View Full Version : Nausea that comes and goes...

08-01-2016, 10:22 AM
Over the last month or so AJ has dealt with nausea that comes and goes and lots of bouts of "throwing up in her mouth."

She'd taken a probiotic pretty much daily for ages, though I *did* change to a new one recently, but the stomach issues don't happen every day even though she takes the probiotic nearly every day. Is it possible that it's too strong for her? But if it is, wouldn't she have an issue every day?

I thought maybe it was bottled-up worry or fear, but I've talked with her multiple times and there doesn't seem to be anything that she's obsessing or stressing out over.

Sometimes she'll decide that she's just really hungry, and she'll eat and be fine, but other times she'll say she doesn't want to eat because she thinks it'll make her throw up.

Thoughts?? I'm baffled!

08-01-2016, 10:25 AM
"throwing up in her mouth" sounds like reflux. Even having that happen to me repeatedly would be enough to cause me anxiety-induced nausea.

Things you can try:

apple cider vinegar
digestive enzymes
papaya enzymes

Or you could try an OTC reflux med. At least if you did that you would know if it was reflux or not.

08-01-2016, 01:11 PM
I agree with Aerynne. It sounds like reflux.

Apple cider vinegar would be the cheapest thing to try. It might be difficult to get her to drink it, though. I would try maybe a 1/2 TBSP in a glass of water.

If she can swallow pills, I would have her try Betaine HCl.

08-01-2016, 02:43 PM
My AJ is having the same thing, except not the throwing up in her mouth thing, but occasionally vomiting at night from it. She won't eat, but I suspect it is blood sugar related.

I had the same thing growing up, my current theory is drainage (she has a little cough some times) into her stomach and low blood sugar making her ill.

I also wonder if there is not some sort of hormone shift that happens around 6-7, because my memories of it are so very similar to the nausea I got from birth control pills and pregnancy. I didn't start puberty until 11 or 12 but I wonder if some thing starts at that age (like boys get a testosterone surge) that makes the body more susceptible to blood sugar issues and feelings of nausea.:think

08-01-2016, 02:53 PM
Kombucha might be helpful if you can't get her to take any ACV.

08-01-2016, 07:18 PM
There's no way she'd drink AVC or Kombucha. Sensory issues. :/

08-02-2016, 09:04 AM
I seem to recall J doing this about that age. I do think some of it is hormone related. Has she shown any signs of starting menses? blood sugar is also probably related.

08-02-2016, 09:05 AM
There's no way she'd drink AVC or Kombucha. Sensory issues. :/

Have you tried JT's kombucha? They have it at my local target. The trilogy is super fizzy and tastes just like soda.

08-02-2016, 10:46 AM
I would go with the possibly most obvious first and cut the probiotics either completely (if possible) or move to only a couple of times a week. It is definitely possible to over-ferment the gut with probiotics. Symptoms would be gas and bloating (I know this can be a symptom of early probiotic use as systemic yeast die off, but it's also a sign of too much). Both of those could easily be construed as a bellyache or cause reflux in an otherwise healthy body where reflux isn't a common problem.