no meat. But he has taken to organic gardening like a pro! We use soap nuts in all our laundry and he tells people about them all the time. He is slowly easing into a more healthy lifestyle, but I doubt he will ever go completely veg. But at least he is eating and living healthier!

My family is completely understanding when I do not eat meat at their houses, but my DH's family acts as though they are offended. My MIL always has to say something to put me down about it too :( I never say anything I just do not put it on my plate. Ahh well. I like the ideas of bringing salads and other foods to a dinner. I will do that next time :)

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