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LadybugSam 07-07-2010 09:18 AM

Re: Household notebooks
everytime i clean my house i use it. Unfortunately its been all i could do to keep up with laundry, dishes, and keeping the livingroom clean.

But i use it maybe once or twice every other week :shifty It helps me focus and get things done instead of staring at a huge pile of mess.

TrinMama 07-07-2010 07:41 PM

Re: Household notebooks
i'm using mine, even while moving! :giggle it was pretty unused for a month or so, but during our long-haul road-trip, it helps to keep things I'd want: recipes, quick info about fevers in kids, that kind of thing. And I've had it open several days this week. :yes

Tuesdayschild 07-08-2010 06:42 AM

Re: Household notebooks
I find I use some sections more than others... The cleaning routines section :bag I also had great plans for a garden section and got some info on encouraging butterflies and gardening with kids. But that was all I did. OTOH, I use the food section for menu planning and shopping lists every week. And I find having a contacts section v useful too :tu

monkeylicious 07-09-2010 03:24 AM

Re: Household notebooks
I'm in the never finished putting it together category :paperbag BUT had it out the other day looking to see what it still needs. I do plan to finish it before school starts. G will be at a very active parent involvement school in first grade and E is starting at a co-op nursery school. That will mean I'm very involved there as well. So those along with MMOPS steering team, Daisy co-leader, Bible study, Moms club, and working/taking yoga will have me needing a notebook to keep the house kept up with and my other things a bit more organized. I really want to have things planned/done ahead of time. I feel like with many things I scramble at the last minute to get stuff done :shifty

BlessedBlue 07-09-2010 04:01 AM

Re: Household notebooks

Originally Posted by Naxi (Post 3188620)
Actually, the two things that I find hard about my notebook are, firstly, having somewhere to leave it out. It seems so big in my tiny kitchen and DH goes crazy if he sees it "lying around".

:hug I have problems with clutter attracting clutter. Add to that, children who think an open notebook is an invitation to scribble, rearrange, and who knows what! I have 1 tiny counter that is just big enough for a closed binder (counter not pictured). So, I designed my binder to work in that space. I took a plain white binder with a clear pocket on the front. Decorated it minimally with scrapbooking stickers. (I'm a minimalist, anyway. And I didn't want to waste my energy in decorating :shifty. I want it to be functional. There are some pretty notebooks in this thread :yes, but my ADD would be too distracted by them. :giggle)

I don't use it every day. Or every week. I'd like to. I am learning how to use it more often. I do think it's great as a refocusing tool, though. So if I feel like I've lost my focus, I definitely pull the notebook out (from the pile of stuff :bag) and work on updating to-do lists. I put today's to-do list in the front. I have a dry-erase marker sticky-tacked right next to the list. My to-do list might have many things on it, or just a few. BUT I prioritize it. One thing I learned when I owned my own business is to make a list of my 6 MOST IMPORTANT THINGS. Those go at the top of the list. There may be many important things, but those 6 are what are the most urgent, or what will help me feel like I've gotten something accomplished. I draw a horizontal line, and add the rest of the things I'd like to get to. Whatever doesn't get done today I will re-evaluate for tomorrow's list. Sometimes things get postponed until the same time next week.

I also give myself permission to not feel guilty if I'm not using it perfectly. It is a tool. It does help me focus/refocus. As I use it, I am finding that some things (menu planning, to-do lists, budget items, educational goals for the kids) really belong here because they are referenced often. Other things (monthly goals for 6 months from now, non-current-seasonal items, crafting, bills, etc) don't belong in here because I'm not referencing them much, or because it just becomes too crowded. I have a file cabinet for stuff like that. And things can be rotated between the 2.

One thing I still need to do is make a information sheet about each kid (medical info, allergy info, etc.) and a quick reference sheet for babysitters.

Momma2Luke 08-06-2010 10:51 AM

Re: Household notebooks
I must be losing my marbles.. i thought for SURE that i had posted pics of my binder in this thread... but as I don't see it, I must have only dreamt that I did!! LOL!!

Okay.... here is the link that was my inspiration:
Here are pics of my binder:
The Front Cover
The Spine
One of the tabbed Divider pages I made
A Pocket Page that holds medical records within the Family Health Records section
My binder is divided in the following sections:
Homekeeping - keep copies of housekeeping schedule, recipe for homemade laundry soap, garden layout, etc, etc.
Menus - self explanatory!
Budget - all things related to our budget
Parenting - various articles
Self Improvement - nothing in this section yet - the idea was to have a place to keep a list of my goals that i'm working on.
Hobbies and Decor - patterns that i'm currently working on, pics of decor that i like, paint samples, etc.
Birthdays and Xmas - ideas for gifts, list of birthdays (which badly needs updating!), etc.
Family and Health Records - a pocket page to hold medical records, and other family records
Miscellaneous - I tend to put schedules here for things like AWANA, John's work schedule, and anything else that doesn't fit into the other categories get's put here.
Contacts - printed from my Microsoft outlook - all of my contacts, OMWF contact list, church family finder.

Redeemed 08-16-2010 05:06 PM

Re: Household notebooks

Originally Posted by rjruiz_415 (Post 2831777)
Okay I've got mine started. I went over to my mom's yesterday and printed out any form I thought I might need:) Thank you to everyone who shared ideas and pictures and links of yours! I stole lots from you all! And then got a 2 inch binder and sheet protectors. This is not finished by any means. And I do not think I will actually be keeping everything in a sheet protector, I just need a hole puncher! Also, someone here gave the idea to make a divider out of a sheet protector by adding a tab of tape and a label, so that is what I am doing. I just designed the actual dividers, and just need to get some tabs made up. Nothing is filled out, cause, well, i just finished it this morning. One thing I would love input on is some verses. I have left a little area(s) on each tabbed page for some sort of bible verse or inspirational saying that has to do with the specific topic. The back side of each page is a printed page (with a floral design that I forgot to photograph) where I also intended to print out a verse/saying etc... So if anyone has any ideas, I would love to hear them:heart Here we go! Sorry for the funky photos, I had a helper pulling at the binder!

First the front, side and back:

Then all of my sections:-)
I currently have a year calendar and then my vague morning and evening routine (or what they *should* be):

then some weekly calendars. I had already printed out the dated one but then I found the other one, which i like much better. i also found one other that is similar to the second one, but is lined:

Then my housekeeping one. I:heartthis page!

Then i have a master to do list, where I will list things that need to be done, big things that need to be bought, etc...

Then my daily cleaning list. It has two pages, this is just the first. Things that should be done on a daily basis:

Then some variation of the daily quick clean:

Behind that is the emergency quick clean:

Then my *Super Duper Cleaning List* This one is things like scrubbing the indide of the fridge, cabints, windows, vaccuming under furniture, etc... Things that are not on a regular basis (for my lazy self-lol) So I have it listed with 8 weeks and I will decide which week I will do each room:) It, too, is two pages long:)

And then i have a bunch of stuff LadyBugSam linked to (thanks) FlyLady's Detailed Zone cleaning list, FL's 11 comandments, FL's kitchen makeover and her Zone 1 (entrance/dining room) and Zone 5 (living room) makeover lists. Just a pic of the first of many pages:

Next the food section:

right now I've got a weekly menu planner and monthly planner. the weekly's far right section says shopping list, but i think i will just put snack ideas there, as I have a seperate shopping list:

And I *know* everyone wants to see a picture of my shopping list! Next to that is a freezer inventory list. Behind that I have a pantry inventory list, and I could make a fridge one, but i think I may go through those things too fast to make it worth it...

Then a page for recipes to try, and favorite recipes. They both have columns for the recipe, the cookbook/source, the pags, and and comments:

My money section:

All i have printed out is a price list, but will be printing out lists of all my accounts with my log in information. Also my mothly budget, and some other things that I just did not have time to print yesterday!

Faith section:

The Parenting section (thank you to whoever suggested this one:heart) my older 2 helped with the stickers on this one:

Then, the learning (homeschool) section. We are not going to be doing *school at home* so I thought this would be more appropriate. The kids also did stickers on this one:

The reference area:

I have just a birthdays and anniversaries list, and then a famiy yellow pages list, but will put any other info here. Info about each person in the family, random things like that:

and then my littlest helper while I was taking pics:heart

I :heart your binder! I'm working on mine tonight. DH is being a sweetie and cooking dinner since I cooked last night. ;)

charla 08-17-2010 09:52 PM

Re: Household notebooks
I've wanted to share my binder with you for awhile and just now got the pics uploaded to photo bucket. I keep losing my post so I'm going to save it often and then edit for more pics. I didn't take pics of every page because some of them are just plain boring. :giggle


Housekeeping section:

Housekeeping includes:
Weekly homekeeping schedule

To do list:

This section also includes a list of things I tend to put off :shifty, a long-term project list, a declutter/organization list, all natural cleaners recipes, bedtime routine, and a packing list.

Health section:

This section includes homemade natural personal care product recipes and a guide for essential oils. I'd like to develop this section more.

Weekly Menu and Recipes section:

This includes my menu for the week, the recipes for the week, and lists of ideas for breakfasts, lunches and suppers as well as a list I asked the kids to make of foods they really like for menu planning purposes.

Shopping lists section:
This section includes a shopping list that I've made on the computer, a bulk food shopping list I also made on the computer and a generic shopping list for other stores that I might need to go to such as health food store or Lowes or something like that.

Emergency Preparedness:

I'm just now starting on this section. Right now it includes plans that are in the works for emergency food storage. It's a work in progress.


This is the only thing it includes so far. My square foot garden plan on graph paper with seed packets stuck in the page protector. It works. :giggle

Special events:

This section includes an event planning page:

Family birthday and anniversary list:

Gift ideas page:


This section contains gentle reminders to help me parent grace-fully. It contains ideas to jog my memory such as playful parenting, scripting, etc. and inspirational quotes to inspire me.

In the pocket at the back of the binder, I have a list of ideas for future sections for the binder.

Thankfully, I've crossed off quite a few. :phew

And on the outside of the binder on the back side, I have an 8X10 pic of my family to remind me why I am doing all of this. :heart

Forsynthianicki 08-18-2010 11:55 AM

Re: Household notebooks

Originally Posted by charla (Post 3272835)

And on the outside of the binder on the back side, I have an 8X10 pic of my family to remind me why I am doing all of this. :heart


CakeLady 08-18-2010 12:26 PM

Re: Household notebooks
I need a cool name for my binder....any ideas?

LadybugSam 08-18-2010 12:46 PM

Re: Household notebooks
mine is my command center :giggle

Earthmummy07 10-24-2010 02:57 AM

Re: Household notebooks
I'm updating mine in honour of our upcoming move. I'm experimenting with using an A5 binder instead of an A4, because I've moved on to having separate binders for Education/play stuff, NFP charts, and will have a separate one for bank statements etc, call me weird, but to me an A5 binder just feels nicer :shifty. Also, it wont take up as much space when I have it open. We're going to have a big notice board with some of the things that were in my folder pinned to it, to make it easier. So there isnt as much to go in the folder.

The only downside is that I am not technically minded enough to print off much of my stuff in A5 sizes, so a lot of it is hand written, which makes it feel less proffessional and organised in my mind. Which is just silly, I know. But that's how my brain works.

LadybugSam 10-24-2010 11:53 AM

Re: Household notebooks

Originally Posted by Teenageearthmummy07 (Post 3420115)
a lot of it is hand written, which makes it feel less proffessional and organised in my mind. Which is just silly, I know. But that's how my brain works.

It may be weird but i'm the same way, so we're weird together :giggle

Earthmummy07 10-25-2010 12:47 PM

Re: Household notebooks
I figured out how to print in A5!!! Only I can't work out how to print on A5 paper, so I've had to print A5 pages on A4 paper and cut it out. So the edges are not perfectly straight so it *still* feels wrong :shifty and I know I will end up hassling DF until he shows me how to print on A5 and do it all again :bag

amen_mama 12-09-2010 02:58 PM

Re: Household notebooks
I have one for my family of 3! I got some ideas from a site called homeschoolmom (I think!) and the rest from that organized home site you linked. I have a seperate Christmas binder full of goodies from that site as well, card checklists, gift lists, thank you card checklists, recipes for gifts, etc. It makes things soo much easier, this is my second year using it.

My binder got thick really fast so I ended up splitting out the children's activities (ie Sunday School, Homeschool Co-op, Sports) into their own small binders and labeled the spines. HTH!!

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