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Mothering by Heart 03-15-2005 02:33 PM

Home-keeping Schedules
Please share your home-keeping schedules/routines here to encourage other mamas :heart

ArmsOfLove 03-15-2005 02:38 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules

Mothering by Heart 03-15-2005 05:51 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
Yeah, me too :O

Mamatoto 03-15-2005 06:05 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
Dd and I have chore time scheduled every day from about 9:00-10:00am. We make our beds, put laundry in, load the dishwasher, and then clean something like the stove or counters or bathroom. Then at around 4:50pm every day we do a ten minute tidy, clean up the toys, put things away, and then start dinner. She helps me to set the table. After dinner we all help with the dishes. I usually do laundry on Mondays and Thursdays and clean the bathroom on Friday. I do my shopping on Wednesday or Thursday. Every night the rooms and toys get cleaned up before bed. Usually on Friday I also vacuum all the bedrooms and bathroom. I like the house to be clean before the weekend. Dh usually vacuums the main living areas every evening after dd is in bed. :candle

righteous mama 03-15-2005 06:12 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
I'm pretty much hiding with Crystal, but I do have a's just that it isn't being used. :shifty

So I'll tell you what I'm supposed to do...

Monday: Bathroom & Master Bedroom (that's clean them, not hang out in them)
Tuesday: Laundry Day, Kids Bedroom, Clean Off Desk
Wednesday: Living Room/Dining Room
Thursday: Errand Day
Friday: Laundry Day, Kitchen, Clean Up Outside

As you can see, it is an easy schedule. There is absolutely no reason I can't stick to that. Oh, and on Monday's I strip the beds and wash sheets. My goal is to bleach them once a month (they are just white sheets) so that they stay pretty.

SueQ 03-17-2005 07:53 AM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules


I'm pretty much hiding with Crystal,
I am the same as them. Marcella said she had a schedule but doesn't follow it. Well, I did make a schedule and then it got lost. :blush I really need to make another schedule and then follow it. So right now I am with Crystal and am :hiding :blush

Allison 03-20-2005 09:09 AM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
I have one that was working for me for a while, but recently just isn't getting it all done for some reason. I'm feeling overwhelmed by it I guess. My new plan is to do daily stuff every day (dishes, laundry--from washing machine to folding and putting away, etc) and then do two rooms completely each day. A second cleaning of the bathrooms and extra vacuuming will be done as needed.

BearyBlessed 03-20-2005 09:59 AM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
Count me in with those that are :hiding :blush

Katigre 03-20-2005 10:35 AM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules

Mamaka 03-20-2005 02:35 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
I try to spot clean bathrooms and unload dishwasher every day, usually in the morning. After dinner, dh does the dishes (I love that man!) and I take care of the leftovers, counters, making lunch for next day. Ds is starting to learn to feed the dog at that time. Then I have a schedule I *sort of* follow for the rest of the week, chores usually happen after learning time and/or lunch.

Monday: floors (vacuum & mop) & dusting
Tuesday: baking
Wednesday: laundry
Thursday: bathrooms (intensive cleaning)
Friday: whatever didn't happen the rest of the week or a major chore not on the list (like cleaning the oven or something), maybe vaccum again

I take the weekends off because there is absolutely no way I can keep the house clean with dh, ds & dog tromping in and out of the house. And honestly, there are a whole bunch of weeks where only some or none :O of this happens.

jghomeschooler 03-21-2005 05:05 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules

okay, here goes:

when there are piles of laundry in the bedroom AND laundry room, it's time for a laundry marathon
when I'm tired of having to wash dishes before I can cook, it's time to tame the dish monster (I've been MUCH better about this lately, we do 3 loads of dishes a day in the dishwasher!!!!!!!)
when I am tired of stepping on crumbs in the kitchen, it's time to vacuum
when I can see the floors again in the laundry/bedrooms, it's time to vacuum
when we want to eat at the table, it's time to put all the books away on the shelves where they belong
when we can't find books on the shelves, it's time to straighten them all out and dust the shelves too
when I think someone is coming over, or might step in the door, it's time to put ALL of the toys (downstairs) in a box in the closet, and vacuum the downstairs, wipe down the bathrooms and scrub the toilets.
how's that for a "schedule"?

RealLifeMama 03-21-2005 07:18 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
Mine is about the same as Jenn's!
But I am working on it.

I am slowly making one, one task at a time, by watching when I seem to need to do it.
So far, I have a list of dailies and one task for each day.

ReadingMommy 03-21-2005 07:50 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
Okay, I'm a big geek. I love schedules, I love crossing things off my to do list, I love a clean house, and I'm a new flybaby with a working control journal. :)

Every morning my girls and I do our morning routines.
eat, have bible reading and prayer
they get dressed, make beds
I brush their hair and teeth
They do their chores, empty the garbages, dishwasher, etc.
They play

Then I finish or start my routine, depending on how our morning started.
After showering, etc, I dust (ostrich feather duster, quick and easy) , wipe down bathroom, and do a load of laundry.

Just by doing this, my house stays in good shape. The bathroom is always clean, the dishes are done right away, there is never dust (allergy issue for us) and the laundry never piles up. It's brings peace.

We clean up toys before dinner, we sweep floor after dinner, do dishes, lay out next days clothes, pack lunches if we're going to be out, basically I prepare so that the morning routine can happen smoothly. I can't wake up to dishes, dirt and a huge to do list, or I'm stressed.

I have certian chores I do on certian days too, (Tuesday errands, Thursday bake, Friday clean, etc)Sometimes I do them in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon. However it works with our moods, energy level and activities.

Please don't hate me. :OI used to struggle so much and now I have found the discipline to keep up and it feels great! (Did you know it only takes 10 minutes to fold and put away a load of laundry!!! or 5 minutes to empty the dishwasher!!!) :D

ShangriLewis 03-22-2005 01:37 AM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
The toilet stinks I think I'll wash it.

The dog can't get to his bed. (His den is the laundry room. He loves to sleep in there, so we moved his bed in there. But, he gets rather upset if we let laundry get near his bed..what can I say he's a Border Collie.)

Let's eat at the table...Gibran come get all your art work.

My favorite was the last time we mowed our grass was because Escher walked through this big chunk of it and

Actually, our house stays pretty clean. I did not grow up that way at I've tried to develop habits. I can't stand schedules. So, if I notice we have a problem we work on it till no one thinks about picking things up. Like I find myself cleaning the bathroom if I'm in there with the kids or if I'm cooking I clean the kitchen or put away dishes.


mummy2boys 03-23-2005 03:56 AM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
I am like ReadingMommy........we can be geeks together :blush :blush :blush

I am a clean freak too so I have a routine I stick too and I need to be really, really, really sick before I stop it

...away to hide under my rock :eek coming with me ReadingMommy ;)

LadybugSam 03-23-2005 02:19 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
I'm a fly baby too but i also grew uyp in a home where nothing got done (my mother was bi-polar) so i'm learning a lot of things slowly....

wanna see my schedule

~*Weekly Routine*~
(subject to change)

Sort Laundry
Take out trash

Laundry Day!

Put away Laundry
Clean Bedroom

make shopping list
take out trash


Quick clean
special project

Sweep Front Walk
re-stock diaper bag


and i have morning and bedtime routines too

~*Morning Routine*~

Get up!
Bathroom/Brush teeth
Get dressed (shoes!)

Get Moving!
Empty Dishwasher
Shine sink

Sweep Kitchen
Make Bed


(depending on whether or not the baby gets up with me, i'll "Get moving" either before he wakes up or while he's eating his breakfast) if he wakes up after me i'll take him to the bathroom and get him dressed once he's up, otherwise we do it at the same time)

~*Bedtime Routine*~

Get ready for bed
Brush teeth/wash face
Set out tommorow's clothes
Put baby to bed

Private time

Last minute clean up
Shine Sink
Quick Clean Livingroom

My time
Free time! (no free time if its after midnight)

but like i said i don't stick to it much

i do try to get diner started by 4pm though and i'm pretty good at doing that...

Heather 03-24-2005 01:40 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
I have a schedule but it's lost somewhere on this mess at my desk... :hiding

jammomy 03-24-2005 11:42 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
My schedule is alot like Jenn's :shrug But thanks to FlyLady, I now get my dishes done daily (most of the time) and get my bed made almost everyday. Also, I set aside two days per month (5th and 20th) to pay bills. Progress, not perfection! :tu

akmyilee 03-25-2005 08:36 AM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
I guess I am one of those, slightly hyper people about this type of stuff. (side note) I am reading a book called Women After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George. I REALLY hated it at first, alot about submitting to your husband and ya know that type of stuff BUT if you can read it with a realistic mindset, knowing what works for you, it has really been a joy for me. I have been learning that my husband/home is my carreer and something that I can be proud of if I am doing it God's way. Ok all of that to say that having a chore schedule / daily routine helps me to "feel" like I have accoplished something, even though I KNOW that I have just by being a loving mother to my kids and dh. We don't follow this to a tee everyday by anymeans, like if we have an afternoon apointment or want to go to the park or somethign. now to the point, sorry about the tangent. oh and btw, what is fly lady?

Daily Routine

6:15A Jonathon gets up

6:40A Prayers

7A - 9A Get dressed / Eat Breakfast
Mom’s Bible Study
Unload / Reload dishes
Start Laundry - Mon / Thurs

9A-1P Appointments - Work - (like paying bills, and helping my dh with the real estate business)
Make phone calls, etc.

1P Lunch

2P-4P Quiet Time
Reading, movie, sleep

4P-5P Cleaning

5:30P Kyle’s reading ½ hour

6P-9P Dinner and family time

9P Kyle in Bed

9:30 Amie and Jonathon Bible Study

Chore Plan

Mon- Laundry
Tue- Grocery shopping
Wed- Clean bathrooms
Thurs- Laundry Fri- Floors

ozmummy 03-25-2005 10:52 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules

oh and btw, what is fly lady?
A whole life system of being organised taking it slowly and developing habits, routines. Excellent when you've got no idea where to start in this.

I have just discovered
and I really like it because it's alot more simple, spoon feeding me chores. You basically have a list of daily chores, and then a couple extra jobs each day, which include things like "cut the children's nails" and "exercise" and "quiet time"
So I really like the way its got everything and I don't have to think about it.
I have a kind of morning and night routine happening from flylady, and I find most of the daily chores from motivatedmoms are the ones that are part of these routines anyway.

catholicapmom 03-27-2005 12:30 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
I've tried so hard to keep a schedule or routine, but when most of my day is spent with Bethany it doesn't work. :neutral Right now as long as my kitchen is clean by the end of the day I'm happy. :rolleyes

milkmommy 03-31-2005 04:19 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
I used to have a schedule drove me batty and house stayed clean for like two days... When GCM went down I felt sorry for my self and accomplished nothing. My new way. Get up look around make a list. post list here on GCM where it might be ingnored but oh well ;) Complete list. Go about life. What I no longer wory about 1) DD toys everything gets dumped into her play pen a few times a day and at bedtime, make beds :O If we ain't having guests I don't bother shes left everywhere. but dishes are done bathrooms clean, flloor are vaccuumed and mopped.


waremock 04-01-2005 12:52 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
No set schedule here but my house is always presentable no matter thou :) I'm the type who straightens/cleans as I go or as the mess occurs... I'm up at about 5-6am..I have a a quiet devotion bible time and :cup(everyone else is still sleeping except me my 4 month dd) an hour later dh awakes and does his devotion and plays with 4 month dd while I have breakfast and get breakfast ready for my 2 oldest. I shower if I have not done so the previous night. I load the dishwasher or do laundry (if it needs it) sometimes yes sometimes no. I love my (Relaxed non stressful home setting :D) 8am my 2 oldest wake up (on there own if they went to bed by 9pm the previous night) they sleep in til 9am if they went to be at 10-11pm the previous night..... and eat breakfast/talk, brush there teeth and then play for a while. 9am ds wakes up and he watches his bible sing along video while he eats his breakfast in the living room! By 10am I'm doing school with my 2 older dd's and by now my 4 month dd is napping for 2-3 hours. My ds is playing and running around the house wildly!! By 1-2pm we are done with school for the time being.. ds is down for his 3-4 hour stretch nap. dd is awake and the older girls play with her so I can have free time. or if they want to play by themselves..dd is with me having free time by 4pm I'm calling dh at work asking him what he wants for dinner or if he wants to eat out/order in? If he wants me to cook ..then I de-thaw whatever it is and get busy..he gets home at 5:30pm and he eats with me...More then 2 older dd's have already eaten by the time dh gets home.They eat whatever they want within reason....soup,salad,mac-cheese,fruit platter,rice,waffles,oatmeal..all depends what they ask for...They are very fond of breakfast type meals so sometimes do waffles/eggs and oatmeal all in the same day. They do not like to eat meat all that much...with exception of beef stew (spanish style) My dh is a meat and potatoes type of guy. 6pm everyone is up and we are all having family time in the living room. I sit down for about an hour to join in the conversation or board games etc...and then I'm up seeing if there is now dishes/laundry to do.. my 2 oldest dd's are in charge of drying the laundry and putting it away..also the empty the dishwasher and I restock of need be.. Somewhere threw out the day I whip my cordless full size vac out and run it threw each room of where ever ds has smashed his Ritz crackers and cherries He pretty much eats on the go every meal/snack.. (long story but 3 weeks ago he had a very bad scary fall back in his high chair and I have been unable to get myself to put him back in it since then :( I did not even post about it because it was just to sad to talk about at the time......ok, 8pm dh takes over the tv with all those (reality programs and some show called 24 that he won't even think about missing :shrug ) I'm not too much of a TV bug anymore..(I'd rather be here at GCM frankly) I do enjoy the occasional Lifetime movie thou :blush There was a good one on last night at 8 in fact!! ok, so 8pm we sometimes do more school for an hour if the girls want too..Generally they ask to do more ds goes to sleep at 9pm (unless he had more then one nap which he does about once every couple weeks)in which then he's waking up at 8pm and goes back down at girls go to bed whenever he does.. sometimes 9 sometimes 10-11....dh likes all the kiddos in bed at the same time so then we can have some quiet time together :smile

Well, that is it...everything is subject to chance at a moments notice...if it snows like crazy, I surprise the girls with a snow day and they spend the whole entire day in the backyard which is a hill and sled the day away!! Dh once in a while surprises us and comes home early and we all go out to lunch/shopping..I would not even think of changing the way things work around here. In my eyes it's pretty close to perfect. ~Michelle

gracieannsmom 04-08-2005 05:33 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
I have major OCD issues with cleaning. I am particularly obsessed with the kitchen. I sweep and mop at least once daily, sometimes more. If I see a speck of dirt on the floor, I'm right there with the Dustbuster to pick it up. Then while sucking up that piece of dirt, I notice others and before you know I'm hunched over "vaccuming" the entire kitchen floor with the Dustbuster. I also bleach the inside of the sinks several times a day, wipe down and sanatize the counters and stove several times a day as well. I am constantly picking up toys and putting them away all day and also sweeping up and disposing of dog hair. I am actually seeking help with a counselor for my issues because they are interfering with everyday life now. I am finding that with a toddler, I cannot handle messes; they need to be cleaned up immediately and if something else happens while cleaning up another mess I lose my marbles completely. I guess my mentality is that I am the only one here to do this since dh is gone for the year and so if I don't tend to messes as they come then I will have a bigger monster to deal with later. Still I have absolutely become obsessed wtih cleaning and I spend more time doing that than with my poor dd. So I finally decided I needed to seek professional help. I'm hoping they will be able to give me some constructive ideas of what I can do to help control my response to untidiness and dirt. I won't even let anyone help me with the laundry because I have an anxiety attack if they don't put a shirt on the hanger so it's facing in the same direction as the other shirts! :eek
Anyway, I'll have to let everyone know what I learn in my sessions when they start.

~yogamom~ 04-12-2005 02:53 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules

Originally Posted by gracieannsmom
I have major OCD issues with cleaning. I am particularly obsessed with the kitchen. I sweep and mop at least once daily, sometimes more. If I see a speck of dirt on the floor, I'm right there with the Dustbuster to pick it up. Then while sucking up that piece of dirt, I notice others and before you know I'm hunched over "vaccuming" the entire kitchen floor with the Dustbuster. I also bleach the inside of the sinks several times a day, wipe down and sanatize the counters and stove several times a day as well. I am constantly picking up toys and putting them away all day and also sweeping up and disposing of dog hair. I am actually seeking help with a counselor for my issues because they are interfering with everyday life now. I am finding that with a toddler, I cannot handle messes; they need to be cleaned up immediately and if something else happens while cleaning up another mess I lose my marbles completely. I guess my mentality is that I am the only one here to do this since dh is gone for the year and so if I don't tend to messes as they come then I will have a bigger monster to deal with later. Still I have absolutely become obsessed wtih cleaning and I spend more time doing that than with my poor dd. So I finally decided I needed to seek professional help. I'm hoping they will be able to give me some constructive ideas of what I can do to help control my response to untidiness and dirt. I won't even let anyone help me with the laundry because I have an anxiety attack if they don't put a shirt on the hanger so it's facing in the same direction as the other shirts! :eek
Anyway, I'll have to let everyone know what I learn in my sessions when they start.

:hugs gracieannsmom! It sounds like you're going through a really difficult time! I will be praying for you. Please let us know how you're doing!

~yogamom~ 04-12-2005 02:59 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
Here's my schedule. I am new at this (I've been a SAHM for 4 days!). Let me know what you think! Thanks!

Housekeeping Schedule


o Bedrooms
o Organize
o Dust
o Vacuum
o Windows
o Basics
o Dishes
o Pick up common areas
o Laundry
o Kitchen counters
o Hypnobabies
o Morning CD
o Afternoon CD
o Lightswitch practice!
o Bible Study and prayer time


o Kitchen
o Sweep and mop
o Stove
o Counters
o Microwave
o Clean out refrigerator
o Organize shelves and cupboards
o Basics
o Dishes
o Pick up common areas
o Laundry
o Kitchen counters
o Hypnobabies
o Morning CD
o Afternoon CD
o Lightswitch practice!
o Bible Study and prayer time


o Plan meals for entire week and create grocery list
o Bathroom
o Sweep and mop
o Counter
o Mirror
o Toilet
o Shower
o Replace hand towel
o Basics
o Dishes
o Pick up common areas
o Laundry
o Kitchen counters
o Hypnobabies
o Morning CD
o Afternoon CD
o Lightswitch practice!
o Bible Study and prayer time


o Grocery shopping for the week
o Office
o Organize
o Dust
o Windows
o Vacuum common areas and dsd's room
o Basics
o Dishes
o Pick up common areas
o Laundry
o Kitchen counters
o Hypnobabies
o Morning CD
o Afternoon CD
o Lightswitch practice!
o Bible Study and prayer time

o Wash bedding
o Clean out cars
o Organize
o Vacuum interior
o Windows
o Basics
o Dishes
o Pick up common areas
o Laundry
o Kitchen counters
o Hypnobabies
o Morning CD
o Afternoon CD
o Lightswitch practice!
o Bible Study and prayer time


o Basics
o Dishes and sink
o Pick up common areas
o Laundry
o Kitchen counters
o Hypnobabies
o Morning CD
o Afternoon CD
o Lightswitch practice!
o Bible Study and prayer time


o Basics
o Dishes and sink
o Pick up common areas
o Laundry
o Kitchen counters
o Hypnobabies
o Morning CD
o Afternoon CD
o Lightswitch practice!
o Bible Study and prayer time

ShangriLewis 04-13-2005 07:29 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
What's Hypnobabies?

purplerose 04-21-2005 10:12 AM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
Well, my schedules a bit weird, but it works for us!
-pick up messes as I go, but when kids go down for nap, that's when I put all the toys away!
-dishes put away, kitchen clean
-make beds, straighten rooms

Mondays-grocery shopping
Wednesdays-NOTHING!! A free day (except the daily stuff)
Thursday-BIG CLEANING DAY!!! This day I scrub down the bathrooms, mop the floors, and dusting
Saturday-FREE DAY!! This day I spend with my DH and my kids
Sunday-We are true to observing the Sabbath! We go to church, come home and eat lunch, the we have a family nap. After nap we have personal time with the Lord (prayer, meditation, scripture study, etc), then we have dinner and more family time! We don't do any work on Sunday excpet for cleaning up the kitchen after meals!

As needed-
vacuuming, washing finger prints off of windows, walls, etc! Whenever there is a mess, I clean it up! There are times when I don't stick to the schedule....I might clean the bathrooms on Friday, but I try my best to stick to this schedule as it works for us!!!

CelticJourney 04-21-2005 05:27 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
When dd1 was little and dh was in Bosnia for 8 months, I developed a schedule because it helped me NOT do so much. It was easier for me to just stop and play with the baby because I got a,b, and c done that day and d,e, and f were on TOMORROW's list. Otherwise I was trying so hard to keep busy that I was cleaning things that weren't really that dirty rather than relaxing and spending playtime with my little one.

So a schedule works both ways depending on your general personality.

Wikolia 04-22-2005 11:23 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
I have a weekly schedule I stick too. I grew up in a chaotic home and feel physically uncomfortable if my house is messy. I do have the ability to shut the door on a messy room though! :)

Monday-focus on outside stuff-projects, weeding, etc. Mon. nights are at gymnastics for both my kids. Mondays are my off days otherwise
Tuesday-make up grocery list at night after kids in bed, kids do a trash can chore, dd waters plants for me. also try to make a nice dinner this night, as opposed to throwing stuff together
Wednes-grocery shop, more yard stuff, laundry, help out in dd's class, have gym class in eve. (dd is a gymnast) dinner that night is usually toast and scrambled eggs
Thurs-I usually work in AM til early PM, afterwards just hang out with kids and cook dinner, also try to do a toy pickup with kids in prep for next day (stuff like games, projects they've been working on (Tues. and Thurs. I try to make really nice dinners) dd will also sometimes swiffer my bedroom (it's a laminate floor)
Friday-my big cleaning day! do some home preschool stuff with ds in AM, then let him watch a video while I clean. I usually clean my house all on Friday, plus laundry again!-I usually don't finish this up til late at night. My ds is 3 so he watches a disney movie. I work quickly, lol! I clean bathrooms, mop, clean countertops and vaccuum (usually after the video is over) Bathrooms I clean first, any dusting is done last. I do try to focus on different areas each week. Friday is also watering day for outside plants-fruit trees, landscape trees, garden, and grape vines.
Saturday-with family, weekend projects galore, go out or make a nice dinner
Sunday-church, and Bible study with dd in eve. dh cooks dinner Sun. night (it's either pancakes or waffles)

daily stuff-dishes, dh helps with that. dh also helps with toy pick-up. My dd feeds some of the animals, I feed the dogs. My dh has a home office, and I wish he would keep it a bit neater, but I can close the door. I also try to work on bills one night a week

I do alot of stuff on Fridays!

Wikolia 04-22-2005 11:35 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
I should have also added that when my kids were younger, I had to break up the housecleaning on different days. It has gotten easier now that they are older.

MrsJS 04-24-2005 06:26 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
Okay, how do you get your little ones to help? My boys have their days, where they will help pick up, but I would like to start having them help more. Does anyone have any suggestions?????? Thanks!

asher 05-02-2005 10:50 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
I love Motivated Moms, too. I have to say I didn't have much discipline before now. We're actually doing The Excellent Wife, which sounds a lot like your book akmyilee & it helped me to come to many of the same realizations. Motivated Moms gives me something to try to aspire to & reminds me of things I may not clean otherwise :D

GrowingInGrace 05-04-2005 03:20 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
I wouldn't say we have a schedule really, but that kind of goes with the rest of our lives. Very fluid.

week days we:

pick up toys and laundry
do laundry
do dishes
prepare some of the next day's foods
generally declutter
do maintenance gardening (weeds, etc)

Thursday and Friday (our preparation day) we:

do extra laundry that may need to be done
prepare church clothes
prepare all Sabbath meals
do the deeper "cleaning" (toilets, etc)


we rest!!!!! It sure is nice having a clean house then!

Sundays we:

do the major gardening (planting, building, etc)
mow the lawn
wash the bedding or other major laundry
precook things such as a crock of soup or large pot of beans or gluten for the week
grocery shop

At this point (we haven't always had good home routines) we need to frequently remind the twins to help. We've been doing better since we had Noah so he's always wanted to help clean.

Wikolia 05-06-2005 10:30 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
we have certain days that the kids do their "chores" Tues. is always trash can emptying day, since Wed. is or trash pickup day.

Thurs. nights is general pickup the toys, since Fri. is cleaning day.

The kids are supposed to put away their own clothes, after I fold them.

Dd can earn money for washing pots, watering plants, etc. She has a daily routine of feeding fish, cat, and is supposed to make her bed. On weekends I don't care (about the bedmaking part)

My dh is essential in establishing/maintaining the routine. My kids are 3 and 7. and no, it isn't always a well-oiled machine.

sarahtar 05-20-2005 12:51 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
Here's our routine. I do follow it. I go nuts if my house gets too disorderly.

Each week is a different zone (flylady's influence).
- Entries
- Living and dining rooms
- sunroom and kitchen
- bedrooms and bathroom
- basement

Each day I do 1-3 tasks in each zone. (3 short tasks, 1 long task, etc.) I dont' do the 15 minutes because, well, I just don't. Yesterday, I washed the windows in my bedroom, today I'll do DS's bedroom windows.

Each day, I wash the dishes immediately upon awakening. We don't have a dishwasher and it's easier to wash dishes daily than let them stack up. I can do 5 minutes daily. I can't do 30 minutes every third day.

Each day, I check my Daily Four:
- How is the laundry, including diapers?
- Does the garbage need to be taken out?
- What are we having for dinner?
- Do I need to pick up? ( the answer is always Yes)

Each night before bed, I make a mad dash through the house, tossing toys where they go, stacking books, putting tupperware back in the cupboard, etc.

Each week, on Friday or Saturday, I take care of things like:
- good whole-house pick up
- take basket of misc stuff that is upstairs but should be downstairs downstairs where it belongs
- toilet, sink, and shower

Each Monday, I balance the checkbook, pay bills, and answer email.

Spirit of the Home 05-26-2005 04:06 AM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
Well I see I am coming on board after every one else has moved on but I just have something to say about this one ;).
My mother worked so most of the housecleaning fell onto me. There were 8 in our family and I was the one that did not like having friends over with the dirty house. So I cleaned heavy duty if I wanted to invite someone over.
When I was first married I kept an immaculate see yourself in the waxed floors house :cool
When my children were little I tried to keep up with this style of housekeeping but Crystal cured me of the floors. Every time I would mop and wax, she would spill something major :hissyfit on my see yourself in the floor job. After several times of this I did not like my attitude so I changed my expectations. :-). Since it was a choice I was not embarrased by it :hugheart. I prayed and asked God to just let me have a home people could relax and be comfortable in. :grouphug.
Then during pregnancy # 3 I found I had a harder time keeping up because I believed that the children would be gone soon[ and they were] and I didn' want to miss a moment of fun with them.
We didn't have the flylady and People began to tell me how comfortable they felt in my home :tu.
During the years from my childhood to date I moved 61 times, so most of my major cleaning was at moving time :-). So when we moved into our last home of 18 years, that was my challenge, to learn how to spring clean :rolleyes.
Then I got a job that brought lots of boxes into the home, so now I just got a bigger home where they don' take up the whole living space. :highfive
I also believe in helping my daughter and son that have children and try to clean something every time I visit. ie do the dishes , swish the toilet brush around vacuum etc. They have let me know they appreciate this so I don't feel like I am insulting them or intruding. I see how wonderful the dgc are turning out so I like helping this way. :hug

Before this turns into a novel this is a poem I just read and hope it blesses you.
"This is a Home Where Children Live.
Judith Bond
You may not find things all in place,
Friend when you enter here.
But we're a home where children live,
We hold them very dear.
And you may find small fingerprints
And smudges on the wall.
When the kids are gone we'll clean them up ,
Right now we're playing ball.
For theres one thing of which we're sure,
These children are on loan.
One day they're always underfoot,
Next thing you know they're grown.
That's when we'll have a well-kept house,
When they're off on their own.
Right now, this is where children live,
A loved and lived-in home."
I,m thankful for flylady but I am also set free from see yourself in the floors attitude :highfive
Love Karmen

asher 05-26-2005 08:02 AM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
Awesome inspiration & poem, Karmen. THANKS! I'm going to go play w/ my son now. :D


sarahtar 05-26-2005 11:05 AM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules
LOL - at least right now, cleaning IS playing with my son! He thinks the broom is a special toy that mama only gets out at special times. He loves to use the feather duster as his own mini broom, following me around as I sweep. Any time I get 3 crumbs in a pile, he's right there, scattering them around for me!

He enjoys when I dust, too, and went nuts as I was cleaning the windows. Mostly it was a game of Hide The Soapy Water Bowl From Wally, but he thought it was great fun.

13 month olds are pretty easy, though!

gracieannsmom 05-29-2005 01:21 PM

Re: Home-keeping Schedules

During the years from my childhood to date I moved 61 times, so most of my major cleaning was at moving time . So when we moved into our last home of 18 years, that was my challenge, to learn how to spring clean .
Oh my gosh Spirit of the must have been a military child to have moved that many times! God bless you for keeping up with all that!

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