View Full Version : How to know it's the end? UPDATE Pg 2, #22 The end is today 1/25/17

tempus vernum
01-02-2017, 05:28 PM
If anyone's willing to talk about this, I'd appreciate it. We know it's getting close ...

Our German shepherd is 12.5. He's amazing . Takes two short walks a day and eats and drinks well. He sleeps a lot and is beginning to lose his footing. He's on corydalis (for pain), a joint supplement and fish oil (all prescribed by our vet!) he has a neurological muscle disorder. He shakes and the missteps are due to the brain not being able to communicate w his body.

Lately I'm concerned. He still gets up and gets excited, even frisky like a puppy. But on wet cold days (like today) I see the end. Not sure if the end is jow or the end is just soon...

at the vet last time we got no indication that the end was soon or what to look for but... lately I feel it in my gut that it's soon. And he was just at the vet in the fall.

I don't want to put him down but I don't want him to suffer.

I cannot quite describe how hard it is to hit submit!

01-02-2017, 05:39 PM

It sounds like he has some time left.

I think when you see how he is and when you know him (plus whatever the vet might say about prognosis) you can just tell. This is just from my experience with two cats.

01-02-2017, 05:50 PM
Trust your gut. Our dog was a big dog, and he got to the point where his hips hurt no matter what. We knew it was getting close. Then one day he could not stand at all. Up to that day he was mostly happy. We knew that it would be tome when he was mostly in pain. We still miss him. Best dog ever. We put him down like 8 years ago

Sweet Life
01-02-2017, 05:54 PM
I agree that you'll know. For our pet who was a 15yo golden retriever, he showed it with small seizures. My advice is to go to the vet you trust as soon as you do know - we waited too long even though we knew - and it was even harder than it should have been. I'm sorry. :hugheart

01-02-2017, 06:08 PM
Around here they have vets that will come to your house just for that purpose. I think it would be much nicer that way!

01-02-2017, 06:12 PM
I believe you will know.

They won't express pain like we do, so it's important to listen to your gut.

I'm sorry you have this now. :(

01-02-2017, 06:40 PM
I love your dog, too. :hugheart

I'm so glad I got to see him last summer. :heart

01-02-2017, 08:19 PM
For us, I knew at least a month ahead of time that it was coming. Our dog wasn't able to enjoy outside like she used to. She needed more and more help going up and down stairs. The last day we had her, I gave her 4 days of pain meds in a 12-hour period. All this accomplished was to make her more aware of the world around her when I took her outside, But it made her back legs non-functional. I was so sad when I saw that, because I realized how much pain she really must have been in. I had to wait until DH was ready to let her go (hence it took a month from my realizing it was coming, to it actually happening).

The dog was on 2 pain meds and laser therapy before we put her down. Our vet wanted to try some other treatments but I had no desire to extend life when she wasn't able to enjoy the outside as much as she had all her life.

01-03-2017, 06:41 AM
Our dog was sick, and we tried the lower cost less invasive treatment options. She seemed to be turning a corner and we were hopeful, she started to get that spark back, but then she crashed. We decided at fourteen years old it wouldn't be fair to put her through anymore tests or treatments. When we took her to the vet for the last time she wasn't even nervous like she usually was. It was like she knew. The vet hadn't tried to influence our decision but after it was over he told us it was the kind thing to do.

It was hard to feel like it was the right thing even though it was. It felt all kinds of wrong but I knew rationally it wasn't fair to her to expect her to either stay in what was likely constant pain, or drugged into oblivion. A dog's life is unnaturally longer because of human intervention, and the flip side of that intervention is the responsibility of making this choice. It's so hard.

01-03-2017, 08:09 AM
One of our cats had a feline virus that is always fatal, so we knew she wasn't going to last long. We knew it was time to put her down when she didn't have the energy to interact with us like she usually did. She started avoiding stairs because they were too hard for her, even though she usually loved coming up to hang out with us (dd1 especially). We could see that her body wasn't letting her do what she wanted. :(

01-03-2017, 12:12 PM
Such a hard decision.

To a point "we knew", but I came to that point before DH - our pup tried harder to hide her pain from him. :cry She was only 3, but it was clear that her tumor was growing too fast to not cause severe pain. For me, it was clear that her bad times were outweighing her good, and she was struggling to eat and drink.


01-03-2017, 04:30 PM
Our first basset was still a puppy when we had to put him down. Our vet gave us the option of surgery ($1500 minimum, with no guarantee he would get better) or put him down. :cry It broke our hearts, and he was still just a puppy-I can't imagine how bad it would have been with an older dog. :cry:cry

I'm so sorry you're dealing with this.:hug2

tempus vernum
01-03-2017, 07:23 PM
Thanks everyone for these words of wisdom, understanding and comfort . He's not even on a pharmaceutical yet as we see a holistic vet. DH is taking him tomorrow morning to the vet to ask for pain meds and to make sure that we r not being selfish in attempting pain meds first. We know he's getting up there and it's our desire he not suffer. i believe this med will be the "last attempt to keep him Comfortable."

DH gave an aspirin as directed by the vet. And he perked up quite a bit. He slipped on the ice this weekend and so we need to make sure that if he hurt himself it's going to heal.

Lisa, I know u love him. :heart (warning massive processing coming) It's crazy how many people Xander has helped overcome fear of dogs or caused them to fall in love w dogs. This is the best dog I've ever had-- we say all the time he's ruined us for other dogs. he's gone through lots of ups and downs w us. He's kissed away more tears from my face than I can count. He's been there during a birth (he wouldn't leave my side during our unplanned car birth-- some of my memories are screaming "Xander get shawn" and him pacing barking and whining :giggle :heart ) and during chemo. Sat w me as I cried over anaphylaxis and pregnancy loss and carbon monoxide ... he's tolerated crazy costumes and selfies roflol. He's the "person" I cry with when I just cannot speak of it or be with people. Honestly, I've cried a lot over this dog too :bheart and my kids are starting to process. They don't remember life before him even though dd1 does remember adopting him. At 16,15 and 11, we r just bracing ourselves for the lifestyle change.

It sounds crazy but he's entertwined in so many memories of our family. They cannot imagine camping w out him and we've only once left him for more than 4 days :hiding . It's mind boggling to me ... frankly he's been spoiled rotten because he's so good :shifty

I started off trying to read and edit this post.. but it's just too hard and raw and real.. so I'm leaving it :bheart this is so much harder than I thought it would be. Probably because I refused to really think of it and what it will be like.

01-03-2017, 08:18 PM
The end, or near the end, is sooo hard. I hate it!

I have rules I made for myself. It's time when they stop eating, can't get up, and/or lose control of bowels/bladder.

Even with those rules I seem to wait a little bit too long, I have such a hard time letting go. I'm a mess leading up to it then once it's over I am still sad but have a peace.

My last two dogs (Golden, then a Lab) both lived to be 14+. In the end I was helping them to go outside for the bathroom and feeding them anything I could get them to eat, canned food, baby food, eggs, whatever.

tempus vernum
01-03-2017, 08:38 PM
Thank you Katherine ! I've not done old age. We've had to do illness but never old age! That's extremely helpful because he is eating, drinking, walking, and has control of bowel and his bladder.

tempus vernum
01-04-2017, 10:36 AM

The vet gave him aquapuncture (b12 shots in acupuncture points) and started a pharmaceutical med. adjusted his supplements to a stronger dose and suggested a new walking harness to stabilize his hips. We can choose do aquapuncture every 4-6 weeks for pretty inexpensive for $20 :jawdrop ---- cheap!!!

Sorry if I got carried away or dramatic.:blush Watching our beloved pup get old has been really hard :( and honestly this thread has been good because truthfully it's not going to be extremely long at his age

Thank you all :grouphug

tempus vernum
01-23-2017, 06:21 PM
The vet believes Xander had a stroke today. The vet said He should recover in 24-48 hrs and he's improving by the hour but we may have a big decision to make this week.

It's been Very difficult already. A roller coaster because the aquapuncture and new meds have made him almost frisky again.

01-23-2017, 07:15 PM
Oh no!! Praying!

01-23-2017, 08:06 PM
Praying. My 19 yo cat had a stroke last year and was fine by the next day. I think a lot depends on the severity.

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tempus vernum
01-23-2017, 08:44 PM
He's not improving a lot anymore. It's just wait and see now! He was drinking and eating by himself but it's so hard. We don't want him to suffer

01-24-2017, 08:37 PM

tempus vernum
01-25-2017, 04:48 AM
I was waiting to connect w Lisa to update --- then I tried and just couldn't speak of it..today will be the day we say goodbye


He took a horrible turn for the worse and every few hours there is another decline. The only option was a neurologist. he's obviously given up. I prayed for confirmation that we were doing the right thing. This morning he had wedged himself in the corner so dh and I tried to shift him around so he wasn't so horribly uncomfortable. We realized we cannot even get him out of the house so I will be calling to find someone to Come to him as soon as DH can get off work. I'm expecting the kids to be very upset. Especially ds and I wanted it not to happen here but truthfully many spots in the house are "Xander's" spots. Only our eldest has memories before we got him and she was only 4 so they are extremely vague. When I told DH, Xander's corner is already going o be difficult to see , especially after the last 48 hrs, he agreed I should call someone in.

My face is puffy, my eyes are swollen and I have been crying for at least 30 of 48 hrs. I keep trying to do everything I can to keep him comfy and there is nothing I can do. And now he cannot leave the house so we must shift him to ensure he's not in a puddle of urine.

So many heartbreaking moments. I have been having to hand feed him food and water because we don't want him dehydrated and adding to his pain. Dd1 got him to drink from the bowl and she insisted it might get better. Ds wailing and processing aloud abt all the things he's not sure he can do again. Dd2 trying to understand over and over asking the same questions.

I'm especially grateful for this thread now. I have read it over and over and over. It's become a bit of a memorial for me already. It's taken me hours to get the courage to post this as I didn't sleep last night!

01-25-2017, 06:28 AM
Oh mama. I am so sorry. Praying for you all today.

01-25-2017, 06:58 AM
I'm so sorry. :cry

This just a simple comic strip but it helped me so much, I read it over and over.

I'll be praying. :hugheart

01-25-2017, 07:22 AM
:hugheart:cry I'm so sorry! I'll be praying for you!

01-25-2017, 08:14 AM
I haven't posted before because we are in the same situation at our household right now with a beloved pet. (We have been through this several times in the past and it is so painful.)

I saw that today is the day, so I wanted to give you a virtual hug :hugheart and pray that God will comfort your family and your pet.

01-25-2017, 01:06 PM
:hugheart I'm so sorry. Praying

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tempus vernum
01-25-2017, 02:51 PM
My gut said now while my heart cried no. He is gone :bheart

Xander 5/2004 to 1/25/2017 :candle
Went peacefully surrounded his 5 people
Gifted peace by the vet he loved.

We didn't trust the home vet so took him to our amazing vet he loves. It was difficult to get him there but so glad we took him to someone we trust. Once the vet came in he visibly calmed. They treated us extremely well. He was put in their Japanese acupuncture room. :candle

01-25-2017, 02:54 PM
oh Jodi (((hugs)))

I know I was so grateful for the love and care from our beloved vet's office when Nessie left us. We wrapped her in her blanket, and hugged and cried. Its so hard.

01-26-2017, 05:35 PM
I am so, so sorry. :cry:cry:cry:hug2

01-26-2017, 05:40 PM
I am so sorry. :cry:hugheart

01-26-2017, 09:56 PM
Praying for you, friend.

01-26-2017, 10:06 PM
You have me crying over here.

I'm so sorry.

01-27-2017, 03:23 PM
:hugheart :pray4

This time is so hard. :hugheart

tempus vernum
01-27-2017, 03:31 PM
This has been harder than we imagined. So so difficult. I didn't expect the grief to be so heavy.

Thank you for the prayers and support.

tempus vernum
04-19-2017, 07:15 PM
I finally ordered Xander's memorial. Here is the picture they made to put in it!


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---------- Post added at 09:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:13 PM ----------

It's still hard. I still hear him, watch for him and miss him. When the grief catches me and won't let go, I come and read this thread and the cartoon and the encouragement. :ty3

We may be getting another fur baby this weekend and I'm struggling a bit.

04-19-2017, 09:28 PM
Oh, what a beautiful dog. :heart:heart He reminds me a lot of my own dog. So glad you were able to get a memorial for him. Thinking of you. :hug

04-19-2017, 10:18 PM
I'm praying. The picture is sweet. :heart

04-20-2017, 02:04 AM
He is a beautiful dog and your lives were so blessed having him in it :heart

Still thinking and praying for you all. Our first dog has been gone for almost 6 years and I still miss him every day, but I smile a lot more thinking about him now

04-20-2017, 03:19 PM
Sometimes I look around our property and try to imagine how different it will be when our dog is gone. Right now it's so full of his life and presence. I can imagine how hard this is. That is such a sweet picture of him.

tempus vernum
01-25-2019, 08:54 AM
Two years ago we said goodbye to Xander!!! It’s still hard :cry honestly, I still miss him a lot...

01-25-2019, 10:35 PM
I am so sorry. :hugheart :cry

01-29-2019, 03:24 PM
My SIL just had to put down their 11 year-old GSD. :bheart

I'm sorry you still miss him. :bheart