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Old 01-16-2008, 01:09 PM   #1
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Default Learning to Read

DD (4) is wanting to learn to read. We've been doing MFW K but it's just not working for us. I"m sure it's great for some people, but I've learned it's just really not my style. Anyway.... she's liking the phonics stuff and she wants to read, but I was wanting to get some opinions on other programs. So-I've heard a lot about Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons and also Reading Made Easy. Does anyone have experience with those two? She already knows most of her letter sounds (doesn't know soft c or g yet, and only knows short vowels) and can read some 3 letter words. She loves Word World and Super Why on PBS and has learned a lot from those and we've got the leap frog movies and she loves those too. I was just wondering if anyone had experience with those two learn to read programs. I've heard some negatives about 100 Easy Lessons in the past, but also a ton of positives, so that's why I was wondering! Thanks!
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